- add docu about the monitoring module - add hint to initialize, what the credentials are. - add real world example
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183 lines
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# Icinga Web 2
#### Table of Contents
1. [Description](#description)
2. [Setup - The basics of getting started with Icinga Web 2](#setup)
* [Setup requirements](#setup-requirements)
* [Beginning with Icinga Web 2](#beginning-with-icinga-web-2)
3. [Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality](#usage)
* [Install using packages](#install-using-packages)
* [Install using Git](#install-using-git)
* [Manage repository](#manage-repository)
* [Business process module](#business-process-module)
* [Deployment module](#deployment-module)
* [Graphite module](#graphite-module)
* [NagVis module](#nagvis-module)
4. [Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how](#reference)
5. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations)
6. [Development - Guide for contributing to the module](#development)
## Description
This module installs and configures Icinga Web 2.
Icinga Web 2 is the next generation open source monitoring web interface, framework and command-line interface developed by the Icinga Project, supporting Icinga 2, Icinga Core and any other monitoring backend compatible with the Livestatus Protocol.
## Setup
### Setup requirements
### Beginning with Icinga Web 2
node /box/ {
include icingaweb2
## Usage
### Install method: packages
node /box/ {
class { 'icingaweb2':
install_method => 'package',
### Install method: Git
node /box/ {
class { 'icingaweb2':
install_method => 'git',
### Initialize db
Default Credentials will be icingaadmin:icinga
node /box/ {
class { 'icingaweb2':
initialize => true,
### Manage repository
node /box/ {
class { 'icingaweb2':
manage_repo => true,
install_method => 'package',
### Monitoring module
node /box/ {
class {
### Business process module
node /box/ {
class {
### Deployment module
node /box/ {
class {
auth_token => 'secret_token';
### Graphite module
node /box/ {
class {
graphite_base_url => 'http://graphite.com/render?';
### NagVis module
node /box/ {
class {
nagvis_url => 'http://example.org/nagvis/';
### Real world example
Icinga2 is installed or on another host. One needs only the ido data to configure icingaweb2.
This could be a profile class to include icingaweb2 in a architecture with roles and profiles.
class profile::icingaweb2(){
$ido_db_name = hiera('icinga2::ido::name', 'icinga2')
$ido_db_user = hiera('icinga2::ido::user', 'icinga2')
$ido_db_pass = hiera('icinga2::ido::password', 'icinga2')
$web_db_name = hiera('icingaweb2::db::name', 'icingaweb2')
$web_db_user = hiera('icingaweb2::db::user', 'icingaweb2')
$web_db_pass = hiera('icingaweb2::db::password', 'icingaweb2')
contain '::mysql::server'
contain '::mysql::client'
contain '::mysql::server::account_security'
contain '::apache'
contain '::apache::mod::php'
Exec { path => [ '/bin/', '/sbin/' , '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/' ] }
::mysql::db { $web_db_name:
user => $web_db_user,
password => $web_db_pass,
host => 'localhost',
grant => ['ALL'],
class { '::icingaweb2':
initialize => true,
install_method => 'package',
manage_apache_vhost => true,
ido_db_name => $ido_db_name,
ido_db_pass => $ido_db_pass,
ido_db_user => $ido_db_user,
web_db_name => $web_db_name,
web_db_pass => $web_db_pass,
web_db_user => $web_db_user,
require => Class['::mysql::server'],
} ->
augeas { 'php.ini':
context => '/files/etc/php.ini/PHP',
changes => ['set date.timezone Europe/Berlin',],
contain ::icingaweb2::mod::monitoring
## Reference
## Limitations
## Development
* Fork it
* Create a feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
* Run rspec tests (`bundle exec rake spec`)
* Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
* Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
* Create new Pull Request