3.3 KiB
What is it?
A Puppet module that can construct files from fragments.
Please see the comments in the various .pp files for details as well as posts on my blog at http://www.devco.net/
Released under the Apache 2.0 licence
If you wanted a /etc/motd file that listed all the major modules on the machine. And that would be maintained automatically even if you just remove the include lines for other modules you could use code like below, a sample /etc/motd would be:
Puppet modules on this server: -- Apache -- MySQL
Local sysadmins can also append to the file by just editing /etc/motd.local their changes will be incorporated into the puppet managed motd.
# class to setup basic motd, include on all nodes class motd { $motd = "/etc/motd" concat{$motd: owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', } concat::fragment{"motd_header": target => $motd, content => "\nPuppet modules on this server:\n\n", order => 01, } # local users on the machine can append to motd by just creating # /etc/motd.local concat::fragment{"motd_local": target => $motd, ensure => "/etc/motd.local", order => 15 } } # used by other modules to register themselves in the motd define motd::register($content="", $order=10) { if $content == "" { $body = $name } else { $body = $content } concat::fragment{"motd_fragment_$name": target => "/etc/motd", content => " -- $body\n" } } # a sample apache module class apache { include apache::install, apache::config, apache::service motd::register{"Apache": } }
Detailed documentation of the class options can be found in the manifest files.
Known Issues:
- Since puppet-concat now relies on a fact for the concat directory, you will need to set up pluginsync = true on both the master and client node's '/etc/puppet/puppet.conf' for at least the first run. You have this issue if puppet fails to run on the client and you have a message similar to "err: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter path failed: File paths must be fully qualified, not 'undef' at [...]/concat/manifests/setup.pp:44".
Paul Elliot
- Provided 0.24.8 support, shell warnings and empty file creation support.
Chad Netzer
- Various patches to improve safety of file operations
- Symlink support
David Schmitt
- Patch to remove hard coded paths relying on OS path
- Patch to use file{} to copy the resulting file to the final destination. This means Puppet client will show diffs and that hopefully we can change file ownerships now
Peter Meier
- Basedir as a fact
- Unprivileged user support
Sharif Nassar
- Solaris/Nexenta support
- Better error reporting
Christian G. Warden
- Style improvements
Reid Vandewiele
- Support non GNU systems by default
Erik Dalén
- Style improvements
Gildas Le Nadan
- Documentation improvements
Paul Belanger
- Testing improvements and Travis support
Branan Purvine-Riley
- Support Puppet Module Tool better
Dustin J. Mitchell
- Always include setup when using the concat define
Andreas Jaggi
- Puppet Lint support
Jan Vansteenkiste
- Configurable paths
puppet-users@ mailing list.