<li>For anybody that has been confronted to the problem(s) of technology on the way of getting organised aside or against the current order.</li>
<li>For those who are not confounding the vital need for techniques with the ever-expanding offer of technologies.</li>
<li>For those who would never be satisfied with having foreseen the disaster...</li>
<li>For witches, hackers, outsiders, the ghosts in the machines, ...</li>
<li>For those who question capitalist disorder and create alternate socialities.</li>
<li>For the living. For the non-conforming. For those who take sides.</li>
<li>For our friends the persons we love and their digital freedom</li>
<h3> WHY? </h3>
<li>Because there is no technical solution to social and political problems, and because technologies are crucial to social and political transformation; this TransHackmeeting will federate our communities in resistance, in order to build a common understanding of the existing powers in place. Building from our forces we meet to share multiple singular technologies that emerge in context from our organizations.
<li>Because is more fun to talk in person than online.</li>
<li>Because we want to bridge networks, exchange between people from a non-techinical background, people critical of technology, and analog hackers (people hacking plants/ vehicles / houses/ etc.)</li>
<p>The closest train station is Bugeat, you can search for tickets at <ahref="https://oui.sncf/">oui.sncf</a>. We'll organize shuttles to pick people up from the station, but you should tell us in the mailing list so we know that we need to go for you.</p>
<li>Autonomous Infrastructures (networks / servers / radio / ... )</li>
<li>Relation to people who are immersed into middle-east censorship agressions.</li>
<li>Borders / refugees</li>
<li>Life embedded in technology</li>
<lI>BUGS in art history </li>
<li>Infiltration is also a creative strategy that has been used in different contexts, as effective attacks in art history and contemporary hactivism. </li>
<li>Digestion of situation and organisation of genealogies.</li>
<li>Hacking is not only computers, is how you understand the world (medicinal plants, ...)</li>
<li>Digital world and real world are not separated, not cybernetics way</li>
<li>Question on what is autonomous infrastructures are</li>
<li>How we relate to technology</li>
<li>Decolonization of technologies, don't have it as buzz word but as a question to ask, can technology be anti colonial, and how does it look</li>
<li>Don't nerd it too much</li>
<li>References to <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_K._Le_Guin">Ursula k. Leguin</a> (the Dispossessed)</li>