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or: digital testament encryption management
I wanted something capable of encrypting a file/archive/furryporn/whatever in a way that it was encrypted for N persons but only a willi quorum of X persons was needed to decypher it. I looked into "Shamir secret sharing" but I find that generating a new secret that should be distributed among the interested parties could be the key for failure.
- for encryption needs to use something you use (read: refresh) often
- needs to be a technology/piece of software that should survive for some years
- needs to be fairly customizable
- needs to be mostrly hassle-free
this bash script
in the file emails.txt: list the recipient's emails you want encrypt for
in the main script gpg-quorum_3of5.sh: edit the debug variable to add your email address (if you want) for debugging purposes
./gpg-quorum_3of5.sh your_file_to_encrypt.ext
your output will be a file named