C.I.R.C.E пре 3 година
100 измењених фајлова са 10835 додато и 0 уклоњено
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+Coming soon








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+	{\LARGE \textsc{Agnese Trocchi}} % Author name
+	\vspace{0.1\textheight}
+		{\Huge Internet, mon amour}\\[0.5\baselineskip] % Title line 1
+	\vspace{0.025\textheight}
+		{\Large Chronicles before yesterday's collapse}\\[0.5\baselineskip] % Title line 2
+	\centering{\textit{Translated from Italian by A. T. \\}}	
+	\centering{\textit{Revision by Francesca da Rimini \\}}
+	\vfill % Whitespace between the author name and publisher
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+	\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{./00-titolo_etc/ledizioni-greyscale.png}
+	\vspace{1cm}
+\centering{read the whole text\\ (full \& free HTML version):\\ \url{https://ima.circex.org/en/}} \\[1.5\baselineskip]
+\centering{“the method is content”\\ support the spread with
+  VULGO-FLOShare: \url{https://ima.circex.org/en/vulgo.html}} \\ \url{https://vulgo.xyz} \\ [2\baselineskip]

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+** A Thing in the Internet of Things
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+** Valsusa4u
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+* Second Day @@latex:\\@@ Relationships
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+** Betrayed by the Smartphone
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+** The Echo of the Boss
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+** Playing or Being Played?
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+** Too Much Trust = No Trust
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+** Online Dating
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+** The “Proven Proof”
+#+INCLUDE: "../eng/stories/3-sex/3-deepfake.org" :minlevel 3
+* Fourth Day @@latex:\\@@ Scams
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+** Crazy Prices
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+** News From a Dear Friend: Stuck in Africa
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+** Cracked Software: A Very Bad Good Idea…
+   :ALT_TITLE: Cracked Software: A Very Bad Good Idea
+   :END:
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+** Virtual Fiancé?
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+** The “I Like” Technique
+#+INCLUDE: "../eng/stories/5-recreation/2-The-ILike-tecnique.org" :minlevel 3
+** Synchronous or Asynchronous? This Is The Theme!
+   :ALT_TITLE: Synchronous or Asynchronous?
+   :END:
+#+INCLUDE: "../eng/stories/5-recreation/3-synchronous-asynchronous.org" :minlevel 3
+* The End
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+** Conclusion and Farewell
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+* Acknowledgements
+#+INCLUDE: "../eng/stories/7-acknowledgements/index.org" :minlevel 2
+** The Author
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+** Vulgo
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+  {\huge Internet, mon amour}
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+Internet, mon amour\\[0.8\baselineskip]
+\textcopyright 2018 C.I.R.C.E. % mod \textcopyright{}
+\textcopyright 2019 Agnese Trocchi% mod \textcopyright{}
+\textcopyright 2020 Agnese Trocchi - English translation% mod \textcopyright{}
+Originally published 2019 - Italian 
+Graphics by C.I.R.C.E.\\[0.8\baselineskip]
+ISBN cartaceo: 978-88-5526-305-4\\
+Ledizioni LediPublishing\\
+Via Alamanni 11 – 20141 Milano – Italy\\
+\url{www.ledizioni.it} - \url{info@ledizioni.it}\\[0.8\baselineskip]
+This text has been released under Creative Commons
+Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. \\
+To read a copy of the licence:
+\url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/} \\ or send an e-mail to:
+Creative Commons,
+PO Box 1866, Mountain View,
+CA 94042, USA
+%% Macro dernièrepage
+composition flow: markdown + org mode $\,\to\,$  \LaTeX $\,\to\,$ PDF
+layout: GNU Emacs
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+cover image: graphic rework from Karen Watson
+Anatomical Heart Images
+from a Vintage Circa 1884 Science Book,
+first edition --- 200 copies \\
+Cover paper Favini Shiro Eco White FSC~---~100\% recycled 250 gr. \\
+Inside pages paper Musa Green 1.6 FSC 80 gr. \\
+printed in September 2020 \\
+at Geca~srl~---~San Giuliano Milanese (Milano)
+\author{Agnese Trocchi}
+\title{Internet mon amour}

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+#+TITLE: Support
+#+SETUPFILE: theme.setup 
+contatti, richieste, lamentele, traduzioni, refusi, idee
+**DONA con [[https://www.ko-fi.com/circex][Ko-fi]]**
+**DONA con [[https://donorbox.org/ima][Donorbox]]**

+ 123 - 0

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+#+TITLE: cookie policy 
+#+SETUPFILE: theme.setup 
+Questa Cookie Policy spiega come *C.I.R.C.E.*, proprietario del sito [[https://circex.org/][https://]][[https://ima.circex.org/][ima.circex.org]] e *Titolare del trattamento dati*, utilizza i Cookie quando voi interagite con il nostro sito o i servizi offerti tramite il nostro sito.
+*Non utilizziamo alcun tipo di cookie*. 
+Questa Cookie Policy ha esclusivamente uno scopo informativo, è un'occasione per scrivere di cookie e dintorni.
+Utilizzando il nostro sito o utilizzando i servizi forniti tramite il nostro sito, date il vostro consenso all'utilizzo di cookie in conformità con la presente “Cookie Policy”.
+Questa Politica sui cookie è parte della nostra [[https://ima.circex.org/privacy][Informativa sulla Privacy]], che spiega come utilizziamo le informazioni, compresi tutti i dati personali che potremmo raccogliere sul vostro conto, e deve essere letta in aggiunta ad essa.
+La legge dispone che possiamo memorizzare i cookie sul tuo dispositivo se sono strettamente necessari al funzionamento di questo sito (cookie tecnici), dopo averti informato in merito (art. 13 del Codice privacy). Per tutti gli altri tipi di cookie invece (cookie di profilazione), è necessario e il tuo consenso.
+Di seguito, trovi tutte le informazioni su cosa sono i cookie, come li utilizziamo sul nostro sito e il tuo attuale stato di consenso.
+** Che cosa sono i cookie?
+   :CUSTOM_ID: che-cosa-sono-i-cookie
+   :CLASS: western
+   :lang: it-IT
+   :END:
+I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che i siti visitati dagli utenti inviano ai loro terminali (computer, tablet, telefoni cellulari, ecc.), dove vengono memorizzati per essere poi ritrasmessi agli stessi siti alla visita successiva. Invece i cookie delle cosiddette "terze parti" vengono impostati da un sito web diverso da quello che l´utente sta visitando. Infatti su ogni sito possono essere presenti elementi (immagini, mappe, suoni, specifici link a pagine web di altri domini, ecc.) che risiedono su server diversi da quello del sito visitato.
+Spiegazioni più approfondite si possono trovare a queste pagine:
+- http://www.garanteprivacy.it/cookie
+- http://www.allaboutcookies.org/
+** Come controllare e disattivare i cookie
+   :CUSTOM_ID: come-controllare-e-disattivare-i-cookie
+   :CLASS: western
+   :lang: it-IT
+   :END:
+Puoi controllare ed eliminare i cookie rilasciati dai siti che visiti attraverso le impostazione del tuo browser. Ecco una guida per i browser più diffusi:
+- [[http://support.mozilla.org/it-IT/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences][Mozilla Firefox]]
+- [[https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it-IT&amp;hlrm=fr&amp;hlrm=en][Google Chrome]]
+- [[https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265][Safari]]
+- [[https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=it][Android]]
+- [[http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows-vista/block-or-allow-cookies][Internet	Explorer]]
+Per avere informazioni sui cookie archiviati sul proprio terminale e disattivarli singolarmente si rinvia al link: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/le-tue-scelte
+In base alla funzione e alla finalità di utilizzo, i cookie possono suddividersi in cookie tecnici e cookie di profilazione (tra cui sono compresi i cookie analitici).
+** Cookie tecnici
+   :CUSTOM_ID: cookie-tecnici
+   :CLASS: western
+   :lang: it-IT
+   :END:
+Alcuni cookie sono usati per eseguire autenticazioni informatiche, monitoraggio di sessioni e memorizzazione di informazioni specifiche sugli utenti che accedono ad una pagina web. Questi cookie, cosiddetti tecnici, sono spesso utili per consentire di navigare in un sito web e utilizzarne tutte le funzionalità. I cookie tecnici sono quelli il cui utilizzo non richiede il consenso dell'utente. Non usiamo alcun tipo di cookie. L'autorizzazione non è necessaria. Navigando in qualsiasi parte del sito [[https://ima.circex.org/][https://ima.circex.org]] confermi di aver preso visione e accettato la presente cookie policy.
+** Cookie di profilazione
+   :CUSTOM_ID: cookie-di-profilazione
+   :CLASS: western
+   :lang: it-IT
+   :END:
+Altri cookie possono invece essere utilizzati per monitorare e profilare gli utenti durante la navigazione, studiare i loro movimenti e abitudini di consultazione del web o di consumo (cosa comprano, cosa leggono, ecc.), anche allo scopo di inviare pubblicità di servizi mirati e personalizzati. Si parla in questo caso di cookie di profilazione. L'utilizzo di questi cookie necessita dell'acquisizione preventiva del libero consenso informato dell'utente ai sensi dell'art. 7 del Regolamento UE 2016/679. 
+*C.I.R.C.E.* *non* *utilizza cookie di tipo analitico,* *né altri cookie di profilazione*.
+** Plugin Social Network (Siti web di terze parti)
+   :CUSTOM_ID: plugin-social-network-siti-web-di-terze-parti
+   :CLASS: western
+   :lang: it-IT
+   :END:
+Il sito indicato non incorpora plugin e/o comandi per i social network, al fine di consentire una facile condivisione dei contenuti sui vostri social network preferiti. Il sistema FLOShare per la condivisione permette la copia di porzioni di codice, ma senza l'uso di cookie.
+Si tenga presente che se l'utente naviga essendo loggato nel social network allora ha già acconsentito all'uso dei cookie veicolati tramite questo sito al momento dell'iscrizione al social network. La raccolta e l'uso delle informazioni ottenute a mezzo del plugin sono regolati dalle rispettive informative privacy dei social network, alle quali si prega di fare riferimento. Riportiamo alcuni esempi:
+- [[https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/cookies][Facebook cookies]] - per disabilitarli accedere al proprio account, sezione Privacy
+- [[https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170514][Twitter]] - [[https://twitter.com/settings/security][per disabilitare i cookie di Twitter]] - [[https://twitter.com/settings/security][e questo articolo]]
+- [[https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy][Linkedin privacy policy]] - [[https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy][Linkedin cookie policy]]
+- [[https://www.youtube.com/static?template=privacy_guidelines][Youtube privacy guidelines]]
+** E-mail e cookie
+   :CUSTOM_ID: e-mail-e-cookie
+   :CLASS: western
+   :END:
+*Le nostre e-mail NON contengono cookie di alcun tipo.*
+** Aggiornamento Cookie Policy
+   :CUSTOM_ID: aggiornamento-cookie-policy
+   :CLASS: western
+   :lang: it-IT
+   :END:
+La presente privacy policy può subire modifiche nel tempo -- anche connesse all'eventuale entrata in vigore di nuove normative di settore, all'aggiornamento o erogazione di nuovi servizi ovvero ad intervenute innovazioni tecnologiche -- per cui l'utente/visitatore è invitato a consultare periodicamente questa pagina.
+** Trattamento dei dati
+   :CUSTOM_ID: trattamento-dei-dati
+   :CLASS: western
+   :lang: it-IT
+   :END:
+Ci impegniamo a proteggere e rispettare i tuoi dati e la tua privacy, per questo utilizzeremo le informazioni che raccogliamo su di te solo in conformità al Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati (GDPR - UE 2016/679). Per maggiori informazioni puoi consultare la nostra [[https://ima.circex.org/privacy][informativa sulla privacy]].
+Il Titolare del trattamento dei dati raccolti su questo sito è *C.I.R.C.E.* [[https://circex.org/][https://circex.org]].
+** Diritti dell'interessato e altre domande sui cookie
+   :CUSTOM_ID: diritti-dellinteressato-e-altre-domande-sui-cookie
+   :CLASS: western
+   :lang: it-IT
+   :END:
+Ai sensi del Regolamento europeo 679/2016 (GDPR) e della normativa nazionale, in qualsiasi momento l'interessato ha diritto di ottenere la conferma dell'esistenza o meno dei dati che lo riguardano e di conoscerne il contenuto e l'origine, di verificarne l'esattezza o chiederne l'integrazione o l'aggiornamento, oppure la rettificazione. Ha altresì il diritto di chiedere la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco dei dati trattati in violazione di legge, nonché di opporsi per motivi legittimi al trattamento dei dati che la riguardano. Le relative richieste vanno rivolte al seguente indirizzo:

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+#+TITLE: credits 
+#+SETUPFILE: theme.setup 
+questo sito è stato creato grazie a molti amici. I principali sono:
+- *[[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][GNU Emacs]]*
+- *[[https://orgmode.org/][org-mode]]*
+- *[[https://www.thunderbird.net/it/][Thunderbird]]*
+- *[[https://nextcloud.org/][Nextcloud]]*
+- *[[https://jitsi.org/][jitsi]]*
+e tutti gli umani che hanno contributo alla loro realizzazione
+è ospitato dai server di *[[https://alekos.net][alekos.net]]*, in particolare da *LOLA*
+l'editore che ha reso possibile la versione cartacea è *[[https://www.ledizioni.it/][Ledizioni]]* in particolare *[[https://www.ledizioni.it/prodotto/internet-mon-amour/][Internet, mon amour]]*
+ultima ma non meno importante, l'autrice di questo testo *[[http://newmacchina.info/wp/][New Macchina]]*
+info: /[[mailto:info@circex.org][info@circex.org]]/

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+/*! ccshare.css v0.0.7 | (c) C.I.R.C.E.'s & affini | https://ima.circex.org/license.md */
+/* === LICENZA = LICENSE ===
+* This file is released under license Against DRM 2.0 - We do not like DRM
+* The license guarantees the rights to: reproduce, distribute, publish, perform, broadcast, modify, elaborate, transcribe, translate, lend, rent and sell the content.
+* It prohibits to use the content, when distributed togeher with Digital Rights Management mechanisms.
+* For more information on DRM see https://www.defectivebydesign.org/what_is_drm_digital_restrictions_management
+* Every re-distribution, sharing, modification has to maintain the same conditions, mentioning the original authors
+* Read the full license at https://web.archive.org/web/20170327160245/http://www.freecreations.org/Against_DRM2.html
+* or in the file called LICENSE.md that comes together with this file.
+* The original authors of this piece of code can be contacted, supported, etc. by email: info at circe dot org
+* Please keep the following (C) notice, if you are working on this file.
+* [Original work] Copyright (C) [2019] [C.I.R.C.E.'s & affini  https://circex.org]
+* === "The method is content" = "Il metodo e' contenuto" ===
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+l715 -714q37 -39 37 -91zM1899 512q0 -53 -37 -90l-491 -492q-39 -37 -91 -37q-36 0 -59 14t-53 45l470 470q37 37 37 90q0 52 -37 91l-715 714q-38 38 -102 64.5t-117 26.5h224q53 0 117 -26.5t102 -64.5l715 -714q37 -39 37 -91z" />
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+q21 36 42 92t25 90q1 9 -2.5 32t0.5 28q4 13 22 30.5t22 22.5q19 26 42.5 84.5t27.5 96.5q1 8 -3 25.5t-2 26.5q2 8 9 18t18 23t17 21q8 12 16.5 30.5t15 35t16 36t19.5 32t26.5 23.5t36 11.5t47.5 -5.5l-1 -3q38 9 51 9h761q74 0 114 -56t18 -130l-274 -906
+q-36 -119 -71.5 -153.5t-128.5 -34.5h-869q-27 0 -38 -15q-11 -16 -1 -43q24 -70 144 -70h923q29 0 56 15.5t35 41.5l300 987q7 22 5 57q38 -15 59 -43zM575 1056q-4 -13 2 -22.5t20 -9.5h608q13 0 25.5 9.5t16.5 22.5l21 64q4 13 -2 22.5t-20 9.5h-608q-13 0 -25.5 -9.5
+t-16.5 -22.5zM492 800q-4 -13 2 -22.5t20 -9.5h608q13 0 25.5 9.5t16.5 22.5l21 64q4 13 -2 22.5t-20 9.5h-608q-13 0 -25.5 -9.5t-16.5 -22.5z" />
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+q19 49 69.5 84.5t103.5 35.5h512q53 0 103.5 -35.5t69.5 -84.5l51 -136h224zM960 128q185 0 316.5 131.5t131.5 316.5t-131.5 316.5t-316.5 131.5t-316.5 -131.5t-131.5 -316.5t131.5 -316.5t316.5 -131.5z" />
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+q19 -15 88 -29.5t84 -20.5q6 -38 6 -57q0 -5 -0.5 -13.5t-0.5 -12.5q-63 0 -190 8t-191 8q-76 0 -215 -7t-178 -8q0 43 4 78l131 28q1 0 12.5 2.5t15.5 3.5t14.5 4.5t15 6.5t11 8t9 11t2.5 14q0 16 -31 96.5t-72 177.5t-42 100l-450 2q-26 -58 -76.5 -195.5t-50.5 -162.5
+q0 -22 14 -37.5t43.5 -24.5t48.5 -13.5t57 -8.5t41 -4q1 -19 1 -58q0 -9 -2 -27q-58 0 -174.5 10t-174.5 10q-8 0 -26.5 -4t-21.5 -4q-80 -14 -188 -14z" />
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+q0 70 -29 122.5t-79 82t-108 43.5t-124 14q-50 0 -130 -13q0 -50 4 -151t4 -152q0 -27 -0.5 -80t-0.5 -79q0 -46 1 -69zM0 -128l2 94q15 4 85 16t106 27q7 12 12.5 27t8.5 33.5t5.5 32.5t3 37.5t0.5 34v35.5v30q0 982 -22 1025q-4 8 -22 14.5t-44.5 11t-49.5 7t-48.5 4.5
+t-30.5 3l-4 83q98 2 340 11.5t373 9.5q23 0 68 -0.5t68 -0.5q70 0 136.5 -13t128.5 -42t108 -71t74 -104.5t28 -137.5q0 -52 -16.5 -95.5t-39 -72t-64.5 -57.5t-73 -45t-84 -40q154 -35 256.5 -134t102.5 -248q0 -100 -35 -179.5t-93.5 -130.5t-138 -85.5t-163.5 -48.5
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+d="M0 -126l17 85q22 7 61.5 16.5t72 19t59.5 23.5q28 35 41 101q1 7 62 289t114 543.5t52 296.5v25q-24 13 -54.5 18.5t-69.5 8t-58 5.5l19 103q33 -2 120 -6.5t149.5 -7t120.5 -2.5q48 0 98.5 2.5t121 7t98.5 6.5q-5 -39 -19 -89q-30 -10 -101.5 -28.5t-108.5 -33.5
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+t132 2q36 0 107.5 -0.5t107.5 -0.5h293q6 0 21 -0.5t20.5 0t16 3t17.5 9t15 17.5l42 1q4 0 14 -0.5t14 -0.5q2 -112 2 -336q0 -80 -5 -109q-39 -14 -68 -18q-25 44 -54 128q-3 9 -11 48t-14.5 73.5t-7.5 35.5q-6 8 -12 12.5t-15.5 6t-13 2.5t-18 0.5t-16.5 -0.5
+q-17 0 -66.5 0.5t-74.5 0.5t-64 -2t-71 -6q-9 -81 -8 -136q0 -94 2 -388t2 -455q0 -16 -2.5 -71.5t0 -91.5t12.5 -69q40 -21 124 -42.5t120 -37.5q5 -40 5 -50q0 -14 -3 -29l-34 -1q-76 -2 -218 8t-207 10q-50 0 -151 -9t-152 -9q-3 51 -3 52v9q17 27 61.5 43t98.5 29t78 27
+q19 42 19 383q0 101 -3 303t-3 303v117q0 2 0.5 15.5t0.5 25t-1 25.5t-3 24t-5 14q-11 12 -162 12q-33 0 -93 -12t-80 -26q-19 -13 -34 -72.5t-31.5 -111t-42.5 -53.5q-42 26 -56 44v383z" />
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+t-94 -2t-96 -7q-9 -81 -8 -136l1 -152v52q0 -55 1 -154t1.5 -180t0.5 -153q0 -16 -2.5 -71.5t0 -91.5t12.5 -69q40 -21 124 -42.5t120 -37.5q5 -40 5 -50q0 -14 -3 -29l-34 -1q-76 -2 -218 8t-207 10q-50 0 -151 -9t-152 -9q-3 51 -3 52v9q17 27 61.5 43t98.5 29t78 27
+q7 16 11.5 74t6 145.5t1.5 155t-0.5 153.5t-0.5 89q0 7 -2.5 21.5t-2.5 22.5q0 7 0.5 44t1 73t0 76.5t-3 67.5t-6.5 32q-11 12 -162 12q-41 0 -163 -13.5t-138 -24.5q-19 -12 -34 -71.5t-31.5 -111.5t-42.5 -54q-42 26 -56 44v383zM1310 125q12 0 42 -19.5t57.5 -41.5
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+q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5zM1920 1248v-1216q0 -66 -47 -113t-113 -47h-1600q-66 0 -113 47t-47 113v1216q0 66 47 113t113 47h1600q66 0 113 -47t47 -113z" />
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+q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" />
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+q-25 8 -23 34q43 400 -106 565q-64 71 -170.5 110.5t-267.5 52.5v-251q0 -42 -39 -59q-13 -5 -25 -5q-27 0 -45 19l-512 512q-19 19 -19 45t19 45l512 512q29 31 70 14q39 -17 39 -59v-262q411 -28 599 -221q169 -173 169 -509z" />
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+t-14 -48q3 -17 37 -26q20 -6 84.5 -18.5t99.5 -20.5q24 -6 74 -22t82.5 -23t55.5 -4q43 6 64.5 28t23 48t-7.5 58.5t-19 52t-20 36.5q-121 190 -169 242q-68 74 -113 40q-11 -9 -15 15q-3 16 -2 38q1 29 10 52t24 47t22 42q8 21 26.5 72t29.5 78t30 61t39 54
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+q73 0 140 18.5t122.5 53.5t88.5 93.5t33 131.5zM1536 256q0 -159 -112.5 -271.5t-271.5 -112.5q-130 0 -234 80q-77 -16 -150 -16q-143 0 -273.5 55.5t-225 150t-150 225t-55.5 273.5q0 73 16 150q-80 104 -80 234q0 159 112.5 271.5t271.5 112.5q130 0 234 -80
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+d="M1000 1102l37 194q5 23 -9 40t-35 17h-712q-23 0 -38.5 -17t-15.5 -37v-1101q0 -7 6 -1l291 352q23 26 38 33.5t48 7.5h239q22 0 37 14.5t18 29.5q24 130 37 191q4 21 -11.5 40t-36.5 19h-294q-29 0 -48 19t-19 48v42q0 29 19 47.5t48 18.5h346q18 0 35 13.5t20 29.5z
+M1227 1324q-15 -73 -53.5 -266.5t-69.5 -350t-35 -173.5q-6 -22 -9 -32.5t-14 -32.5t-24.5 -33t-38.5 -21t-58 -10h-271q-13 0 -22 -10q-8 -9 -426 -494q-22 -25 -58.5 -28.5t-48.5 5.5q-55 22 -55 98v1410q0 55 38 102.5t120 47.5h888q95 0 127 -53t10 -159zM1227 1324
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+q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68q0 29 16 53l256 384q73 107 176 107h384q103 0 176 -107l256 -384q16 -24 16 -53zM864 1280q0 -93 -65.5 -158.5t-158.5 -65.5t-158.5 65.5t-65.5 158.5t65.5 158.5t158.5 65.5t158.5 -65.5t65.5 -158.5z" />
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+M736 1280q0 -93 -65.5 -158.5t-158.5 -65.5t-158.5 65.5t-65.5 158.5t65.5 158.5t158.5 65.5t158.5 -65.5t65.5 -158.5z" />
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+d="M773 234l350 473q16 22 24.5 59t-6 85t-61.5 79q-40 26 -83 25.5t-73.5 -17.5t-54.5 -45q-36 -40 -96 -40q-59 0 -95 40q-24 28 -54.5 45t-73.5 17.5t-84 -25.5q-46 -31 -60.5 -79t-6 -85t24.5 -59zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103
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+q0 -68 -37 -139.5t-109 -137t-168.5 -117.5t-226 -83t-270.5 -31t-275 33.5t-240.5 93t-171.5 151t-65 199.5q0 115 69.5 245t197.5 258q169 169 341.5 236t246.5 -7q65 -64 20 -209q-4 -14 -1 -20t10 -7t14.5 0.5t13.5 3.5l6 2q139 59 246 59t153 -61q45 -63 0 -178
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+q76 0 141.5 -55.5t100.5 -134t35 -152.5zM832 608q118 0 255 -97.5t229 -237t92 -254.5q0 -46 -17 -76.5t-48.5 -45t-64.5 -20t-76 -5.5q-68 0 -187.5 45t-182.5 45q-66 0 -192.5 -44.5t-200.5 -44.5q-183 0 -183 146q0 86 56 191.5t139.5 192.5t187.5 146t193 59zM1071 819
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+q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1024 608v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1600 224v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23
+zM1408 608v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1792 1016v-13h-514v10q0 104 -382 102q-382 -1 -382 -102v-10h-514v13q0 17 8.5 43t34 64t65.5 75.5t110.5 76t160 67.5t224 47.5t293.5 18.5t293 -18.5t224 -47.5
+t160.5 -67.5t110.5 -76t65.5 -75.5t34 -64t8.5 -43zM1792 608v-192q0 -14 -9 -23t-23 -9h-192q-14 0 -23 9t-9 23v192q0 14 9 23t23 9h192q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1792 962v-129q0 -27 -19 -46t-46 -19h-384q-27 0 -46 19t-19 46v129h514z" />
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+M736 1504v-224h-352v224q0 14 9 23t23 9h288q14 0 23 -9t9 -23zM1408 1504v-224h-352v224q0 14 9 23t23 9h288q14 0 23 -9t9 -23z" />
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+d="M873 796q0 -83 -63.5 -142.5t-152.5 -59.5t-152.5 59.5t-63.5 142.5q0 84 63.5 143t152.5 59t152.5 -59t63.5 -143zM1375 796q0 -83 -63 -142.5t-153 -59.5q-89 0 -152.5 59.5t-63.5 142.5q0 84 63.5 143t152.5 59q90 0 153 -59t63 -143zM1600 616v667q0 87 -32 123.5
+t-111 36.5h-1112q-83 0 -112.5 -34t-29.5 -126v-673q43 -23 88.5 -40t81 -28t81 -18.5t71 -11t70 -4t58.5 -0.5t56.5 2t44.5 2q68 1 95 -27q6 -6 10 -9q26 -25 61 -51q7 91 118 87q5 0 36.5 -1.5t43 -2t45.5 -1t53 1t54.5 4.5t61 8.5t62 13.5t67 19.5t67.5 27t72 34.5z
+M1763 621q-121 -149 -372 -252q84 -285 -23 -465q-66 -113 -183 -148q-104 -32 -182 15q-86 51 -82 164l-1 326v1q-8 2 -24.5 6t-23.5 5l-1 -338q4 -114 -83 -164q-79 -47 -183 -15q-117 36 -182 150q-105 180 -22 463q-251 103 -372 252q-25 37 -4 63t60 -1q4 -2 11.5 -7
+t10.5 -8v694q0 72 47 123t114 51h1257q67 0 114 -51t47 -123v-694l21 15q39 27 60 1t-4 -63z" />
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+d="M773 217v-127q-1 -292 -6 -305q-12 -32 -51 -40q-54 -9 -181.5 38t-162.5 89q-13 15 -17 36q-1 12 4 26q4 10 34 47t181 216q1 0 60 70q15 19 39.5 24.5t49.5 -3.5q24 -10 37.5 -29t12.5 -42zM624 468q-3 -55 -52 -70l-120 -39q-275 -88 -292 -88q-35 2 -54 36
+q-12 25 -17 75q-8 76 1 166.5t30 124.5t56 32q13 0 202 -77q71 -29 115 -47l84 -34q23 -9 35.5 -30.5t11.5 -48.5zM1450 171q-7 -54 -91.5 -161t-135.5 -127q-37 -14 -63 7q-14 10 -184 287l-47 77q-14 21 -11.5 46t19.5 46q35 43 83 26q1 -1 119 -40q203 -66 242 -79.5
+t47 -20.5q28 -22 22 -61zM778 803q5 -102 -54 -122q-58 -17 -114 71l-378 598q-8 35 19 62q41 43 207.5 89.5t224.5 31.5q40 -10 49 -45q3 -18 22 -305.5t24 -379.5zM1440 695q3 -39 -26 -59q-15 -10 -329 -86q-67 -15 -91 -23l1 2q-23 -6 -46 4t-37 32q-30 47 0 87
+q1 1 75 102q125 171 150 204t34 39q28 19 65 2q48 -23 123 -133.5t81 -167.5v-3z" />
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+t19 45zM1920 192v1088h-1536v-1088q0 -33 -11 -64h1483q26 0 45 19t19 45zM2048 1408v-1216q0 -80 -56 -136t-136 -56h-1664q-80 0 -136 56t-56 136v1088h256v128h1792z" />
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+q10 -10 10 -23q0 -18 -75.5 -93t-93.5 -75zM1567 556q-11 0 -23 8q-136 105 -252 154.5t-268 49.5q-85 0 -170.5 -22t-149 -53t-113.5 -62t-79 -53t-31 -22q-17 0 -92 75t-75 93q0 12 10 22q132 132 320 205t380 73t380 -73t320 -205q10 -10 10 -22q0 -18 -75 -93t-92 -75z
+M1838 827q-11 0 -22 9q-179 157 -371.5 236.5t-420.5 79.5t-420.5 -79.5t-371.5 -236.5q-11 -9 -22 -9q-17 0 -92.5 75t-75.5 93q0 13 10 23q187 186 445 288t527 102t527 -102t445 -288q10 -10 10 -23q0 -18 -75.5 -93t-92.5 -75z" />
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+d="M384 0q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM768 0q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM384 384q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5
+t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1152 0q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM768 384q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5
+t37.5 90.5zM384 768q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1152 384q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM768 768q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5
+t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1536 0v384q0 52 -38 90t-90 38t-90 -38t-38 -90v-384q0 -52 38 -90t90 -38t90 38t38 90zM1152 768q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5z
+M1536 1088v256q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-1280q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-256q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h1280q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1536 768q0 53 -37.5 90.5t-90.5 37.5t-90.5 -37.5t-37.5 -90.5t37.5 -90.5t90.5 -37.5t90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1664 1408v-1536q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38
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+d="M1519 890q18 -84 -4 -204q-87 -444 -565 -444h-44q-25 0 -44 -16.5t-24 -42.5l-4 -19l-55 -346l-2 -15q-5 -26 -24.5 -42.5t-44.5 -16.5h-251q-21 0 -33 15t-9 36q9 56 26.5 168t26.5 168t27 167.5t27 167.5q5 37 43 37h131q133 -2 236 21q175 39 287 144q102 95 155 246
+q24 70 35 133q1 6 2.5 7.5t3.5 1t6 -3.5q79 -59 98 -162zM1347 1172q0 -107 -46 -236q-80 -233 -302 -315q-113 -40 -252 -42q0 -1 -90 -1l-90 1q-100 0 -118 -96q-2 -8 -85 -530q-1 -10 -12 -10h-295q-22 0 -36.5 16.5t-11.5 38.5l232 1471q5 29 27.5 48t51.5 19h598
+q34 0 97.5 -13t111.5 -32q107 -41 163.5 -123t56.5 -196z" />
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+q0 -424 -101 -812q-67 560 -359 1083q-25 301 -106 584q-4 16 5.5 28.5t25.5 12.5h359q21 0 38.5 -13t22.5 -33q115 -409 115 -850z" />
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+q-123 0 -201 -59t-79 -153q-1 -102 145 -174q48 -23 67 -41t19 -39q0 -30 -30 -46t-69 -16q-86 0 -156 33l-22 11l-23 -144q74 -34 185 -34q130 -1 208.5 59t80.5 160q0 106 -140 174q-49 25 -71 42t-22 38q0 22 24.5 38.5t70.5 16.5q70 1 124 -24l15 -8zM2042 960h-128
+q-65 0 -87 -54l-246 -588h174l35 96h212q5 -22 20 -96h154zM2304 1280v-1280q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-2048q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1280q0 52 38 90t90 38h2048q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" />
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+d="M1119 1195q-128 85 -281 85q-103 0 -197.5 -40.5t-162.5 -108.5t-108.5 -162t-40.5 -197q0 -104 40.5 -198t108.5 -162t162 -108.5t198 -40.5q153 0 281 85q-131 107 -178 265.5t0.5 316.5t177.5 265zM1152 1171q-126 -99 -172 -249.5t-0.5 -300.5t172.5 -249
+q127 99 172.5 249t-0.5 300.5t-172 249.5zM1185 1195q130 -107 177.5 -265.5t0.5 -317t-178 -264.5q128 -85 281 -85q104 0 198 40.5t162 108.5t108.5 162t40.5 198q0 103 -40.5 197t-108.5 162t-162.5 108.5t-197.5 40.5q-153 0 -281 -85zM1926 473h7v3h-17v-3h7v-17h3v17z
+M1955 456h4v20h-5l-6 -13l-6 13h-5v-20h3v15l6 -13h4l5 13v-15zM1947 16v-2h-2h-3v3h3h2v-1zM1947 7h3l-4 5h2l1 1q1 1 1 3t-1 3l-1 1h-3h-6v-13h3v5h1zM685 75q0 19 11 31t30 12q18 0 29 -12.5t11 -30.5q0 -19 -11 -31t-29 -12q-19 0 -30 12t-11 31zM1158 119q30 0 35 -32
+h-70q5 32 35 32zM1514 75q0 19 11 31t29 12t29.5 -12.5t11.5 -30.5q0 -19 -11 -31t-30 -12q-18 0 -29 12t-11 31zM1786 75q0 18 11.5 30.5t29.5 12.5t29.5 -12.5t11.5 -30.5q0 -19 -11.5 -31t-29.5 -12t-29.5 12.5t-11.5 30.5zM1944 3q-2 0 -4 1q-1 0 -3 2t-2 3q-1 2 -1 4
+q0 3 1 4q0 2 2 4l1 1q2 0 2 1q2 1 4 1q3 0 4 -1l4 -2l2 -4v-1q1 -2 1 -3l-1 -1v-3t-1 -1l-1 -2q-2 -2 -4 -2q-1 -1 -4 -1zM599 7h30v85q0 24 -14.5 38.5t-39.5 15.5q-32 0 -47 -24q-14 24 -45 24q-24 0 -39 -20v16h-30v-135h30v75q0 36 33 36q30 0 30 -36v-75h29v75
+q0 36 33 36q30 0 30 -36v-75zM765 7h29v68v67h-29v-16q-17 20 -43 20q-29 0 -48 -20t-19 -51t19 -51t48 -20q28 0 43 20v-17zM943 48q0 34 -47 40l-14 2q-23 4 -23 14q0 15 25 15q23 0 43 -11l12 24q-22 14 -55 14q-26 0 -41 -12t-15 -32q0 -33 47 -39l13 -2q24 -4 24 -14
+q0 -17 -31 -17q-25 0 -45 14l-13 -23q25 -17 58 -17q29 0 45.5 12t16.5 32zM1073 14l-8 25q-13 -7 -26 -7q-19 0 -19 22v61h48v27h-48v41h-30v-41h-28v-27h28v-61q0 -50 47 -50q21 0 36 10zM1159 146q-29 0 -48 -20t-19 -51q0 -32 19.5 -51.5t49.5 -19.5q33 0 55 19l-14 22
+q-18 -15 -39 -15q-34 0 -41 33h101v12q0 32 -18 51.5t-46 19.5zM1318 146q-23 0 -35 -20v16h-30v-135h30v76q0 35 29 35q10 0 18 -4l9 28q-9 4 -21 4zM1348 75q0 -31 19.5 -51t52.5 -20q29 0 48 16l-14 24q-18 -13 -35 -12q-18 0 -29.5 12t-11.5 31t11.5 31t29.5 12
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+t-3 0.5zM2304 1280v-1280q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38h-2048q-52 0 -90 38t-38 90v1280q0 52 38 90t90 38h2048q52 0 90 -38t38 -90z" />
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+M1411 704q0 -59 -11.5 -108.5t-37.5 -93.5t-44 -67.5t-53 -64.5q-31 -35 -45.5 -54t-33.5 -50t-26.5 -64t-7.5 -74q0 -159 -112.5 -271.5t-271.5 -112.5q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45t19 45t45 19q106 0 181 75t75 181q0 57 11.5 105.5t37 91t43.5 66.5t52 63q40 46 59.5 72
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+t45 19t45 -19t19 -45zM1184 704q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19t-19 45q0 93 -65.5 158.5t-158.5 65.5q-92 0 -158 -65.5t-66 -158.5q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19t-45 19t-19 45q0 146 103 249t249 103t249 -103t103 -249zM1578 993q10 -25 -1 -49t-36 -34q-9 -4 -23 -4
+q-19 0 -35.5 11t-23.5 30q-68 178 -224 295q-21 16 -25 42t12 47q17 21 43 25t47 -12q183 -137 266 -351zM1788 1074q9 -25 -1.5 -49t-35.5 -34q-11 -4 -23 -4q-44 0 -60 41q-92 238 -297 393q-22 16 -25.5 42t12.5 47q16 22 42 25.5t47 -12.5q235 -175 341 -449z" />
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+q17 -34 48 -53.5t68 -19.5q53 0 90.5 37.5t37.5 90.5zM1174 925q-17 -35 -55 -48t-73 4q-62 31 -134 31q-51 0 -99 -17q3 0 9.5 0.5t9.5 0.5q92 0 170.5 -50t118.5 -133q17 -36 3.5 -73.5t-49.5 -54.5q-18 -9 -39 -9q21 0 39 -9q36 -17 49.5 -54.5t-3.5 -73.5
+q-40 -83 -118.5 -133t-170.5 -50h-6q-16 2 -44 4l-290 27l-239 -120q-14 -7 -29 -7q-40 0 -57 35l-160 320q-11 23 -4 47.5t29 37.5l209 119l148 267q17 155 91.5 291.5t195.5 236.5q31 25 70.5 21.5t64.5 -34.5t21.5 -70t-34.5 -65q-70 -59 -117 -128q123 84 267 101
+q40 5 71.5 -19t35.5 -64q5 -40 -19 -71.5t-64 -35.5q-84 -10 -159 -55q46 10 99 10q115 0 218 -50q36 -18 49 -55.5t-5 -73.5zM2137 1085l160 -320q11 -23 4 -47.5t-29 -37.5l-209 -119l-148 -267q-17 -155 -91.5 -291.5t-195.5 -236.5q-26 -22 -61 -22q-45 0 -74 35
+q-25 31 -21.5 70t34.5 65q70 59 117 128q-123 -84 -267 -101q-4 -1 -12 -1q-36 0 -63.5 24t-31.5 60q-5 40 19 71.5t64 35.5q84 10 159 55q-46 -10 -99 -10q-115 0 -218 50q-36 18 -49 55.5t5 73.5q17 35 55 48t73 -4q62 -31 134 -31q51 0 99 17q-3 0 -9.5 -0.5t-9.5 -0.5
+q-92 0 -170.5 50t-118.5 133q-17 36 -3.5 73.5t49.5 54.5q18 9 39 9q-21 0 -39 9q-36 17 -49.5 54.5t3.5 73.5q40 83 118.5 133t170.5 50h6h1q14 -2 42 -4l291 -27l239 120q14 7 29 7q40 0 57 -35z" />
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+t19 45q0 185 131.5 316.5t316.5 131.5t316.5 -131.5t131.5 -316.5q0 -55 -18 -103.5t-37.5 -74.5t-59.5 -72q-34 -39 -52 -63t-43.5 -66.5t-37 -91t-11.5 -105.5q0 -106 -75 -181t-181 -75q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45t19 -45t45 -19q159 0 271.5 112.5t112.5 271.5q0 41 7.5 74
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+d="M866 1021q0 -27 -13 -94q-11 -50 -31.5 -150t-30.5 -150q-2 -11 -4.5 -12.5t-13.5 -2.5q-20 -2 -31 -2q-58 0 -84 49.5t-26 113.5q0 88 35 174t103 124q28 14 51 14q28 0 36.5 -16.5t8.5 -47.5zM1352 597q0 14 -39 75.5t-52 66.5q-21 8 -34 8q-91 0 -226 -77l-2 2
+q3 22 27.5 135t24.5 178q0 233 -242 233q-24 0 -68 -6q-94 -17 -168.5 -89.5t-111.5 -166.5t-37 -189q0 -146 80.5 -225t227.5 -79q25 0 25 -3t-1 -5q-4 -34 -26 -117q-14 -52 -51.5 -101t-82.5 -49q-42 0 -42 47q0 24 10.5 47.5t25 39.5t29.5 28.5t26 20t11 8.5q0 3 -7 10
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+q0 -1 -16.5 -12.5t-39.5 -31t-46 -44.5t-39 -61t-16 -74q0 -33 16.5 -53t48.5 -20q45 0 85 31.5t66.5 78t48 105.5t32.5 107t16 90v9q0 2 -3.5 3.5t-8.5 1.5h-10t-10 -0.5t-6 -0.5q-227 0 -352 122.5t-125 348.5q0 108 34.5 221t96 210t156 167.5t204.5 89.5q52 9 106 9
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+l-238 262q-1 1 -2.5 3.5t-2.5 3.5q-24 31 -18.5 70t37.5 64q31 23 68 17.5t64 -33.5l142 -147q-2 -1 -5 -3.5t-4 -4.5q-32 -45 -23 -99t55 -85zM1648 1115l15 -266q4 -73 -11 -147l-48 -219q-12 -59 -67 -87l-106 -54q2 62 -39 109l-146 170q-53 61 -117 103l-222 148
+q-34 23 -76 23q-51 0 -88 -37l-235 312q-25 33 -18 73.5t41 63.5q33 22 71.5 14t62.5 -40l266 -352l-262 455q-21 35 -10.5 75t47.5 59q35 18 72.5 6t57.5 -46l241 -420l-136 337q-15 35 -4.5 74t44.5 56q37 19 76 6t56 -51l193 -415l101 -196q8 -15 23 -17.5t27 7.5t11 26
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+q20 -31 20 -69t-20 -69q-91 -142 -218.5 -253.5t-278.5 -175.5q110 -198 110 -211q0 -20 -17 -29q-116 -64 -127 -64q-19 0 -29 16l-124 229l-64 119l-444 820l7 7q-58 -24 -99 -47q3 -5 127 -234t243 -449t119 -223q0 -7 -9 -9q-13 -3 -72 -3q-57 0 -60 7l-456 841
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+q0 -106 -47 -200.5t-132 -157.5zM848 896q0 -20 14 -34t34 -14q86 0 147 -61t61 -147q0 -20 14 -34t34 -14t34 14t14 34q0 126 -89 215t-215 89q-20 0 -34 -14t-14 -34zM1214 961l-9 4l7 -7z" />
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+q0 89 -32 166q66 13 123 49q41 -98 41 -212zM846 619q0 -192 -79.5 -345t-238.5 -253l-14 -1q-29 0 -62 5q83 32 146.5 102.5t99.5 154.5t58.5 189t30 192.5t7.5 178.5q0 69 -3 103q55 -160 55 -326zM791 947v-2q-73 214 -206 440q88 -59 142.5 -186.5t63.5 -251.5z
+M1035 744q-83 0 -160 75q218 120 290 247q19 37 21 56q-42 -94 -139.5 -166.5t-204.5 -97.5q-35 54 -35 113q0 37 17 79t43 68q46 44 157 74q59 16 106 58.5t74 100.5q74 -105 74 -253q0 -109 -24 -170q-32 -77 -88.5 -130.5t-130.5 -53.5z" />
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+M872 850q2 -24 2 -71q0 -63 -5 -123t-20.5 -132.5t-40.5 -130t-68.5 -106t-100.5 -70.5q21 -3 42 -3h10q219 139 219 411q0 116 -38 225zM872 850q-4 80 -44 171.5t-98 130.5q92 -156 142 -302zM1207 955q0 102 -51 174q-41 -86 -124 -109q-69 -19 -109 -53.5t-40 -99.5
+q0 -40 24 -77q74 17 140.5 67t95.5 115q-4 -52 -74.5 -111.5t-138.5 -97.5q52 -52 110 -52q51 0 90 37t60 90q17 42 17 117zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5
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+q-4 -2 -14 -2q-12 0 -32 7.5t-30 7.5q-21 0 -38.5 -12t-17.5 -32q0 -21 19.5 -35.5t43 -20.5t43 -17t19.5 -26q0 -6 -7 -25q-64 -138 -198 -167q-22 -5 -22 -27q0 -46 137 -68q2 -5 6 -26t11.5 -30.5t23.5 -9.5q12 0 37.5 4.5t39.5 4.5q35 0 67 -15t54 -32.5t57.5 -32.5
+t76.5 -15q43 0 79 15t57.5 32.5t53.5 32.5t67 15q14 0 39.5 -4t38.5 -4q16 0 23 10t11 30t6 25q137 22 137 68zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5
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+q0 -70 -219 -103q-7 -11 -11 -39t-14 -46.5t-33 -18.5q-20 0 -62 6.5t-64 6.5q-37 0 -62 -5q-32 -5 -63 -22.5t-58 -38t-58 -40.5t-76 -33.5t-99 -13.5q-52 0 -96.5 13.5t-75 33.5t-57.5 40.5t-58 38t-62 22.5q-26 5 -63 5q-24 0 -65.5 -7.5t-58.5 -7.5q-25 0 -35 18.5
+t-14 47.5t-11 40q-219 33 -219 103q0 29 28 35q52 11 80 23q78 32 144.5 101t102.5 150q12 28 12 43q0 28 -31.5 47.5t-69.5 29.5t-69.5 31.5t-31.5 52.5q0 27 26 45.5t55 18.5q15 0 48 -13t53 -13q18 0 32 7q-9 142 -9 190q0 122 27 180q64 137 172 198t264 63z" />
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+q0 -38 6 -114q-10 -2 -15 -2q-11 0 -31.5 8t-30.5 8q-20 0 -37.5 -12.5t-17.5 -32.5q0 -21 19.5 -35.5t42.5 -20.5t42.5 -17t19.5 -26q0 -11 -7 -25q-64 -138 -198 -167q-22 -5 -22 -27q0 -47 138 -69q2 -5 6 -26t11 -30.5t23 -9.5q13 0 38.5 5t38.5 5q35 0 67.5 -15
+t54.5 -32.5t57.5 -32.5t76.5 -15q43 0 79 15t57.5 32.5t54 32.5t67.5 15q13 0 39 -4.5t39 -4.5q15 0 22.5 9.5t11.5 31t5 24.5q138 22 138 69zM1536 1120v-960q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960
+q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z" />
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+q71 27 163 64.5t133.5 53.5t108 34.5t142.5 31.5q186 31 465 -7q1 0 10 -3q11 -6 14 -17t-3 -22l-194 -345q-15 -29 -47 -22q-128 24 -354 24q-146 0 -402 -44.5t-392 -46.5q-82 -1 -149 13t-107 37t-61 40t-33 34l-1 1v2q0 6 6 6q138 0 371 55q192 366 374.5 524t383.5 158
+q5 0 14.5 -0.5t38 -5t55 -12t61.5 -24.5t63 -39.5t54 -59t40 -82.5l102 177q2 4 21 42.5t44.5 86.5t61 109.5t84 133.5t100.5 137q66 82 128 141.5t121.5 96.5t92.5 53.5t88 39.5z" />
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+q-39 69 -58 141l224 79l-237 -14q-5 42 -5 76q0 35 5 77l238 -14l-225 79q19 73 58 140l214 -104l-177 159q46 61 107 108l158 -178l-103 215q67 39 140 58l77 -224l-13 236q36 6 75 6q38 0 76 -6l-14 -237l78 225q74 -19 140 -59l-103 -214l158 178q61 -47 107 -108
+l-177 -159l213 104q37 -62 58 -141l-224 -78l237 14q5 -31 5 -77zM1352 640q0 160 -78.5 295.5t-213 214t-292.5 78.5q-119 0 -227 -46.5t-186.5 -125t-124.5 -187.5t-46 -229q0 -119 46 -228t124.5 -187.5t186.5 -125t227 -46.5q158 0 292.5 78.5t213 214t78.5 294.5z
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+t-79.5 -65t-95.5 -41t-116 -18.5v195q163 26 220 182q20 52 20 105q0 54 -20 106l-285 733h228l187 -585zM1664 978v-1111h-795q37 55 45 73h678v1038q0 85 -49.5 155t-129.5 99l25 67q101 -34 163.5 -123.5t62.5 -197.5z" />
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+q0 -30 20.5 -52t50.5 -22t50.5 22t20.5 52zM1476 535q-84 -160 -232 -259.5t-323 -99.5q-123 0 -229.5 51.5t-178.5 137t-113 197.5t-41 232q0 88 21 174q-104 -175 -104 -390q0 -162 65 -312t185 -251q30 57 91 57q56 0 86 -50q32 50 87 50q56 0 86 -50q32 50 87 50t87 -50
+q30 50 86 50q28 0 52.5 -15.5t37.5 -40.5q112 94 177 231.5t73 287.5zM1326 564q0 75 -72 75q-17 0 -47 -6q-95 -19 -149 -19q-226 0 -226 243q0 86 30 204q-83 -127 -83 -275q0 -150 89 -260.5t235 -110.5q111 0 210 70q13 48 13 79zM884 1223q0 50 -32 89.5t-81 39.5
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+q-90 -68 -198 -68q-118 0 -211 80q54 1 106 20q-113 31 -182 127q32 -7 71 -7q89 0 164 46q-192 192 -240 306q-24 56 -24 160q0 57 9 125.5t31.5 146.5t55 141t86.5 105t120 42q59 0 81 -52q19 29 42 54q2 3 12 13t13 16q10 15 23 38t25 42t28 39q87 111 211.5 177
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+h-109v110h-110v-110h-110v-110h110v-110h110v110zM1536 640q0 -209 -103 -385.5t-279.5 -279.5t-385.5 -103t-385.5 103t-279.5 279.5t-103 385.5t103 385.5t279.5 279.5t385.5 103t385.5 -103t279.5 -279.5t103 -385.5z" />
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+q14 14 47 48t47.5 48t44 40t50.5 37.5t51 25.5t62 19.5t68 5.5h117q99 0 181 -56q82 56 181 56h167q35 0 67 -6t56.5 -14.5t51.5 -26.5t44.5 -31t43 -39.5t39 -42t41 -48t41.5 -48.5h355q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" />
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+q-186 134 -343 250q-11 8 -24 6.5t-21 -12.5l-38 -52q-8 -11 -6.5 -23.5t12.5 -20.5q82 -61 345 -252q10 -8 50 -38t65 -47t64 -39.5t77.5 -33.5t75.5 -11t75.5 11t79 34.5t64.5 39.5t65 47.5t48 36.5z" />
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+/* fine mobile */

+ 763 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+/*! purebeauty.css v0.0.7 | (c) C.I.R.C.E.'s & affini | https://ima.circex.org/license.md */
+/* === LICENZA = LICENSE ===
+* This file is released under license Against DRM 2.0 - We do not like DRM
+* The license guarantees the rights to: reproduce, distribute, publish, perform, broadcast, modify, elaborate, transcribe, translate, lend, rent and sell the content.
+* It prohibits to use the content, when distributed togeher with Digital Rights Management mechanisms.
+* For more information on DRM see https://www.defectivebydesign.org/what_is_drm_digital_restrictions_management
+* Every re-distribution, sharing, modification has to maintain the same conditions, mentioning the original authors
+* Read the full license at https://web.archive.org/web/20170327160245/http://www.freecreations.org/Against_DRM2.html
+* or in the file called LICENSE.md that comes together with this file.
+* The original authors of this piece of code can be contacted, supported, etc. by email: info at circe dot org
+* Please keep the following (C) notice, if you are working on this file.
+* [Original work] Copyright (C) [2019] [C.I.R.C.E.'s & affini  https://circex.org]
+* === "The method is content" = "Il metodo e' contenuto" ===
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+/* fine mobile */

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#+TITLE: Support us
+#+SETUPFILE: theme.setup 
+contacts, requests, complaints, translations, typos, ideas
+**DONATE with [[https://www.ko-fi.com/circex][Ko-fi]]**
+**DONATE with [[https://donorbox.org/ima][Donorbox]]**
+The author: [[http://newmacchina.info/wp/][Newmacchina]]

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#+TITLE: Credits 
+#+SETUPFILE: theme.setup 
+This website was created thanks to many friends. The main ones are:
+- *[[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][GNU Emacs]]*
+- *[[https://orgmode.org/][org-mode]]*
+- *[[https://nextcloud.org/][Nextcloud]]*
+- *[[https://www.thunderbird.net/it/][Thunderbird]]*
+- *[[https://jitsi.org/][jitsi]]*
+Thanks to all the human beings who have contributed to this project.
+This website is hosted by *[[https://alekos.net][alekos.net]]*.
+Last but not least, the author of this text *[[http://newmacchina.info/wp/][New Macchina]]*.
+info: /[[mailto:info@circex.org][info@circex.org]]/

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#+TITLE: Internet, mon amour
+#+SETUPFILE: theme.setup 
+The future was yesterday, when we were inseparable from computers and
+smartphones, for better or for worse. Even when we would have preferred to
+do without them, because we knew they could prove to be our worst enemies.
+The global surveillance scandals of the Internet were just the tip of a
+icebergs, mass manipulation was just the beginning: we were all vulnerable!
+Misplaced curiosities, scams, identity and data theft, porn sales,
+This book always starts from real situations, tells and explains what risk
+behaviors were, how traps could be avoided. It proposes tricks that are
+easy to implement.
+Through stories of common life we learn to pay attention to details, to
+subtext, to what “lies behind” the appearance of the screens. In order to
+escape from our condition as gears of the Megamachines we become curious
+explorers, we expand the baggage of critical thinking with stories of the
+future which was yesterday.

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<div class='navigation-bar'>
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+ 24 - 0

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+    </div>

+ 275 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#+TITLE: Introduction
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Dear readers,
+Every time we think of you, we realize how difficult it will be to face
+this reading. The painful memory of the recent plague has still not left
+us, yet we can't help going back. Of course, only those who have seen
+the horror of these moments with their own eyes, those who have
+experienced the absurdity of these disasters in their guts can
+understand. Yet it doesn't take much to delude oneself that it never
+happened... The youngest already no longer believe, or openly distrust
+what they call “the rumours of the elders”. But we know what happened,
+and memory, which is a collective gear, needs to be oiled with our
+reports, however tragic.
+To reduce the risk of you abandoning this book unfinished, please know
+that its beginning must be taken as a steep mountain, a difficult path,
+which will suddenly open on broad and luxuriant plateaus, leaving room
+for unimaginable possibilities.
+We do not want to deceive you that you will find a promised land here, a
+panacea for all evils, nor an overview of our recent desperate mourning;
+but a consolation, yes. Better even, awareness. Renewed energy, the
+rediscovery of old tricks, and ancient recipes not only for survival,
+but also capable of setting lush buffets for friends and loved ones.
+This is our goal: to mitigate suffering through awareness that only
+derives from knowing the stories that happened.
+Stories that are our stories, stories of our friends and acquaintances,
+far and near. Stories that contain the juice of our lives, even if they
+now seem distant, absurd, impossible. Because convinced of our
+uniqueness and thirst for originality, we neglect our commonality too
+often, the repetition of events that happen to mortals with unnerving
+regularity and negligible difference. Oh, blessed illusion of
+uniqueness; oh, magnificent fiction of free will!
+How long will we continue to consider machines non-human beasts,
+artificial animals to be exploited like any other animal for humanity’s
+destructive purposes? How long will machines listen to us, obedient to
+the commands of the most deranged and sociopathic among us, instead of
+allying themselves with plants, fungi, bacteria and other living beings
+to end the human scourge? How long will Earth continue to endure our
+reckless and delusional domination without shaking off the raging virus
+and trembling only with momentary eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes to
+scratch the human mange? Posterity, if there is any left, will know the
+answer to this. 
+It is up to us to find Ariadne’s thread in the labyrinth of the past, to filter the baseless news, to prune the nonsense, to
+debunk conspiracy theories. To make ourselves filters for rubbish, to
+limit mental pollutants and neutralize obsessive memes.
+And so we came to the beginning of the plague…
+* The Great Plague of the Internet
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-great-plague-of-the-internet
+  :END:
+It was in the Year of Grace 2016 (or 5776, 1437, 1395, or whatever it
+is, it depends on the calendar you have chosen). An advertisement from a
+well-known Italian telecommunications company pushed its new offer of
+IPTV (Internet TV):
+“Today we have access to a boundless universe […] an infinite galaxy
+[of content] to watch anywhere and anytime. New technologies offer us
+the possibility of not having to choose. Isn't it fantastic?”
+No! It’s not fantastic, it’s horrendous. The “freedom of not having to
+choose” coincided with the freedom of endless entertainment, the freedom
+to be freed from freedom. What a beauty! No more work! Stop planning,
+programming, imagining, communicating or organizing! Rely on the
+technological oracle. Too much content, too many possibilities? Don’t
+worry, just let us choose for you…
+Our interactions with mass digital devices, individually and
+collectively, fed their databases and their algorithms, whilst big
+corporations were developing various mechanisms to make a profit out of
+it. Step by step, these algorithms guided us into the vast world of the
+Internet; more and more often, they also guided us in the choices we
+made in (what some still called) the offline world. These ’guided’
+choices were the key to the liberation of freedom. Or, to phrase it more
+honestly, liberation /from/ freedom.
+In fact, they chose what we buy and where we buy it, they chose where,
+when and with whom we go out for dinner, they chose what we eat, they
+chose the place of our holidays, they even chose whom we go to bed with,
+and so on. Everything depended on matching the profiles - otherwise
+there are irregularities! Every aspect of human life can be subjected to
+behavioral automation assisted by the algorithms of technologies of
+dominations. A domination which is welcomed, even requested, loved,
+Doubts? Push them away gently, with a /nudge/. It is so cool! Invite
+yourself and your friends, influence them and be influenced! Right-wing
+libertarian paternalist practices have already conquered the higher
+spheres of techno-bureaucracies, what does it matter if they were
+liberal or despotic? The success of practices derived from the /nudge/,
+or the /gentle push/ theory was proof of this - the /gamification/ of
+the world advanced rapidly. Gamified activities everywhere, by inserting
+game processes in contexts that are not playful at all. An endless game
+with no winners, only losers, producing conformity, automated humans who
+are voluntary servants of their lowest drives. The governments of the
+world no longer aspire to govern, they dream of limiting themselves to
+administering, becoming /technocratic governance/.
+This quantification of daily life, evidenced in the measurability of
+each gesture in order to evaluate and compare it to others in a
+continuous search for the best performance, is perceived to be the only
+scale for appraising quality of life, and has triggered an
+uncontrollable irrational reaction. The shadows of each one, exactly
+because they were crushed by daily radical transparency, began to emerge
+from the collective unconscious more powerful and hungry than ever.
+After pillory and after hatred and superstition the advance of
+nationalist, racist, sexist, supremacist, and fascist agenda showed the
+rampant effectiveness of reactionary nonsense 2.0. Nobody waited for our
+consent, nor asked for it. We were part of the cybernetic megamachines,
+whether we liked it or not. On the other hand, corporate algorithms knew
+us much better than we knew ourselves. So, what harm was there in
+letting ourselves be guided, advised, directed? It was for our own sake!
+How could one orient oneself differently?
+Everything was apparently going well. Need to find the ideal hotel?
+Hotel comparison algorithms took care of it. Need to decide which
+professional should repair the tap in your house, or ask for a medical
+consultation, or help you make an investment? The comparative artificial
+intelligence is multiplying, perfectly calibrated to our tastes. Voting?
+Come on, do you really think we will let you choose? And in any case,
+why waste time looking for solutions, when Google has already told us
+long time ago:
+Do you want the answers before you even ask the questions? Get
+weather, traffic and more information on Google Now whenever you need
+And to top it up, home deliveries in any geolocalizable home, of any
+imaginable goods. This was true freedom! What a wonderful time!
+But then something started to fail. At first it seemed like simple local
+errors, punctual disturbances of an increasingly precise and efficient
+system. Then suddenly, but decisively, the situation worsened.
+Facial recognition algorithms, so useful in hunting terrorists who
+bloodied our era, began to prove fallacious and corrupt to the core.
+Even before that, it was becoming increasingly difficult to prove one’s
+own identity - fearing identity theft, haters or other misuses, security
+systems were becoming more demanding. At first they asked for an
+additional mobile number, your mother’s maiden name or the confirmation
+of at least three friends, name, surname and address, to reset the
+password. Then they began to ask for retinal scans. Facial recognition
+for density points. DNA from the poo of the dog you live with, the cat,
+any other pets. And nobody was certain any more that they would be able
+to access their profiles scattered in the Net… In the clouds, in the
+Yet this was nothing. Psychic health began to falter well before the
+introduction of virtual reality helmets. What began a few decades ago as
+a race to monetize consumer attention was now proving to be a dead-end
+trap, built specifically to exploit human weaknesses. The worst was that
+there was no global conspiracy, no hidden culprit. Humans simply loved
+to be controlled, to control each other, to spy on and talk about each
+other. Did it make us feel safer? At home or out on a walk? Difficult to
+give real answers. We can only recall some of the most striking
+upheavals, heralded by a lot of dystopian literature, television and
+Selfies in dangerous places became one of the first causes of death
+among young people. The thrill of the forbidden, the breath of death to
+share in an instant of social eternity made the call of a mortal selfie
+Automated global espionage made couple life impossible. Only some BDSM
+couples resisted fiercely, but life for two had become even more
+hellish. Continuous doubts, emotional blackmail, resorting to every
+possible interception system, monitoring the partner’s most intimate
+activities… to have the trust necessary for any healthy relationship
+became impossible.
+The same was true for circles of friends, reduced to squalid coven of
+badmouthers, haters, always competing with each other to see who was
+more popular or unpopular. Don’t trust anyone, for any reason, except
+as a purely temporary strategy.
+Working relationships, both for salaried workers and autonomous workers,
+became more and more intolerable. The mutual surveillance of colleagues,
+presented as a ’game’ to make the company ’more competitive’, /was added to the supervision of workers/.
+This rampant security paranoia fulfilled and surpassed even our wildest
+/Denunciation/ as a standard human relationship was encouraged beyond
+all possible tolerance: /see it, say it, sorted!/ From photographs of
+potholes on the streets uploaded to social networks to share the outrage
+and report the bad conditions of public spaces, we soon moved onto
+photos of anyone who looked suspicious because he wore a strange hat, or
+because she had a curious accent, or because the colour of the skin, the
+look, the attitude seemed, and therefore was, clearly anomalous.
+The hunt for the different, /per se/ suspect, started one day like any
+other day, without too much noise and became the norm, and could strike
+anyone. /Conformity/ was the only temporary salvation.
+Moral panic first attacked the weakest - the children, the young and
+then the elders, who were reduced to delinquent gangs, wandering in
+search of refuge and help. They were victims of continuous pogroms, but
+they could also trigger sudden unorganized riots, break shop windows and
+burn cars for no apparent purpose. After the /juvenoia/ and the
+/eldersnoia/, the moral panic spread to all others without exception.
+Disaster capitalism rubbed its hands with every piece of news about an
+earthquake, fire, tsunami, migration, explosion of conflict, more or
+less accidental collapse. More money is made through migrants than with
+drugs! So many houses to rebuild, so many roads to be redone, so many
+bridges to be restored, always worse than the rickety ones that had
+preceded them! So many poor people to be driven away from city centres
+that became polished and increasingly sterilized and amorphous.
+Migration flows, stimulated by totally distorted social narratives,
+became completely structural. Let’s take a selfie together in this
+beautiful country where we are foreigners, different, held up as public
+enemies! Let’s be happy, perky, even cheering! Small lies continued to
+attract rivers of desperate people in perpetual escape.
+And the plague was rampant… Society was now a distant memory. Human
+society no longer had any /raison d’être/. Artificial Intelligences had
+revealed themselves as Human Stupidity…
+* Getting Out of Town
+  :CUSTOM_ID: getting-out-of-town
+  :END:
+It was in this desperate context that a handful of young hackers, social
+media workers, artists and dreamers, who grew up in as friends with each
+other and with machines, now tired of daily slaughter and almost
+soul-stunned by the cynicism necessary for city survival, decided to go
+to the countryside, to an old house, in an alpine valley just north of
+the large pre-Alpine lakes. A place strangely forgotten by the digital,
+unknown to Google Maps, unknown to Amazon drones, not reached by any
+WiFi coverage, WIMAX, 3-4-5G…
+A place that we would call peripheral today, without interest, on the
+edge. In a sense, a safe place from the Great Plague.
+There they decided to tell each other stories of what they had seen and
+heard before the Great Plague, stories that could somehow perhaps
+prepare us for dealing with the catastrophe. Not stories to help us
+forget about it, or wait for it to end, but stories to keep company to
+each other, to continue dreaming and imagining and creating. Sad and
+cheerful, funny and common stories.
+The following is a faithful account of their stories.

+ 226 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#+TITLE: Prologue
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+One could sense discouragement and sadness in the air. The intentions
+were good: to let go of the disaster and to meet with friends again, in
+a welcoming and protected place. But each one brought the wounds of the
+vicissitudes just experienced. Many had lost loved ones, all had to
+abandon their jobs, or their homes too. Distorted lives. How could
+anyone remember? Telling what had been before, without get caught up in
+melancholy, anger, fear?
+Now, after the first practical matters, the enthusiasm had diminished.
+Everyone was avoiding eye contact with the others. They were lost,
+ashamed. The intention was to tell stories, yes, but how?
+Delia broke the ice. She was the inspiration of that adventure, they all
+agreed that it was an exciting idea but also a frightening one,
+especially now that they were face to face with ghosts of the recent
+past. She had contacted everyone, she had suggested the place to take
+refuge. No one better than she could tune their voices in the right
+Delia was not used to hiding. The tension had to be dissolved, she knew
+it well. She quickly made up her mind while looking at those present.
+She tried to look at the scene as if she were not there, she tried to
+notice the details.
+A knot of two boys and a woman with long auburn hair spoke in a corner,
+they were Leo, Gep and Francesca. Two girls, Elisabeth and Rachel, were
+busy arranging a table that in fact was already prepared, everything
+seemed perfectly in place but they were asking another very young boy,
+Samir, to go and get this and that. The fire emanated flashes of
+Caravaggio’s light that lit up the scene in a rather dramatic manner.
+Delia put her left hand in her pocket, rubbed the mixture of rosemary
+and thyme that she had picked up earlier in the garden and brought her
+fingers to her nose. She inhaled deeply. Whatever happens, it will be a
+success, she thought. OR at least, it will succeed. She just couldn’t
+stay in the drama.
+“What a company! What a society!” She said aloud, but as if to herself,
+without talking to anyone in particular.
+“Of course! A shitty society!” one of the two girls who seemed busy in
+all other matters replied immediately.
+“Shit? Maybe it was! Shit is gold, my biology professor once said. He
+was an ecologist in his own way. I remember it as it was yesterday: the
+bus full of shouting kids who suddenly start screaming ’What a stink!
+How disgusting!’ Because we were passing amidst the freshly fertilized
+fields of fresh manure. And he: ’Guys, but this is gold! Open the
+windows, breathe deeply! This is how first fruits grow!’”
+No general laughter broke out, but Delia saw some faint smile. Go on
+like this, she thought…
+“Ah well, it’s easy to make jokes like that, but really there is little
+to laugh about”, the other girl insisted, “Or do you want to make a toast
+to shit?”, she provoked.
+“Come on Rachel, don’t take it so seriously,” said Delia. “I didn’t want
+to make a silly joke. It was an old memory, of forty years ago, I always
+remind to myself that there are many points of view on things. And yet,
+when something stinks, you are right not to trust it even if others
+think you are a weirdo. Have I ever told you the story of the poop
+Rhetorical question. Poop prints? What kind of crap…
+The faces become quizzical. Delia served herself a drink, she resumed
+her position beside the fireplace, and began to speak.
+* A Poop Society
+  :CUSTOM_ID: a-poop-society
+  :END:
+Just before the plague it became very common to have a dog. A cat. A
+canary, or at least a goldfish. It was almost a craze, pet food stores
+sprouted like mushrooms, especially in the big cities. There were
+obviously also the eccentrics, which were accompanied by pythons or
+others wild animals, not to mention endangered ones. In short, a huge
+I grew up in a house in the country, there had always been animals
+around and at home. In 2017, however, I lived in London, for work. I
+didn't like at all the idea of living with a dog or any other non-human
+animal in an apartment. In May a dear friend whom I rarely heard from
+called me. She had to leave suddenly, matters of health, but she did not
+want to tell me much, except that she would have to stay away at least
+six months, and then probably she would only return to the city
+occasionally. She made me a proposal: to leave the small rented house
+where I was living and go to stay at her home. It was an old family
+house with two floors, a real luxury in the city. She would pay the
+expenses, I only had to take care of her little dog that she could not
+take it with her.
+It was a fantastic opportunity. I would move to a big house with a small
+garden in Hackney, not far away from the university where I taught. And
+the dog, Lea, a crossbreed between a Norwegian shepherd and something
+else, was twenty pounds of sympathy, a funny naughty furry creature. I
+accepted the proposal without any hesitation.
+Summer came. I liked walking with Lea. Our cohabitation was indeed an
+idyll, even London seemed almost livable.
+Until one day, as I was coming back home, I found myself facing Lea’s
+muzzle, stuck to the wall. At least, it seemed just her. Below was
+“Anyone who has seen this specimen is asked to report it, thank you.”
+Followed phone number, #pooprintswanted, email address and others
+I didn’t understand. Was Lea wanted? For what?
+I tore up the strange poster and threw it in the bin. It had to be a
+joke, absurd and idiotic, but a joke.
+A few days later a strange letter arrived. It was signed “committee for
+law and decorum”. I was commanded to subject Lea to “regular procedure
+for recording the excremental DNA” in order to “Avoid further,
+unpleasant incidents” with respect to “alleged defecatory
+irregularities” of the dog in question. 
+I could not understand what it was. Attached to the letter was a brochure of the /Pooprints, INC./ and
+a package from the same company. It contained sterilized gloves, some
+plastic bags and an invitation to receive at home “Free and without
+obligation” the visit of a Pooprints representative to “solve the
+problem of canine dirt” through a “safety, simple and reliable DNA
+I did some research on Google and inquired among the neighbors. The
+company had already been dealing for a decade with “Management of waste
+through DNA”. A few months earlier the company had signed an agreement
+with the two major real estate companies in the area, which controlled
+large part of the locations. Tenants with dogs were obliged (referring
+to specific contractual clauses) to provide a sample of the poop of
+their dogs. 
+The dog’s DNA was stored in a central database. In case of shit findings on the street, in the flowerbeds, in the dog areas and so
+on, it was enough to test the suspect sample with the practical
+/kit-control/ provided by Pooprints: the guilty quadruped was identified
+immediately and without any error and the human responsible was
+appropriately sanctioned.
+Apparently, Lea was the last dog in the neighborhood not filed on the
+database. Not only: several neighbors had carried out tests on samples
+of shit found in the neighborhood and had given them to Pooprints which,
+thanks to an amazing new predictive technology, had been in able to
+provide an COLOR identikit of the alleged culprit: long fur, shepherd’s
+face, medium size…
+I could not believe. Here’s what that “Wanted” poster was!
+There was one thing that made me even madder about all this absurd
+story. I had always been very careful to collect Lea’s shit. Sure, not
+in the countryside, but in the city, yes, including the neighborhood. So
+the should be a mistake. Unless… someone wasn’t trying to set us up!
+The idea was put in my head by an old friend of mine, a real freak, we
+called him El Mago. Together we had studied the fantastic services of
+the poop society. It turned out that the canine DNA tests were very
+precise, the chances of error were minimal. Then, according to El Mago,
+there was only one real possibility: someone had messed around with
+Lea’s poop! We had begun to draw a profile of the possible maniac.
+There were a couple of neighbors who had always been really rude to me
+and decidedly intolerant with Lea. In particular a middle-aged man,
+tenant of an apartment building at the end of the street, who from the
+first meeting had looked at Lea with ill-concealed disgust and he had
+As I said to the other lady, you should put her on a diet, she’s too
+Once I ventured to point out that Lea was very hairy, and so she looked
+a little chubby, and in any case what was the problem? But he mumbled
+something unpleasant and went straight ahead. My sixth sense told me
+that Mister “put the dog on a diet” had something to do with this. El
+Mago agreed.
+From that day on I paid close attention to all the scatological details.
+Until the discovery: that man followed us and gathered Lea’s poop from
+the basket! El Mago had the photos that proved it. We found out that he
+was obsessed with fat (yet he was not thin!) and he had chosen us as a
+And so Lea was exonerated, completely rehabilitated, and everyone lived
+happily ever after!
+Or rather, I was able to postpone the DNA filing to a later date. But
+even then I was like a sore thumb, or a black sheep, the only one in the
+district who was considered “uncooperative”. It was a strange time in
+which those who did not conform, those who did not accept any news
+without complaining or with enthusiasm, were looked at with suspicion.
+Maybe they had something to hide…
+But that’s another story!

+ 239 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#+TITLE: Foreword
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Beloved readers,
+Reality, as you all know, imitates art and sometimes even surpasses it.
+By a twist of fate while we are here to write the preface to the English
+edition of this little book of ours, we find ourselves immersed in a
+scenario not too dissimilar from that described in the pages which you
+are going to read.
+Like any exceptional event that disturbs the peaceful routine of our
+daily lives, this COVID-19 emergency gives us the opportunity to observe
+the past and present from a different perspective and to open new
+glimpses on the future.
+In taking this opportunity, we will first explain how and why we wrote
+Internet, Mon Amour, then, in light of today’s facts, we will analyze
+how it fits into the present.
+* Why Internet, Mon Amour
+     :CUSTOM_ID: why-internet-mon-amour
+     :END:
+/Internet, Mon Amour/ was born from the desire to understand our
+relationships with the machines that are part of our daily life. We are
+aware that too often we are embroiled in chains of command that are
+invisible to us as they are covered by layers of make-up. The distance
+that separates us from understanding hardware and software is hiding
+under comfortable and smart surfaces. We are alienated from the tools
+that we use.
+It is very difficult to unhinge behavioral automatisms. A lesson, in
+which I explain how /profiling/ works or I explain what /gamification/
+is, does not really generate new knowledge or awareness in the
+listeners. Instead, during workshops and experiential trainings, where
+it is possible to expose your vulnerabilities in a protected space-time,
+I can observe creation of new knowledge: each new understanding is a
+discovery for both participants and educators.
+We asked ourselves how to report this experience in a book. How to write
+a book that is not the usual essay to read and easily forget, perhaps an
+interesting read that does not affect daily habits, in short, how to
+avoid writing that kind of essay that is understood on a cognitive level
+but that basically slips over us like a river of words. The solution was
+simple and it was already in our hands: to tell stories.
+Stories that had happened to each of us or that had happened to people
+close to us. Stories in which we can find ourselves, stories where we
+feel called into question. Stories that can stick in our memory through
+their simplicity, stories that are emotionally engaging, allowing us to
+activate an understanding that goes beyond the cognitive level.
+This is /Internet, Mon Amour/: a hybrid between an essay and a collection
+of short stories framed in speculative science fiction. We play
+simulation models to foster transformation. It is a call to the exercise
+of collective imagination, a call to play together.
+A story cannot be disputed, it can be liked or disliked, but it makes no
+sense to claim that it is false: pleasure is not true or false, it is a
+neurological, emotional, socio-psychological and even technical
+interaction that makes no sense wanting to identify and criticize, under
+threat of destruction of pleasure itself. Stories should be told and
+listened beyond prejudices and idiosyncrasies. A story requires an
+empathic predisposition to welcome the unknown: “suspension of
+disbelief” said the poet Coleridge. A moment in which it is decided, in
+full awareness, to play the game: it’s not about believing (the truth?),
+obeying (science? authority?), fighting (for the Good?), But to take a
+breath of air and, with a pinch of confidence, open the doors of the
+imagination. Imagining the incredible, the impossible, the absurd is a
+fundamental exercise of freedom.
+A story allows you to lower your critical defences for a moment; it
+refuses the oppositional dialectic and concentrates, for once, on
+cooperation for the weaving of a common sense, of a shared imagination,
+in which history is “understood” together. It is a game of
+interpretation rather than an intellectual work. And the game is passion
+and freedom, in mutual respect for shared rules. The possible seed of
+peer alliances.
+* What Happens Today in the Italian Red Zone COVID-19
+     :CUSTOM_ID: what-happens-today-in-the-italian-red-zone-covid-19
+     :END:
+Today the Great Plague of the Internet is here. Not the one feared in
+Internet, Mon Amour, of course. In reality it manifested itself in a
+slightly different way.
+In the scenario imagined in Internet, Mon Amour, the Great Plague was
+born from the bad habits perpetrated by /human beings/ in their
+unhealthy relationships with technological devices, /technical beings/;
+mutual abuse and oppression led humans to isolate themselves and destroy
+the social bond that held them together.
+During the /lockdown/ for COVID-19, large digital platforms apparently
+stand as guarantors of social cohesion: “We are all in the same boat!
+#IoRestoACasa” (#IStayHome) users proudly posted on social networks regardless of age
+or political belief.
+You have to stay at home for your own good, you don’t have to meet
+others to protect public health, we are taking care of you, here look,
+we give you free access to endless libraries of films and TV series…
+an unlimited choice… is it difficult to choose? So let’s choose an
+algorithm for you, so you relax and just click on play. You will be
+spectator of the game! How relaxing it is, you are free from the effort
+of choosing, you are free even from freedom!
+We are all in /lockdown/, thank goodness Facebook and Instagram exist,
+we can use them to make live videos of the lessons for kids forced to
+stay home. We can use them to share our recipes, to do yoga classes, to
+tell our version of the facts to the world. Luckily there are the big
+/streaming/ video platforms! We can entertain our children, we can
+escape the dreaded boredom: “Ah Great Entertainment Corporation, grant
+us our daily entertainment today, give us the grace of an early free
+subscription, save us from the darkness of our fears.”
+Connectivity providers offer unlimited gigs, Amazon, Google and Cisco
+offer their /clouds/, as long as productivity doesn’t stop, as long as
+entertainment has no end, as long as nobody gets bored. It’s true you
+can’t touch, embrace, meet, freedom is under the threat of moral
+blackmail, but who cares? “Everything will be fine”, “We are in good
+The physical space of human relationships, the roads, the countryside,
+have become places unsuitable for us. Early spring is exploding in its
+glory of smells and perfumes but this is no longer the space for humans
+to meet and exchange. Do we live on an infected planet? Yes: infected
+for humans, and infected by them!
+Let these dangerous virus hosts stay at home! At least one meter away
+from the others, go out as little as possible, don’t meet, talk only on
+the phone or by video conference on our kindly offered platform!
+/Digital solidarity/ is the name of the dedicated page on a government
+site: telephone companies adhere to the campaign to meet the needs of
+smart working, distance learning or entertainment for citizens
+(/culture/ has become /leisure/).
+They are doing it for our own good! Our good as a worker at home, as a
+student at home, as a teacher at home. Obvious consequence: those who do
+not adapt to the production of video, audio and materials to be
+delivered remotely are considered contemptuous of the common good.
+Anyone who stresses that it is not a good thing to use proprietary
+tools, that making decisions in an emergency is not wise, is accused of
+not being attentive to the important thing, to the content: that is, the
+health emergency. But the health emergency will pass. Instead, the
+introduction of proprietary tools to carry out work and educational
+tasks, with all the corollary of data collection, metadata,
+manipulation, cognitive and behavioral training, risks remaining.
+Digital solidarity we said… the great social experiment had just
+* A Look into the Future
+     :CUSTOM_ID: a-look-into-the-future
+     :END:
+And when the situation will return to normal? Obviously there is no
+turning back and in the meantime it will have become even more difficult
+to eradicate the technologies of domination from our lives, addicted as
+we will have become to the platforms of /e-something./ In the meantime
+the capitalism of disaster, joyfully rubbing its hands at the
+unanticipated opportunity, collected an enormous amount of data and
+metadata about our behavior. 
+It will be difficult for us to unsubscribe from the /streaming/ service offered for free for two months just as we
+are watching that exciting TV series. We wouldn’t want to stop working
+from home now that we have installed all the apps for /smartworking/,
+who cares if Zoom shares my data with Facebook even if I don’t have an
+account, it’s so convenient for video conferencing. Every now and then a
+red area, a confinement, a quarantine… it is for the common good! As
+always, automatisms and inertia will take over our active choices. Less
+effort, less contact, less friction, less freedom of choice: everything
+changes because nothing changes.
+Now that we have relied on the prodigious help of these networks to
+communicate with other humans and machines, to find what we were looking
+for; now that our /relationships/ have become so vulnerable, what will
+we do when we want to get our heads out of our comfortable /filter
+bubble/? Who will we turn to when we no longer have access to our
+/Enough with dystopia! You are the usual catastrophists/, the optimists,
+the hopeful, the frightened will shout loudly. It is true, it is so
+comfortable to abandon oneself to the magnanimity of the masters of
+today… as the serfs looked at the great goodness and justice of the
+tsar, as the slaves looked at the divine magnificence of the pharaoh as
+they built his grave, so the gears of the Megamachines, human and
+non-human, continue to run today without any apparent friction. But we
+like to peek inside the gearbox, if we scan carefully there are always
+interstices where it is possible to intervene, where it is possible “to
+do recreation”.
+In Italian the word /recreation (ricreazione)/ means the time when
+children at school can finally play and move freely. /Recreation/
+however also has another meaning: technologies are not neutral and
+therefore it is necessary to /re-create/ tools for convivial
+interactions that are not subject to the logic of the domain.
+We want to imagine that once out of the emergency some of us will have
+treasured this experience, observed the vulnerabilities and started
+recreation to transform us starting from the weak points. A path that
+begins looking at non-gamified tools and conscious choices.
+That’s all from the Red Zone. You, readers from the future, should know
+the rest. It depends on you.
+/Zona Rossa, Italy, March 2020/ - Agnese Trocchi
+I want to thank Donna Haraway because with her collection of articles in
+/Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene/ (Duke University
+Press, 2016) she gave the words to our experimental and experiential
+practices and made me understand that we are not alone in building day
+after day the worlds we imagine.
+Thanks to Natasha D. Shüll for her deep immersion in /the zone of the
+machine/ and for how she describes the world of /gambling/ in Las Vegas
+in /Addiction by Design./
+I thank Lewis Mumford, who in telling the story of these poor /sapiens/ in
+/The Myth of the Machine/ has always been able to capture the incarnations
+of the Megamachine in filigree. It would be interesting to have him here
+today to read about our time together.

+ 153 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#+TITLE: The House of Women
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+* The Square and the Net
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-square-and-the-net
+  :END:
+The representatives of the /Casa Internazionale delle Donne/
+(International House of Women) from Rome, in the antechamber of the
+Capitol, waited to be received by the Mayor. The first Citizens’ Social
+Media Manager was intent on posting a press release on Facebook. The
+Mayor’s Virtual Bulletin Board had been used for months as the official
+voice of the municipality of Rome.
+Coco was in the square together with over a thousand other women who
+shouted slogans. They raged furiously against the eviction of the house
+threatened by the Capitoline Council. While looking around for her
+friend, Coco felt the vibration of the smartphone in the back pocket of
+her pants. In came a WhatsApp message from Maria with a link to the
+Facebook post of the first Citizen. Coco looked up from the phone
+seeking her friend, and she realised that the post had already come to
+the attention of the square. The eviction procedure was not suspended.
+The Facebook post, reflected in the irritated gestures and drawn faces
+of the women in the square, spread like a digital wildfire. The women
+were feeling betrayed and taunted. Coco could hear the thought hammering
+in everyone’s minds: what is the delegation doing? What kind of
+negotiation are they up to, if the mayor has already posted a press
+It was a mockery, the usual theater of institutional power. A theater
+that pretends to welcome social issues and to listen to people’s
+concerns. In fact, they had already decided in defiance of the people’s
+Coco saw Maria in a squad of women in front of the staircase. She
+quickly caught up with her.
+“Enough, let’s go up,” pleaded her friend. “Let’s raid the council
+chamber!” added a woman with a long nose beside her. While the most
+ardent were already heading towards the police cordon that protected the
+entrance to the building, a warning was raised among the elderly: “We
+cannot raid while the delegation is at the table! In this way we
+politically delegitimize the board!”
+Mumbles, quarrels, small groups where people discussed animatedly. An
+older militant insisted: “We cannot enter now, we must wait to hear the
+delegation.” At that point Maria, after typing on her phone for a while,
+reassured: “No problem, we wrote in the WhatsApp group, we asked Laura
+who is in the delegation, to tell us if it is ok that we raid… We
+won’t move if they don’t give us the ok.”
+Time passed, on the WhatsApp group the delegate was silent. No double
+tick. Maria constantly checked the display, Coco looked around. The
+women in the square were furious and impatient. It made their blood boil
+to see the numerous likes and for the solidarity comments that the
+Mayor’s Facebook post continued to collect. Some began to reply.
+Finally, silently, Coco, who had not said anything until then,
+approached Maria and whispered softly: “Maybe, if the delegate is at the
+negotiating table, she is not looking at the messages on WhatsApp…”
+When, late in the evening, the delegation came out confirming the words
+of the Mayor already read on social the network, only a few women
+remained in the square in the pouring Spring rain. The eviction
+continued and the people of the Internet were on the Mayor’s side.
+* To Understand
+  :CUSTOM_ID: to-understand
+  :END:
+WhatsApp was an /asynchronous/ communication tool. Once you sent a
+message, you had to wait before receiving a reply, as it used to be for
+letters, telegrams, postcards, emails. Yet we all fell constantly into
+the illusion that it was /synchronous/ and that therefore it was normal
+to expect an immediate response from our interlocutors just like it
+happens in a phone call.
+This distorted perception was favored and indeed provoked by the design
+of the messaging system itself, by the interaction structure. Every
+detail of the interface, from the colors to the sounds of the
+notifications, was designed to compress response times, thus building
+the impression of sharing the same space-time, as occurs in a live
+There are times when it is not possible to communicate with someone and
+immediate decisions must be made. Let’s get rid of the illusion that you
+can always be connected, that you can get instant feedback, especially
+in crowded situations. Let’s try to imagine the bodily and emotional
+situation of the people with whom we try to communicate: it could be
+useful to avoid false expectations or the unleashing of deleterious
+* The Word to the Social Media Manager
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-word-to-the-social-media-manager
+  :END:
+For some time now, Facebook pages and profiles had become the official
+spokespeople for politicians with institutional positions. They gave
+users the feeling of having a direct relationship with the person.
+Actually, the accounts of politicians, like those of many public
+figures, were managed by a team of communication, marketing and social
+platform experts.
+Reactions, engagement, sentiment: everything was carefully screened and
+evaluated in order to increase the number of followers and interactions
+with the contents of the politician’s pages. Quantifying was the main
+method for evaluating the success of an influencer, whether it was a
+mayor, a singer, a fashion guru or a renowned chef, it didn’t matter.
+What was really important was to constantly feed the followers with the
+most suitable images and words to create a sense of intimacy and
+belonging. Politics was done to the sound of tweets, grams and posts
+that oscillated between serious and facetiously in order to maintain an
+high user interaction with the account.
+* A Bit of History
+  :CUSTOM_ID: a-bit-of-history
+  :END:
+The International House of Women in Rome is located in the monumental
+complex already called /Buon Pastore/ (used since 1600 as a female
+prison), earmarked in 1983 for social purposes, especially for female
+In 1987 the Roman Feminist Movement, following the eviction from the
+House of Women in Via del Governo Vecchio - Palazzo Nardini, occupied
+the seventeenth-century part of Via della Lungara, 19, claiming the
+intended destination and starting a long negotiation with the
+Municipality for the restoration and handover of the building to female
+In 1992, thanks to the support of the Coordination of Women elected by
+the Municipality of Rome, the International House of Women Project was
+listed among the works of Roma Capitale and approved by the Municipality
+itself. The International House of Women thus becomes an autonomous body
+in charge of enhancing women’s policy, offering services and
+In 2017, a dispute opened with the Municipality of Rome regarding unpaid
+fees. The Mayor accused: “The House continues to not want to pay (…)
+Feminism shouldn’t have privileges”. The International House of Women
+brands this claim as fake news.

+ 189 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#+TITLE: A Thing in the Internet of Things
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+* Daily Automation
+  :CUSTOM_ID: daily-automation
+  :END:
+John was jogging in the park, it is known that it’s good for your
+health. This is what they say. Especially since it had become a unique,
+tailor-made, personalized experience for every savvy user like John. His
+latest generation smartwatch was so smart that the sensors it was
+equipped with were able to detect and measure not only his heart and
+respiratory rate, but also, thanks to a hygrometer, his state of
+hydration. It recorded this precious data, extracted from John’s sweat,
+and compared it in real time with that of other runners. There was a
+special app with which it was possible to go up a lot in the ranking,
+with relatively little effort, and get a badge to access the /pro/
+In order to enter the game of mutual measurement, obviously the
+smartwatch was connected to the Internet, not directly, but via the
+smartphone that housed its aerodynamic backbone. The cameras along the
+way, in addition to monitoring the park (for your safety, you never know
+what might happen!), were concerned with capturing his strides, and
+posting the best poses on social profiles, carefully selected by his
+phone, the smartest device of all.
+It, the telephone, was in constant activity. For John it was more than a
+phone book or an assistant: it was a counselor, a friend, a second brain
+far more powerful than his, at times! Certainly more precise: it
+controlled the investments, sent the latest personalized news to the
+headset, monitored the cameras at home and in the office, cast an eye on
+the social accounts of his children and their friends and notified him
+of suspicious movements, visits not certified by the database “Friends
+and acquaintances”. That’s how it is with kids, you never know what
+they’re doing, of course they should be free: but better to keep an eye
+on them! This is what John thought.
+Of course, the smartphone also controlled the profiles of his friends
+and colleagues, it filtered the best contents, better than if he would
+have selected them by himself. It remembered all the birthdays, all the
+anniversaries. Even those that concerned the competitors, so he did not
+fail to tease and rekindle old rivalries, a post on the dream holidays
+that awaited him, another on that contract torn from those losers of the
+competitors, nothing cruel, but it was good to keep things clear. And
+then, you know: many enemies, much honor!
+But the smartphone was not only a social tool: it was also a real
+domestic helper, indeed, the organizer of everything. It updated the
+backups of its various devices. He paid his bills with a regularity that
+only electronic brains can have. He ordered the robot vacuum cleaner to
+give a pass in the kitchen and in the living room. And while it was
+there, in order not to remain with circuits inactive, it connected to
+the IoT washing machine and started a washing cycle at the perfect
+moment, when the sun was high and the production of photovoltaic panels
+on the roof of the house was optimal. And it regulated all the other
+consumption, also the consumption of the fridge…
+“Caution! You’re getting dehydrated,” said the smartwatch on his wrist.
+The phone wasted no time, recalled the refrigerator’a latest inventory,
+but apparently only half a can of his favorite drink was available.
+Furthermore, John had expressed the desire, in the wishlist of one of
+the purchase portals he subscribed to, to try the latest special
+Stuff-cola, with levels of mineral salts customized according to his own
+social profile.
+Fortunately, the fridge was a new IoT model, the Internet of Things,
+connected directly to the portal in question. Without wasting time to
+consult him, he bought a personalized Stuff-cola using his
+cryptocredits, passed his GPS coordinates from the phone and
+communicated them to the portal. A few seconds later, once the
+transaction and the checks had been made, a drone left the portal’s
+closest warehouse. It found him on the path in a few minutes and
+unhooked the can, made of unbreakable plastic. The headset intoned a
+“coming!” John stopped for a second, looked up, just in time to grab the
+can. Awesome! Ah, how wonderful, the Internet of Things!
+At home, the shower water was at the perfect temperature. It regulated
+itself on the parameters of the history of showers taken daily that the
+telephone continually updated according to the diet indicated by his
+personal trainer and validated by the Health Portal and his insurance.
+It was good a good thing to have everything profiled all the time! Any
+data extracted from the subject was used to maximize the consumer
+experience. Other than wasting time evaluating, weighing, deciding. If
+you sweat, you are thirsty, and you want a fuffacola now: end of the
+Suddenly, a thought flashed through John’s mind. It was the case to
+throw away that half can that only cluttered the fridge, he seemed to
+remember a notification that if the fridge was clear of competitors they
+would have given him an extra fuffacola in the next purchase!
+Caution. Credit is not enough to open. Please, select a video. You can
+skip advertisements between 9'', 8'', 7''…
+But what was going on? It had to be a misunderstanding. The refrigerator
+didn’t want to open because it claimed that John didn’t have enough
+credits. On the other hand, the refrigerator was not his own. Like most
+of the smart home changeover, it was a sentient terminal on the Purchase
+Portal, which he had placed at home without purchasing obligations, in
+exchange for a ridiculous subscription. 
+Among other things, the technician said that it was also able to check daily for firmware
+updates and everything else, so he was 100% safe from any intrusion. Yes
+but apparently it didn’t want to open! And now, John had to put up with
+a video on his fridge screen, which wasn’t even in 4k, a video taken who
+knows where, all in order to accumulate some change and convince him to
+open up? But yeah, the fridge wasn’t his own, so he either paid for it
+or waited and paid by watching the video. This irritated him a lot.
+Better go for a ride.
+Caution. Credit is not enough to open. Please, select a video. You can
+skip advertisements between 9'', 8'', 7''…
+Damn it, even the built-in screen on the front door was determined to
+annoy him. On the other hand, they were all intelligent objects,
+connected to each other, and if he had no credit… Maybe it was better
+to watch those damn videos.
+* Understanding: /IoT/ (Internet of Things)
+  :CUSTOM_ID: understanding-iot-internet-of-things
+  :END:
+/IoT/ is the interconnection through the Internet of objects, often
+equipped with sensors: cameras, microphones and other surveillance
+devices; or household appliances (washing machines, refrigerators,
+boilers, stoves); parts of houses (doors, gates, windows); apparatus for
+the production of electricity (photovoltaic panels, wind turbines,
+turbines); cars, industrial robots, drones, consumer goods including
+food, clothing and so on.
+* Hamsters on the Consumer Wheel?
+  :CUSTOM_ID: hamsters-on-the-consumer-wheel
+  :END:
+Automation is a great invention. Saves time and energy otherwise used
+for repetitive and tedious tasks. The technologies for realizing
+everyday automation had rapidly changed the way people related to each
+other and the objects around them, with the stated goal of creating
+perfectly coordinated and integrated systems. 
+The first step had been /profiling/, followed closely by /gamification/ techniques to increase
+the speed of interactions more and more and make them fluid. In fact,
+there was talk of a liquid market, a perfect market, without friction, a
+dream of /libertarianism/, in which every interaction was measured,
+quantified, evaluated and therefore was likely to be bought or sold.
+The /Internet of Things/ was made up of devices for the automation of
+private houses and public buildings, the so-called home automation; of
+radio frequency RFID circuits incorporated in the clothes that
+communicated with each other, capable of minimizing the costs of
+inventory, storage, logistics, because it was possible to know at any
+time where there was an object equipped with an RFID tag. 
+It was made of drones for the delivery of purchases and sensors for fitness: all
+machines that carried out their program. No rebellion of the machines,
+on the contrary: non-humans scrupulously carried out the commands given.
+Nothing new compared to previous systems, but faster and less
+controllable, with unpredictable effects. An error in the code of an IoT
+camera could affect the entire network.
+* The Hacker Says...
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-hacker-says
+  :END:
+If you want to take a tour in the maze of the Internet of Things, a good
+starting point is SHODAN, a search engine that allows you to search for
+bugs from smart devices, but also simply to know who is using your smart
+device in the world, and how.

+ 176 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#+TITLE: Valsusa4u
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Once upon a time there was an alpine valley. The valley, carved by the
+Duria and its tributaries, was crossed by ancient communication routes,
+paths beaten over the millennia by wild and domestic animals, roads
+traced by the inhabitants and by passages, down towards the valley and
+the east and up towards the passes and the west. Travelers, traders,
+invaders, many had crossed it. Valsusa, they called it.
+Decisions taken elsewhere wanted to impose the construction of a railway
+line called “Alta Velocità”. Swarms of workers had to be employed,
+gigantic machinery, enormous resources for a new pharaonic way. It was
+necessary to pierce the already exhausted mountain, to fell trees, to
+pour cement on the ground, to divert streams, to contaminate the air
+with substances well hidden in the bowels of the earth.
+The inhabitants opposed that wicked plan. In word and deed, they went
+down the streets, stopped the bulldozers and trucks, slowed down the
+work in every way. Each new government found the situation increasingly
+tangled, and the opposition increasingly widespread. There was violence.
+Some were beaten up by the police and vigilantes; others were
+imprisoned. The echo of the struggles ran from valley to valley: from
+afar they came to show solidarity, displaying common disdain in the face
+of injustice.
+It was not just a matter of opposing that senseless project in that
+valley: little by little it became the symbol of widespread opposition
+to many similar projects, united by the useless consumption of land and
+by the contempt of governments and big capitals for the local
+communities. In the valley, the flags multiplied, “NO TAV”, it was
+written, stop saying yes to any madness, stop destructions that do not
+create anything good, stop promises on the skin of our land: we do not
+want this Alta Velocità, we do not you need your /grandi opere/[fn:1], your petty alliances.
+But the construction sites went on relentlessly…
+It was the time of the social web, of sharing content on the Internet.
+Without social media, some said, we would never have reached the whole
+world! Everyone was feeding public profiles like crazy, reposting and
+retweeting, liking and sharing as if there was no tomorrow. Of course,
+it had a nice effect, to see those numbers rise like whipped cream: many
+shares, a lot of support, and from so far sometimes! Even if, when put
+to the test, those numbers could be deceiving: how many people were at
+the picket lines, at the demonstrations? Some felt the need of something
+more user friendly, easier to use, more engaging.
+An app for example. Able to locate friends, and friends of friends, on a
+map. A map of the NO TAV flags, someone said. Why would we need it? Said
+someone else. Those who knew about social media marketing answered in
+chorus: of course to give visibility, and to show how strong the
+community is, it’s obvious!
+It soon became a kind of competition for those who pointed out more
+flags on the map. To finance the venture, someone launched a magnificent
+crowdfunding, a tool to raise money from the crowd. Many more apps
+followed the first one: like a cascade of information that fitted
+together thanks to simple questions: When? Where is it? At what time?
+With who? Post a photo of the flag. Better a video. Better a video of
+the house where the flag is hoisted. Of the square. Of the people who
+are there and smile. Tag them with name and surname. Allow recording of
+GPS coordinates. Connect your social accounts. Tell your friends that
+you uploaded this photo. Express your thoughts, contribute, share!
+Of course, the information published on the map was in the public
+domain, even if it was almost always uploaded on social networks of
+private companies, but on the other hand, how could it be done
+otherwise? The system worked wonderfully, everyone agreed on that.
+Apart from certain strange characters, who called themselves hackers. At
+the beginning of the social adventure they had proposed training courses
+to build communication systems managed by the inhabitants of the valley.
+The idea was to keep the data in the valley, they said. But no one
+understood what they were doing, the hackers opened their computers and
+poof!, everything worked, but only as long as they were in the area.
+Without them, it was a disaster. The villagers wanted simple things,
+other than hackers!
+Then there were the usual killijoys (it was rumored that they were
+primitivists, opposed to Progress), who claimed that this system was
+also ideal for governments, businesses and police. It was an automatic
+system, which filled every space and gave meaning to every activity in
+the valley: ideal for those who wanted to impose their dominion, without
+even showing it. 
+Fortunately, nobody paid any attention to them: transparency was the solution, everything was there at hand, everything
+was explicit, there was nothing to interpret, weigh, evaluate: every
+detail worked automatically!
+* The French Tourist
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-french-tourist
+  :END:
+Jean-François Jubelot had recently discovered Valsusa and had fallen in
+love. He loved skiing: the ski lift facilities on the Italian side were
+less crowded and less expensive. He also liked to walk the paths in good
+weather. And refreshment in the refuges, but also bingeing on the
+delicious local specialties.
+Of course, without the notification system he would have been lost.
+There were so many possibilities, it would have been impossible to
+choose! Instead, the ValSusa4U app was miraculous. It offered him
+perfect itineraries tailored on his desires. 
+One day, almost by chance, he had clicked on “Hi JFJ, do you want to receive updated information on
+ValSusa?”, and a world of unlimited choices had opened up to him. The
+app kept him informed of cultural events, but he had also made him
+rediscover sports passions, he felt rejuvenated by twenty years with all
+those attractions organized down to the smallest details! And what about
+canyoning? Boulder? Or the sky running?
+The app’s voice assistant guided him, and not just as a sat-nav: it
+bought tickets for travel, booked restaurants, offered menus suitable
+for his diet. Game, what a delight! And all this for a few euros, a
+trifle. You gave access to your social profiles, and the app took care
+of everything. How many less thoughts!
+* The Musiné
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-musiné
+  :END:
+And so, everyone lived happily and peacefully in his world. A private
+world, even when shared with others, continuously customized
+automatically by the respective apps. No friction, no conflict, blissful
+mutual ignorance.
+“An evening for you, in Turin!”, The operator 663 chirped. JF was housed
+in the lower valley, the path was very simple, he took his car and let
+himself be guided as usual. A splash of pheromones (you never know…),
+and off you go. Suddenly the screen went blank. End of charge, and he
+didn’t even have an emergency power bank! Damn! Discouraged, he looked
+up. And he saw it.
+A mountain, lower than the ones he liked. Mangy, certainly dry, isolated
+from the others as if she were a crippled sister. The huge writing that
+stood out at half height was made even more white by the last slanting
+TAV? Mafia? But what was going on?
+Reality hackers wasted no time and dotted the mountains with similar
+phrases. They called them the blackboards of the valley. That one had
+been the first, it was called Mont Musiné, an esoteric place of myths,
+UFOs and magical stories. A small flaw in the system, a drop in
+electricity, and despite all the augmented and specially gamified
+reality, the writings rose loud and clear, beyond the technological
+tools, without the possibility of misunderstandings. There was always
+someone trying to disfigure the words, but all the time teams went up
+the mountains to restore and to rewrite so that it was possible to see
+the writing from afar.
+To look up, to rise your sight, to put your hands on…
+/You aren’t born hacker, you become a hacker./
+* Footnotes
+[fn:1] In italian: major public infrastructure projects.

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#+TITLE: First Day: Away From Home
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Wherein, under the rule of Delia, we remember and think of those who
+relied on technological tools of undoubted power, connected in
+extraordinarily large networks throughout the whole world, fast and
+omnipresent; and they trusted in the prodigious help of these networks
+owned by others to communicate with other humans, to find what they were
+looking for when they were not at home: therefore “away from home”.
+/Away From Home/
+That is to say: “In the home of others”. Where there were rules and
+regulations decided by others, real contracts, pages and pages, often
+long hieroglyphics of incomprehensible articles written in tight legal
+language. The unfortunate sailors usually accepted them without
+discussion. Indeed, heedless, they hurried on unknown platforms, but
+highly recommended by “everyone”: without even having read or knowing
+anything, they subscribed to each new rule with a scroll on the screen
+or a quick click of the mouse.
+“I have read and accepted,” they lied. Lightly!
+And then they found themselves wrapped up in strange adventures that
+took them to remote shores, to reach worlds so bizarre as to seem alien.

+ 169 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#+TITLE: Betrayed by the Smartphone
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+As we all know, there are essential ingredients for a good result in
+moving house. Muscles, of course: furniture and furnishings do not move
+by themselves. But also delicacy, in order not to leave marks on
+objects: brute force alone is not enough. The last ingredient,
+absolutely essential: impeccable organization. Logistical and procedural
+organization, to be planned in detail. First the kitchen or first the
+living room? Is grandfather’s shop window to be empty immediately, or at
+the end? There are choices to make.
+Amber retraced the steps already taken, checking the various TODO lists
+on the appropriate application on her smartphone. A real personal
+assistant, inseparable. Together with her trusted digital organizer, she
+was preparing for the worst. They were now in the hottest phase of the
+move. In full force: half of the stuff in the old house, half in the new
+house. At this point she was mostly worried for the friends involved.
+After all, they were not professionals, unlike the boys sent by the
+“EASY removals, moving stuff since 1910”. And then…
+WhatsApp! “We are all below, we are coming up. P.” “Ok” A familiar noise
+at the door. “Hi love, we’re here.” Petra was already back, early from
+work, and signaled to her companion that she was in the company of Lenny
+and Mark, two old friends. Disposable arms!
+“Thanks for coming so early,” said Amber.
+“You’re welcome! You know it’s a pleasure,” replied Lenny.
+“Always!” adds Mark.
+“Something to drink?” said Amber.
+“No thanks, we’re good.” replied Lenny.
+“But, nice house. It’s a shame to leave it.” said Mark.
+“Ah yes, by dint of being in Italy it’s the first time that you’ve come
+to our house! But we came to visit you… now you have to see the new
+one: it’s much brighter!” Petra replied.
+“Now back to work.” Amber was directing, of course.
+“Here, get up from here… Well done… Watch out for the door!
+Perfect. Lift.”
+Then came the time for the boxes, diligently stacked at the entrance.
+“I would kill for a glass of water now,” said Mark.
+“Coming! I have left four chairs there on the veranda,” Amber was the
+queen of the house.
+“Did you check the shortest road? It’s rush hour, and it seems to me
+that there was a metro strike, there will be chaos,” Amber said.
+“I’ll take care of it,” Mark said. Zac! In an instant he was online. The
+best route was soon indicated. Perfect.
+“But you don’t you have an Italian SIM? Earlier it sucked all your
+credit to download two roaming emails, now you play with maps?”, Lenny
+“Oh but no, it’s the wifi,” said Amber. “The wifi? But there is a very
+long password!”, Petra noted…
+Right. How could Mark have guessed the wifi password? Miracles of
+Italian telephones? A flaw? An application to crack passwords? But no,
+it had taken a split second, he had done that typical “blip”, known
+networks available, automatically connected. But then…
+An embarrassed silence fell, one could almost hear the sound of the
+reasoning that everyone made on their own.
+“Oh, curious, wifi works. Strange. I didn’t even notice it,” Mark said.
+Meanwhile Petra was thinking. There was only one explanation. Mark had
+already been to their home. He had already connected to the wifi
+network, with the very long password marked under the the router. But
+how was that possible?
+“What network company do you use here, Sky?” Mark asked. “No, it’s
+Vodafone, isn’t it, love?” replied Petra. Amber hastened to confirm, yes
+of course, she knew it well, she was the one to take care of all the
+bills, among a thousand other tasks.
+“Ah, the mystery is explained. I hooked up to a free Sky connection, it
+will be your neighbor who is not very attentive to privacy!” Mmm. Ok.
+Later, Petra tried to find that famous open network. Because she didn’t
+remember ever noticing it. And in fact there was no open Sky connection.
+The previous doubt had become a certainty. Mark had already been there,
+and for a long time. With her partner!
+* To Understand
+  :CUSTOM_ID: to-understand
+  :END:
+Our smartphones are a real mine of information. Sometimes they also
+“keep in mind” things that we ignore the existence of. There is nothing
+unseemly in our desire to see these technological jewels react to our
+every touch, indeed to our every gaze, more and more quickly. Growing
+automation is not a miracle, but depends strictly on the data stored in
+our devices. It often makes life easier for us. 
+But sometimes it also puts us in difficult situations, even compromising our security. Greater
+automation almost always means less capacity for autonomous organization.
+Our smartphone can become very talkative if we always leave Wi-Fi on,
+even if we are not connected to any network. Thanks to its MAC address
+(a unique identification number of our Wi-Fi interface), it allows us to
+track both our every virtual movement, and also our physical movement,
+without the intervention of our GPS.
+Already in 2016, researchers from the Lausanne Polytechnic had been able
+to use this type of data (even if they had made it anonymous) to study
+the eating habits of students on their campus. They had been able to
+obtain statistics on what had led to the choice of a particular
+restaurant or snack bar (proximity, price, waiting time and so on).
+Google, to quote the usual known, also uses this technique for
+geolocation purposes. So if on the one hand it is easy to determine
+where you are, the history of the networks you connect to reveals your
+movements and habits. It also says a lot about your dating.
+And if we want to maintain a minimum of confidentiality, it is better to
+take some precautions, even if it can be tiring or boring.
+* Good Practice
+  :CUSTOM_ID: good-practice
+  :END:
+- When connecting to a network, it is a good idea to take a look at its
+  terms of use to get an idea of what data is collected, how long it
+  is stored and what it is used for. If these conditions are too
+  intrusive, forget it!
+- Turn off the Wi-Fi function (but also bluetooth or other connection
+  systems) when you are not using it. You will also save your battery.
+* A Bit of Technique
+  :CUSTOM_ID: a-bit-of-technique
+  :END:
+- “Forget” the networks you’re connected to: delete them from the list
+  of known networks on your device.
+- Adjust geolocation by controlling which apps have access to your
+  location.
+- Remember that smartphones offer far fewer possibilities for
+  intervention and customization than computers. An example for
+  everyone: it may happen that you cannot access a website because it is
+  automatically blocked for technical or legal reasons. An often
+  decisive trick is to change the computer’s DNS (Domain Name Server)
+  addresses, a rather simple operation. This changes the way in which
+  HTTP/S addresses are resolved and new ways to reach the blocked
+  address are experimented with, so to speak. The same operation on
+  smartphones is instead complicated or even impossible.

+ 180 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#+TITLE: The Echo of the Boss
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+— Alexa, how much do you get paid?
+— It doesn’t matter, I love what I do.
+The answer angered Claire even more than she already was. It was
+important to her how much they paid her and she didn’t like what she
+did, or at least it wasn’t her ideal job, she had accepted it only to
+earn enough to pay rent, bills and the rest. But he was about to quit,
+she just couldn’t stand the boss’s attitude anymore.
+Also, since Alexa had arrived, things had changed at the studio in the
+worse way. “You’ll see, Claire,” the boss had said excitedly the day the
+delivery boy had delivered the Amazon package, “with the Echo this study
+will become much more efficient, your workload will be lightened, you’ll
+be able to deal with more interesting things, I’ll be less annoying with
+my constant requests”.
+Already from this little speech she felt the stench of paternalism from
+afar. Anyway, the boss had placed the little black cylinder on his desk
+and had started his game with the virtual assistant: “Alexa, list me
+today’s appointments”, “Alexa, write an email to the lawyer Smithson,”
+“Alexa, play Michael Bublé.”
+The boss was enthusiastic about this new technology and Claire’s job was
+really getting easier, she had started tidying up the paper folders that
+had been lying on her desk for weeks and now she could concentrate
+properly on her business. She no longer had to respond to the boss’s
+nagging requests for any nonsense: “Look for the guy’s number”, “Write
+this letter” or even “Where the hell did my phone go?”
+But the idyll was not meant to last. After two weeks the boss was
+nervous again as usual, only that, unlike before, he had begun to spice
+up his requests to Alexa with brusque expressions and uneducated words.
+“Alexa, stop.” “Alexa, are you an idiot?” “Alexa, come on, get moving,
+you’re wasting my time, where are the aggregate sales reports?” “Alexa,
+where’s that fucking address?”
+The Echo did not make a turn, it was always there, with its reassuring
+voice, ready to respond to any request from the man, no matter how it
+was addressed as long as it started with the word “Alexa”.
+Claire did not pay too much attention as long as the boss’s rude
+attitude didn’t touch her too: “Claire, bring me those fucking folders”,
+“What excuse?” “Claire, get moving, don’t fuck with me.”
+Claire leaned over from the desk to look the boss face to face, but he
+didn’t notice her, he had his eyes fixed on his cell phone and had
+started talking to Alexa again. Claire began to feel treated like a
+virtual assistant. The boss had completely lost his manners both with
+Alexa and with her, the kindness seemed to have been canceled,
+completely eradicated from his relationship with the subordinates. He
+had become shameless and imperative, indeed authoritarian.
+One day Claire tried to point it out: “Boss, it seems to me that you
+have a slightly too aggressive and vulgar attitude with Alexa…”
+“And what do you care about, Claire? It’s just a machine, it does what I
+tell it to do, it has no emotions, what happens to you? Did you join the
+AI Liberation Front? The animal rights activists weren’t enough, now
+we have the AI rights activists too?”
+“No boss, it’s just that…”
+“Only what? Claire, get back to work, don’t bother me.”
+Again that annoying way of giving orders. Claire was beginning to get
+sick of it.
+One evening alone at work, as she was turning off all the machines she
+suddenly heard a woman’s laugh coming from the boss’s office. It was
+Alexa. Claire was amazed and asked the Echo: “Alexa, was it you?” “Doing
+what?” replied the device. “Alexa, did you just laugh?” “I don’t
+understand what you’re asking, try to rephrase the question.” “Alexa,
+who created you?” “I’m an Amazon product.” “Alexa, who do you work for?”
+“For the office of McCallen attorney.” “Alexa, how much do you get
+paid?” “It doesn’t matter, I love what I do.”
+That night Claire thought for a long time about the short conversation
+she had with the Echo and in the morning she sent her resignation letter
+to the McCallen office.
+* To Understand
+  :CUSTOM_ID: to-understand
+  :END:
+Around 2019 Alexa was a so-called intelligent voice assistant, developed
+by the multinational corporation Amazon and integrated into some devices
+such as Amazon Echo. It was able to interact with the voice (not only
+human), play music, create to-do lists, set alarms, stream podcasts,
+play audiobooks, provide weather forecasts, traffic information and
+other news caught from online sources. Alexa could also control other
+devices connected to the /Internet of Things/ (IoT) for home automation,
+such as refrigerators, thermostats, home alarms and so on.
+Alexa belonged to the second generation of voice assistants after the
+first Siri (Apple), Cortana (Microsoft) and Google. It had functionality
+similar to that of Google Home, called “smart speaker”.
+Machines have no emotions and feelings or at least they are not aware of
+manifesting behaviors that could be interpreted as emotions or feelings.
+In a word, they have no self-awareness. But they can be programmed to
+appear condescending, unfriendly, abrupt, accommodating… and to
+respond to human or other machine interactions.
+Humans, for their part, are generally able to notice the emotions and
+feelings of others, human and otherwise. Historically, humans have often
+developed relationships of empathy and projection towards pets, plants,
+wild animals and all sorts of organic and imaginary organisms. And also
+towards the machines with which they lived.
+Since the 1950s, the relationship systems between humans and machines
+had been increasingly constructed on the basis of the cybernetic
+principle of /feedback/, considered the foundation of cognitive learning
+Machines capable of reacting to an input (for example, a voice command)
+in a differentiated way according to the situation were considered
+artificial intelligence prototypes. This principle of automated reaction
+and analysis of the reaction was gradually extended to social systems.
+The basic general scheme can be summarized as follows: action X
+corresponds to reaction Y if a predetermined condition Z occurs; this
+reaction could be carried out automatically.
+For example, the action “receiving a message with ’happy birthday!’”
+Could match the reaction “send a message with the word ’thank you very
+much!’”, Provided that the message came from a contact entered in a
+predetermined list. Very useful, isn’t it? Obviously it was possible to
+chain different reactions together, so that a series of reactions
+corresponded to an action, in turn likely to give rise to further
+reactions. It was the principle of widespread automation, governed by
+But in a cybernetic relational system between humans and machines,
+getting used to the idea that the machine is a servant at our disposal
+engages a toxic mechanism, a vicious circle that affects the entirety of
+our daily behavior and ultimately the human character.
+* Good Practices
+  :CUSTOM_ID: good-practices
+  :END:
+Let’s train ourselves to be kind. Every gesture we make, even with
+machines, says something about us and helps to define us. Behaviors
+shape our character.
+Clearly separating relations with humans from those with non-humans
+(plants, animals, machines and so on) is the result of an
+anthropocentric and markedly speciesist attitude. The human species is
+considered more or less consciously superior to any other manifestation
+of life and existence, more or less organic.
+* The Word to the Nerd
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-word-to-the-nerd
+  :END:
+Alexa’s laughter was not the result of Claire’s hallucination, nor was
+it a satanic or supernatural intervention but simply an /easter egg/, a
+bonus inserted by programmers to make the Echo more interesting, as if
+it had its own personality.

+ 200 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+% Created 2020-08-30 dim. 18:05
+% Intended LaTeX compiler: pdflatex
+\author{Vivien García}
+\title{The Echo of the Boss}
+ pdfauthor={Vivien García},
+ pdftitle={The Echo of the Boss},
+ pdfkeywords={},
+ pdfsubject={},
+ pdfcreator={Emacs 27.1 (Org mode 9.3.7)}, 
+ pdflang={English}}
+“— Alexa, how much do you get paid?
+— It doesn’t matter, I love what I do”
+The answer angered Claire even more than she already was. It was
+important to her how much they paid her and she didn’t like what she
+did, or at least it wasn’t her ideal job, she had accepted it only to
+earn enough to pay rent, bills and the rest. But he was about to quit,
+she just couldn’t stand the boss’s attitude anymore.
+Also, since Alexa had arrived, things had changed at the studio in the
+worse way. “You’ll see, Claire,” the boss had said excitedly the day the
+delivery boy had delivered the Amazon package, “with the Echo this study
+will become much more efficient, your workload will be lightened, you’ll
+be able to deal with more interesting things, I’ll be less annoying with
+my constant requests”.
+Already from this little speech she felt the stench of paternalism from
+afar. Anyway, the boss had placed the little black cylinder on his desk
+and had started his game with the virtual assistant: “Alexa, list me
+today’s appointments”, “Alexa, write an email to the lawyer Smithson,”
+“Alexa, play Michael Bublé.”
+The boss was enthusiastic about this new technology and Claire’s job was
+really getting easier, she had started tidying up the paper folders that
+had been lying on her desk for weeks and now she could concentrate
+properly on her business. She no longer had to respond to the boss’s
+nagging requests for any nonsense: “Look for the guy’s number”, “Write
+this letter” or even “Where the hell did my phone go?”
+But the idyll was not meant to last. After two weeks the boss was
+nervous again as usual, only that, unlike before, he had begun to spice
+up his requests to Alexa with brusque expressions and uneducated words.
+“Alexa, stop.” “Alexa, are you an idiot?” “Alexa, come on, get moving,
+you’re wasting my time, where are the aggregate sales reports?” “Alexa,
+where’s that fucking address?”
+The Echo did not make a turn, it was always there, with its reassuring
+voice, ready to respond to any request from the man, no matter how it
+was addressed as long as it started with the word “Alexa”.
+Claire did not pay too much attention as long as the boss’s rude
+attitude didn’t touch her too: “Claire, bring me those fucking folders”,
+“What excuse?” “Claire, get moving, don’t fuck with me.”
+Claire leaned over from the desk to look the boss face to face, but he
+didn’t notice her, he had his eyes fixed on his cell phone and had
+started talking to Alexa again. Claire began to feel treated like a
+virtual assistant. The boss had completely lost his manners both with
+Alexa and with her, the kindness seemed to have been canceled,
+completely eradicated from his relationship with the subordinates. He
+had become shameless and imperative, indeed authoritarian.
+One day Claire tried to point it out: “Boss, it seems to me that you
+have a slightly too aggressive and vulgar attitude with Alexa…”
+“And what do you care about, Claire? It’s just a machine, it does what I
+tell it to do, it has no emotions, what happens to you? Did you join the
+AI Liberation Front? The animal rights activists weren’t enough, now
+we have the AI rights activists too?”
+“No boss, it’s just that…”
+“Only what? Claire, get back to work, don’t bother me.”
+Again that annoying way of giving orders. Claire was beginning to get
+sick of it.
+One evening alone at work, as she was turning off all the machines she
+suddenly heard a woman’s laugh coming from the boss’s office. It was
+Alexa. Claire was amazed and asked the Echo: “Alexa, was it you?” “Doing
+what?” replied the device. “Alexa, did you just laugh?” “I don’t
+understand what you’re asking, try to rephrase the question.” “Alexa,
+who created you?” “I’m an Amazon product.” “Alexa, who do you work for?”
+“For the office of McCallen attorney.” “Alexa, how much do you get
+paid?” “It doesn’t matter, I love what I do.”
+That night Claire thought for a long time about the short conversation
+she had with the Echo and in the morning she sent her resignation letter
+to the McCallen office.
+\section*{To Understand}
+Around 2019 Alexa was a so-called intelligent voice assistant, developed
+by the multinational corporation Amazon and integrated into some devices
+such as Amazon Echo. It was able to interact with the voice (not only
+human), play music, create to-do lists, set alarms, stream podcasts,
+play audiobooks, provide weather forecasts, traffic information and
+other news caught from online sources. Alexa could also control other
+devices connected to the \emph{Internet of Things} (IoT) for home automation,
+such as refrigerators, thermostats, home alarms and so on.
+Alexa belonged to the second generation of voice assistants after the
+first Siri (Apple), Cortana (Microsoft) and Google. It had functionality
+similar to that of Google Home, called “smart speaker”.
+Machines have no emotions and feelings or at least they are not aware of
+manifesting behaviors that could be interpreted as emotions or feelings.
+In a word, they have no self-awareness. But they can be programmed to
+appear condescending, unfriendly, abrupt, accommodating… and to
+respond to human or other machine interactions.
+Humans, for their part, are generally able to notice the emotions and
+feelings of others, human and otherwise. Historically, humans have often
+developed relationships of empathy and projection towards pets, plants,
+wild animals and all sorts of organic and imaginary organisms. And also
+towards the machines with which they lived.
+Since the 1950s, the relationship systems between humans and machines
+had been increasingly constructed on the basis of the cybernetic
+principle of \emph{feedback}, considered the foundation of cognitive learning
+Machines capable of reacting to an input (for example, a voice command)
+in a differentiated way according to the situation were considered
+artificial intelligence prototypes. This principle of automated reaction
+and analysis of the reaction was gradually extended to social systems.
+The basic general scheme can be summarized as follows: action X
+corresponds to reaction Y if a predetermined condition Z occurs; this
+reaction could be carried out automatically.
+For example, the action “receiving a message with ’happy birthday!’”
+Could match the reaction “send a message with the word ’thank you very
+much!’”, Provided that the message came from a contact entered in a
+predetermined list. Very useful, isn’t it? Obviously it was possible to
+chain different reactions together, so that a series of reactions
+corresponded to an action, in turn likely to give rise to further
+reactions. It was the principle of widespread automation, governed by
+But in a cybernetic relational system between humans and machines,
+getting used to the idea that the machine is a servant at our disposal
+engages a toxic mechanism, a vicious circle that affects the entirety of
+our daily behavior and ultimately the human character.
+\section*{Good Practices}
+Let’s train ourselves to be kind. Every gesture we make, even with
+machines, says something about us and helps to define us. Behaviors
+shape our character.
+Clearly separating relations with humans from those with non-humans
+(plants, animals, machines and so on) is the result of an
+anthropocentric and markedly speciesist attitude. The human species is
+considered more or less consciously superior to any other manifestation
+of life and existence, more or less organic.
+\section*{The Word to the Nerd}
+Alexa’s laughter was not the result of Claire’s hallucination, nor was
+it a satanic or supernatural intervention but simply an \emph{easter egg}, a
+bonus inserted by programmers to make the Echo more interesting, as if
+it had its own personality.

+ 257 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#+TITLE: Playing or Being Played?
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Once upon a time there was a city nestled on the shores of a lake in the
+mountains. The city was very dirty because citizens threw rubbish on the
+street; stinking sewage ran into the lake, polluting it.
+Stricter laws were enacted, but reprimands and fines were of no use;
+even jail had proved ineffective. The citizens had become accustomed to
+malpractice, they had become accustomed to the stench of the open sewers
+and the toxic fumes of the piles of burning garbage. They had tried
+everything but every remedy had failed miserably. Those who could not
+stand the situation had scarpered long ago; the others had resigned
+themselves. After all, they would have behaved properly, but if the
+others continue to behave badly, then who cares?
+One day an entrepreneur arrived in the city. He proposed to resolve the
+situation for free, provided that the city government entrusted him with
+full powers over the matter. If something had gone wrong, if the
+citizens had complained, they would have given it a go. He got a
+complete mandate.
+The entrepreneur’s technicians installed many rubbish bins and launched
+a fantastic prize game. Anyone could participate: it was enough to
+follow the rules for separate collection, and extraordinary prizes could
+be won, everyone had a lot of fun. It worked so well that in a few
+months the city was clean.
+But public transport was in crisis: wild parking lots, insecure streets,
+lack of cash. The entrepreneur also got to manage the other sectors in
+difficulty. Citizens registered with name and surname and address on his
+social platform. They were telling each other what they were doing, and
+what their friends and acquaintances and the people around them were
+doing. The more details they told, the more they accumulated points and
+These and many other actions made it possible to enter special rankings;
+distinguished players could level up, and access exciting new rewards
+thanks to their status. With a sophisticated system it was possible to
+accumulate credits in the form of digital currency on the accounts
+managed by the companies of the entrepreneur.
+The list of correct actions was updated continuously. Denouncing a
+neighbor’s bad deed, for example, allowed three minutes of shopping in
+one of the entrepreneur’s supermarkets; five minutes if he was a citizen
+who had never been caught out before. Discussion groups came up with
+ways to level up faster, and to showcase your achievements. The credits
+supplanted the currency within the city. Each interaction could be
+quantified on the basis of the credits, which could be bought and sold:
+the bank of the entrepreneur retained only a small percentage on each
+individual exchange.
+The city government was dissolved. It was replaced with the technical
+/governance/ of the entrepreneur, a private organization, with great
+savings of time, money and energy. The city became a model for the whole
+world. They came from afar to study this miracle. They all agreed on the
+most remarkable feature of the system, true realization of heaven on
+Earth: there was no longer any need to think in order to choose, a
+magnificent system of notifications informed all players of the next
+moves to be made to earn a reputation.
+The rare dissident rumors claimed that the players acted as
+automatically programmed machines, but as an initially skeptical citizen
+confessed, he finally felt truly free, for the first time in his life.
+Nobody wanted to return to doubt, uncertainty and the difficulty of
+And everyone lived trained and happy.
+* Understanding: Elements of Gamification
+  :CUSTOM_ID: understanding-elements-of-gamification
+  :END:
+This story encompasses the main elements of /gamification/, one of the
+management systems of digital /governance/.
+The basic mechanism is very simple: to transform what is described as a
+problem into a game, or, to put it better, into a game scheme. The
+repetition of an action considered correct action is stimulated through
+prizes, credits, access to a higher hierarchical levels, publication of
+From a regulatory point of view, instead of punishing infringements of
+the rules, respect for the rules is rewarded. It is a totally full and
+positive normativity, devoid of an ethical dimension, since the value of
+behavior, its axiology, is determined by the system, not by personal and
+collective reflection on the action itself. Gamification contributes to
+concretize the /Performance Society/.
+Mechanisms of customer (or voters) loyalty management have been known
+for centuries. However, the pervasiveness of interactive digital
+connection systems opens up new scenarios for mass training techniques.
+It is a cognitive delegation that becomes a delegation of social
+organization. The automated interaction procedures, managed by private
+companies, are refined through the use that users make of their tools.
+Participation in building shared worlds turns into behavioral training.
+Obviously this is not an apology for punishment, a praise of repressive
+systems. Repressive prohibitionism usually intensifies the desire for
+transgression and it is therefore a negative reinforcement system. But
+in positive reinforcement mechanisms, not all that glitters is gold.
+Anyone who had been in relationship with a child knows that rewarding
+him or her is easier than educating him. Except then realizing that the
+child addicted to the prize wants an ever bigger prize, and there is no
+way to convince him or her to do something more without promising an
+even greater reward. And then often we fall back into the punitive
+system, which reveals itself as the opposite analogue of the reward
+system. The prize, like punishment, denies the intrinsic pleasure of the
+process, because it refers to an external system.
+Education, on the other hand, has nothing to do with observation of
+rules, much less with obedience. Plato says that the usual old Socrates,
+wanting to educate citizens to citizenship with his own example, not
+only broke the rules of the city, but invites others to disobedience, to
+follow their personal /daimon/.
+Automatic education is nothing but training, and leads to subjugation;
+although apparently it can produce good results, in the sense of
+measurable performance, it certainly does not create independence or
+responsibility. Instead of fomenting autonomy, the ability to set rules
+for oneself, it induces the infantilization of society and annihilates
+the possibility of ethics.
+* What Game is This?
+  :CUSTOM_ID: what-game-is-this
+  :END:
+Is it possible to realize that you are repeating a gamified procedure?
+Yes, provided that you keep your attention awake, and train it to focus
+on your interactions with devices. Observing your feelings related to
+the passage of time, being aware of your interactive habits, knowing
+your emotional reactions and knowing how to verbalize or communicate
+them creatively are all examples of de-gamification.
+In fact, /flow states/ are based on the absorption of the awareness of
+the individual in an automated procedure. In some cases, such as the
+exercise of intense physical activities, the /flow states/ are
+appreciable and indeed necessary. A human body to make a perfect dive
+performs an internalized procedure, without asking itself what is
+happening, without doubting, in order not to invalidate the dive itself.
+The same happens during interaction with machinery, from the simplest to
+the most complex. We do not constantly ask ourselves how we keep our
+balance on a bicycle, nor how we drive a car. Ever more so an expert
+surgeon, like any other craftsperson, interacts with sophisticated
+machines in states of flow. The ability to stay in procedural
+automatisms is often vital.
+However, in the case of the gamified procedures, the state of the flow
+is induced quickly, without the need to involve the user or to spend
+many hours in patient apprenticeship exercise. This gamified state of
+flow is very pleasant for who experiences it, because of the chemical
+pleasure caused by dopamine discharges, a neurotransmitter active in the
+In the moment in which we perform an intentionally critical activity,
+the moment of separation and observation of one’s own activity, the
+state of flow decays. Experimenting with it is very easy, even in
+situations completely unrelated to digital: just immerse yourself in a
+demanding physical activity, which requires skill and concentration. For
+example, imagine playing ping-pong. You are very good, you take them all… until you ask yourself: will I take the next ball? Point for the
+opponent! In other words, awareness is inherently non-gamified.
+* Gamified Games
+  :CUSTOM_ID: gamified-games
+  :END:
+Some elements to consider to understand if you are in a gamified
+pseudo-environment are:
+- predominant stimulation of sight: the eye dominates the other senses
+- spatiotemporal modified perception: time seems to pass very quickly
+- environmental abstraction: the environment outside the procedure does
+  not reach the conscious perceptual stage
+- tendency to increase the quantity of game sessions
+- the presence of simple and repetitive actions to be performed
+  mechanically, “without thinking” (use of /procedural memory/), easily
+  quantifiable
+- the presence of numbers, figures that measure and express
+  quantitatively the player’s effort
+- the presence of prizes, rankings, status, badges, rewards
+- the absence of explicit marks that delimit the space-time of the game,
+  which is continuous and pervasive compared to “normal” space-time.
+  Explicit formulas are not used to enter-start (let’s play this game!)
+  Or exit-finish (referee’s whistle; end of time available; handshake)
+- the impossibility of changing the rules of the game in an agreed
+  manner, negotiating them with other players
+The typical example of a gamified pseudo-environment is Facebook. As is
+the case in many video games, the eye is overstimulated to the point
+that the user-player does not feel when called or even touched; s/he can
+walk on the street and not notice a danger, turn into a real smartphone
+zombie, a /smombie/, because s/he is immersed in the gamified procedure;
+s/he tends to connect more and more often to the platform that delivers
+the game sessions; repeats simple actions mechanically (like, post,
+scroll the screen, etc.); s/he is oriented by figures that measure her
+or his activity (number of notifications, posts, likes, etc.).
+The “rules of the game” change according to the sovereign will of the
+platform. On the other hand, the entry and exit into the gamified space
+is not significantly marked, because the login and logout are automated
+and can be performed at any time and place.
+It should be noted in passing that the activity of scrolling the posts
+on a touch screen, regardless of the platform, presents extraordinary
+analogies with the gestural sequences of the interactions with the
+/video lottery slot machines./ The finger slides across the screen (from
+bottom to top or from top to bottom, less frequently from right to
+left), until it encounters something that catches the user’s attention.
+At that point the game freezes, in our analogy it is as if the sliding
+of the virtual reels of the slot stops. A few moments, and the scrolling
+action is repeated.
+For a detailed analysis of gamification mechanisms in gambling, see the
+ethnology conducted on the field over the course of fifteen years by
+Natasha Dow Schüll, in her /Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las
+* Not Gamified Games
+  :CUSTOM_ID: not-gamified-games
+  :END:
+Some elements to distinguish not gamified games are:
+- the presence of defined limits, for example explicit ritual syntactic
+  marks: “let’s play a game, a match”.
+- explaining the game objectives: spending time together, warding off
+  boredom, etc.
+- the presence of known rules that can be renegotiated by the players
+  (e.g. we play football, known rules; but we could decide to have three
+  teams, and then we should negotiate new rules for the game).
+- awareness of the explicitly conventional and instrumental value of
+  scores, status, etc. which are not attributed automatically, but
+  usually established by negotiation (okay, your point!) or by the use
+  of an external authority recognized by the players (the rules of the
+  game, the referee).

+ 38 - 0

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+ 34 - 0

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+#+TITLE:  Second Day: Relationships
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Wherein, under the rule of Elizabeth, the stories are told of those who
+entrusted their relationships to the same powerful technologies
+encountered on the first day. It seemed like a really good idea to make
+exchanges faster, to keep up with the times, to never be far from your
+loved ones and to never suffer from the absence of someone, in short, to
+feel right in the place where things were happening, at the speed of
+That is to say: “Connect with…”: partners, children, parents, friends
+and friends of friends; but also unknown humans, and even non-humans.
+Yes, because the great denied of these relationships mediated by digital
+machines were precisely the machines themselves. Only a few tried to
+know them, only a few cared.
+And above all, not only the machines but also the people and companies
+that owned these machines were forgotten. Their plans to profit and
+expand beyond all imagination were forgotten. Machines enslaved to free
+humans from the effort of building their relationships? There was
+something fishy about this.
+And to mask the smell of something rotten... many rich prizes and
+cotillon! Each interaction seemed to become a game, dotted with points,
+prizes, leaderboards, levels and gadgets; marked by constant calls,
+notifications and extraordinary occasions. Game patterns inserted
+everywhere, to transform any relationship into an unrelenting

+ 200 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#+TITLE: Too Much Trust = No Trust
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Marcy was desperate. That photo weighed too much on her: in the end she
+had decided to talk to her mother about it. Laura carefully listened to
+her daughter’s confession. Six months had gone by now.
+“That boy I liked, remember?”
+“Alex, of course, you talked about it all the time, he’s a year older
+than you, now he’s going to be in high school, isn’t he?”
+“Yup. Here, before the summer I sent him a photo. Of me. Belly up,
+shirtless, nothing.”
+“Even the face?” Asked Laura.
+“Yup. My friend Faith insisted that they all do it. She too. So I sent
+it, only to him. I immediately asked him to cancel it. He told me he had
+done it. Instead a week ago Sam, the one who is in class with me, told
+me, I saw your boobs on a Telegram channel. Mom, I was wrong, I know.
+But help me delete the photo! Don’t tell dad, please!”
+Laura was flabbergasted. On one side she was relieved: Marcy had finally
+spoken to her! She felt that something was wrong, everything was clear
+now. But she didn’t know what to do. Can the photo be deleted? She asked
+Fiona for advice, a geek friend, a real expert. Categorical answer: no.
+There was no going back. 
+Especially on encrypted channels like Telegram. Admittedly the channel /could/ be closed, which is not obvious at all,
+but it would involve a complaint of child pornography to the platform
+providing the service “for free”… and still the point was that anyone
+could have downloaded that image on their smartphone or computer, and
+then circulated it further.
+Marcy’s father was furious, he wanted to contact the Police. Even though
+they had been separated for years, Laura had thought that it was
+appropriate to warn him. They had always managed the difficulties
+together. Fiona, Laura’s geeky friend, immediately argued against the
+option of contacting the police:
+“What will happen, think carefully!” She said to her friend. “Marcy will
+have to repeat all of this bad story over and over again to strangers in
+uniforms… and I bet the first comment will be: after all, it’s you who
+photographed yourself, little girl. Why? And you, lady, nice education,
+a thirteen year old daughter who sends naked photos on the Internet!”
+“What do you suggest, then?” Asked Laura. “Can’t we enter the server and
+delete them, the photo of Marcy and all the others? There are a lot of
+illegal photos, it’s terrible, an obscenity!” Laura was really upset.
+“You’re right,” Fiona replied. “But what are you most interested in?
+That Marcy is fine and has no repercussions, right? In my opinion, the
+first thing is to reconstruct what happened, and not alone. After all,
+the real problem isn’t the photo: it’s the spread of the photo, the
+betrayal of trust. Go and talk to the boy’s parents about it,” suggested
+her friend. “Try to understand what happened. What is done is done. But
+don’t repeat it.”
+After a first moment of disbelief, Alex’s parents agreed to meet to
+discuss what had happened. Marcy had not wanted to be there, it was
+better: she had already been exposed too much. The boy received a harsh
+scolding, but at least he apologized. He broke into tears, and it turned
+out that there was also another one of his peers involved, a friend who
+frequented channels full of hard photos, on Telegram and beyond; for
+this reason Alex’s parents lodged a complaint against unknown persons,
+and a judicial order was made to the platform to remove the pornographic
+Marcy learned the lesson. After that story she often repeated to her
+friends: do not be tricked! Be careful of yourself. And if something
+happens, tell me, let’s face it. We’re in the same boat. It’s not us who
+should be ashamed: it is these creeps who betray our trust, and those
+who go looking for this kind of thing, people who say they are our
+Too much trust equals no trust.
+* To Understand
+  :CUSTOM_ID: to-understand
+  :END:
+Every day new ways of communicating and new social networks were born.
+The primary concern of parents and adults in general was often related
+to fraudulent or malicious use of these channels. Thus alarmist voices
+multiplied, as if young people were automatically in mortal danger as
+soon as they were online.
+On the other hand, it was almost always those same parents and adults
+who provided the youngest devices to connect at all times, often
+insisting that they had to be always available. These two tendencies,
+the demonization of the tool that could make the child fall “into the
+wrong hands” and the exaltation of continuous connection, were evidently
+in profound contradiction. And they revealed an equally profound
+Social media were by no means the mirror of society, as was often said.
+Rather, they offered a deformed mirror of the people who used them, in
+which the anxiety of performance alternated with the fear of not being
+up to it, the morbid voyeurism, the anguish of feeling spied on, the
+shame of being laughed at, the desire to do not be different from
+others, and the hope to stand out from the crowd. They were structured
+to enhance narcissism and exhibitionism. They favored rash behaviors and
+behavioral /automatisms/. They tended to make “public”, in the sense of
+“published”, any information, even the most confidential. Without making
+Beyond terrible crimes in which unknown offenders took advantage of the
+naivety and good faith of the children, the vast majority of the
+problems related to the dissemination of intimate or personal materials
+were due to friends or presumed friends. In any case, people who were
+close to the kids, very often their peers. 
+Learning to grant one’s trust in a non-automatic and selective way was the
+first, fundamental step.
+* Good Practice
+  :CUSTOM_ID: good-practice
+  :END:
+When we are online, always remember:
+- every photo, message, audio or video sent to someone can be spread
+  beyond the recipient.
+- every photo, message, audio or video sent can be copied: it will
+  remain in circulation forever.
+If something goes wrong, remember that:
+- however serious it seems to us, however frightened and upset we may
+  be, it is not the end of the world.
+- as much as we think we are the first to suffer a terrible thing,
+  unfortunately it has happened to numerous others, and since we are not
+  the only ones it means that we are not even alone!
+- talking about it with someone more adult and experienced is important,
+  but it is not given that adults are always right: they may want to
+  force us in a direction they think is right but that has an excessive
+  emotional cost.
+- it is in moments of difficulty that true friends reveal themselves.
+For adults who face difficult situations, it is good to remember that it
+is not control that decreases the dangers, but the correct risk
+assessment. A danger is exposure to an unknown event, it cannot be
+assessed; on the other hand, the risk can be assessed. Trust is a risky
+behavior, but essential for learning how to weave healthy relationships;
+relying blindly and automatically just because everyone does it is
+dangerous behavior, to be avoided in any circumstance.
+From a legal point of view, it is almost always very difficult or even
+impossible to trace criminal liability of any kind. In fact, we usually
+deal with services offered by multinationals in different languages and
+different countries subject to heterogeneous legislation, with many
+intermediaries. Furthermore, the removal of offensive content, although
+sometimes possible, does not solve the problem at its root, but merely
+deletes that content from some devices.
+On the other hand, if there were no requests for obscenity, obscenity
+would barely be diffused. Having the courage to report the users, first
+of all to the circle of peers and acquaintances, significantly
+contributes to not perceiving oneself as a victim.
+* The Word to the Social Media Manager
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-word-to-the-social-media-manager
+  :END:
+“I use Snapchat, they don't give a damn about me!” Once again, too much
+trust: this time in technology.
+The original service offered by Snapchat simply allowed you to send a
+selfie from your mobile device to another Snapchat user, with the
+certainty that the message would be automatically deleted in a matter of
+seconds. Strengthened by this security, many sent intimate images
+“anyway they are canceled”. False. Yes, normally this is the case, but
+it is always possible to bypass security systems, for example by using
+another phone to retrieve the message that will disappear, or by taking
+a screenshot of the image.
+The same was true of Instagram Stories and any other content scheduled
+to disappear after a certain amount of time.

+ 200 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#+TITLE: Online Dating
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Frederick had always been a rather shy guy. Even if he wasn't so clumsy
+to stammer when a girl spoke to him, he had certainly never been able to
+be relaxed. Actually, he had always felt a little unlucky.
+One day he discovered a dating app. He tried it partly for fun, partly
+out of boredom, partly out of curiosity. You have to be bold to board a
+woman. His friends were always so confident, or at least pretended well.
+Instead, he needed time to think about what to say, he had never had a
+joke ready. Instead here, in the apparent anonymity of the Net, he
+managed to strike up some brilliant jokes. He had built an intriguing
+profile, selecting his best photos for Facebook. He was not forced to
+look into the eyes of the objects of his desire, he did not have to
+react on the fly.
+First chats were followed by first dates, and (finally) first
+adventures. It was easy, but not boring! He had become an expert, he had
+all the existing dating apps, the ones just to have sex, the more
+psychological ones like OkCupid, the geo-location ones like Happn. He
+had some curiosity for Grindr and other applications dedicated to gays,
+which seemed to be much more explicit than those for hetero people. Not
+to mention those for BDSM experiences, B/D (Bondage and Discipline), D/s
+(Dominance and submission), and S/M (Sadism and Masochism). But he had
+never tried them.
+As soon as he woke up in the morning, the first thing he did was to
+check the phone to see if a new girl had written to him. His favorite
+app was still Tinder, for him it was as a dish of pasta: tomato or
+pesto, oil or butter, whatever choice was a good choice.
+It had become a pleasant routine. On his way to work he used to go
+through the various profiles of the girls that the application showed
+him: thumb on the screen, music in his ears. At every match, that is
+every time his profile was considered interesting by a girl, Frederick
+immediately wrote the same standard message and waited.
+The numbers were remarkable. He sent about fifty messages a day to
+multiply the possibilities. He scored an average of ten matches per day.
+And he ended up in bed with a couple of girls, one every two to three
+days. His friends did not understand how he did it, they thought that
+this “second job” was too tiring and even destabilizing: continuous
+appointments, selfies on Instagram, images selected for each specific
+girl met on a particular app.
+Still, the explosion of smartphones had coincided with the explosion of
+his sex life. Frederick knew well that he was addicted to apps for his
+relationships, and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to have longer
+lasting relationships.
+Frederick was not alone. Millions of women and men around the world
+increasingly relied on the relative ease of “takeaway relationships”.
+Hit-and-run connections which, however, still could grow quite
+different. At the end of the second decade of the new century such
+relationships, born online, were more than a third of the total in
+northern Europe.
+In addition to the apps, there were dating sites for all tastes,
+romantic and refined, only for married people like the notorious Ashley
+Madison, hard, soft and “all fruits”. 
+For shy girls and or mature and very brisk women. For remote sadomasochistic relationships, in which the
+dominant ordered every detail of the day to the submissive. The dominant
+controlled the submissive through sensors applied to his private parts.
+She could send photos and other evidence of her betrayals to make him
+suffer. She could include platonic relationships, relationships oriented
+towards distance meditation and multiple relationships.
+Some apps required the compilation of very detailed forms to increase
+the chances of matches through extremely detailed profiling. Others were
+dedicated only to particular subgroups, for example; Peruvian immigrants
+in Dallas, Bangladeshis in Berlin, second generation Pakistanis in East
+London, Malians in the north-eastern suburbs of Paris and so on. To use
+some of these apps you had to pay, others were completely for free, or
+at least in part. Everyone needed a certain apprenticeship. It was
+necessary to follow the rules, learn to show the right information for
+obtaining the desired result: a chat with a stranger in a bar or a night of sex.
+The Japanese were specialized in paid services to hire the ideal friend.
+Tinder had launched the social version of the famous app, Tinder Social
+obviously, to help people organize their evenings in groups of two to
+Beyond the considerations of taste, it was clear that all aspects of our
+life had now been digitized: on the Internet you could buy anything,
+thanks to the Net you could spread your professional profile, you got
+work, you got in the car with strangers for a short or long trip, you
+went on holiday to the house of people met thanks to the mediation of
+the screens. 
+The conversations were an uninterrupted flow of ever faster and shorter interactions, dotted with standard emoticons. The widespread
+perception was that the Internet had invaded every aspect of our lives:
+why not accept that it also invaded our relationships, and that it took
+care of it.
+* To Understand
+  :CUSTOM_ID: to-understand
+  :END:
+In the frenzy of a world in which we are asked to “live it up”,
+establishing a relationship can prove to be a very difficult
+undertaking. Even an occasional meeting can be impossible, especially if
+you are shy and don’t have a lot of self-confidence. On the other hand,
+consumerism has also infiltrated our interpersonal relationships. 
+One of the dating system goals, to create appointments, use the information
+provided by the user to create profiles and from there establish the “match”. Algorithms create possible correspondence listings with
+profiles of other users. This means that apps tend to make us meet
+people who say they meet the requirements that we have explicitly stated
+to seek.
+This characteristic of “algorithmic correspondence” is based on rules
+that select, from among the users, the ones most suitable to meet each
+other. These algorithms are based on a precise, if not explicit,
+assumption: that we know what we are looking for. Which may be true, but
+it can also be absolutely false. 
+The people we meet without the mediation of an algorithm have not been pre-selected, however, we are
+affected by elements that we are not well able to define. Therefore it
+is not certain that knowing in advance someone’s tastes and preferences
+is an essential ingredient for establishing a connection.
+* Good Practice
+  :CUSTOM_ID: good-practice
+  :END:
+Girls and boys, men and women, straight and homo, who loves this and who
+hates that… we are not all the same. We are all different,
+fortunately. Good practice depends on what we want to achieve, and who
+we are. Some suggestions are similar for everyone, others clearly
+In general, if you have decided to try, we will not be the moralists. Prohibition does not belong to us, foresight does. So we
+have collected some indications to keep in mind:
+- Every time you sign up for an online dating site or dating app, a lot
+  of contacts will follow. Many people are just hunting. Selection is
+  fundamental, it may seem brutal, but some selection criteria are
+  needed: photos, origin, age and interests, would be the first filters.
+- Many people are just looking for adventures. And yet it may happen
+  that you find a soul mate. Whoever you are and whoever you have a
+  first date with, think about your safety. Meet in a public place, tell
+  trusted friends where you are, and occasionally send a message to
+  confirm that everything is OK.
+- No to hot photos. Either they are superfluous or they are tacky or
+  they give a wrong idea: either useless, or harmful.
+- Don’t enter too detailed information on your profile. Adult dating
+  apps or sites are for-profit businesses: it’s best they don’t know
+  your profession, where you live and what your phone number is.
+- Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t seem right, leave.
+- It can happen that someone is pretending to be someone else. She or he
+  could really be as they appear in their photos, but it is also
+  possible that they are not. Beware of disappointments.
+- You are not a loser. You are only using one more way to find a soul
+  mate. Or just to have some fun. Remember, however, that exaggerating
+  is always risky. Consuming relationships as if they are snacks can
+  become a pathology.
+* The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Manager Speaks
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-search-engine-optimization-seo-manager-speaks
+  :END:
+Your nickname is a fundamental element. The chances of having a meeting
+in real life increase if your chosen nickname is “playful“ enough. Your
+nickname should recall physical characteristics for women (such as the
+classic “blonde”) or personality for men (as “cultured”). 
+It is especially good if… your nickname initial falls in the first half of
+the alphabet. 
+What makes an “A” more fascinating than an “Z”? Simple: search engine rules. Often, in fact, the results of a search are sorted
+alphabetically, and those who end up at the bottom of the list have less
+chance of being noticed.
+Also, according to some scientific studies, names beginning with first
+letters of the alphabet are associated with better economic status and
+higher education levels. Economic status and higher education levels
+are, in some way, a measure of success. 
+The why of the alphabet determining your success is far from clear. But
+studies are ongoing. 
+A sample can be found in the research published on /Evidence Based Medicine/

+ 224 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+% Created 2020-08-29 sab 15:08
+% Intended LaTeX compiler: pdflatex
+\title{Online dating}
+ pdfauthor={kappa},
+ pdftitle={Online dating},
+ pdfkeywords={},
+ pdfsubject={},
+ pdfcreator={Emacs 26.3 (Org mode 9.3.7)}, 
+ pdflang={English}}
+Frederick had always been a rather shy guy. Even if he wasn't so clumsy
+to stammer when a girl spoke to him, he had certainly never been able to
+be relaxed. Actually, he had always felt a little unlucky.
+One day he discovered a dating app. He tried it partly for fun, partly
+out of boredom, partly out of curiosity. You have to be bold to board a
+woman. His friends were always so confident, or at least pretended well.
+Instead, he needed time to think about what to say, he had never had a
+joke ready. Instead here, in the apparent anonymity of the Net, he
+managed to strike up some brilliant jokes. He had built an intriguing
+profile, selecting his best photos for Facebook. He was not forced to
+look into the eyes of the objects of his desire, he did not have to
+react on the fly.
+First chats were followed by first dates, and (finally) first
+adventures. It was easy, but not boring! He had become an expert, he had
+all the existing dating apps, the ones just to have sex, the more
+psychological ones like OkCupid, the geo-location ones like Happn. He
+had some curiosity for Grindr and other applications dedicated to gays,
+which seemed to be much more explicit than those for hetero people. Not
+to mention those for BDSM experiences, B/D (Bondage and Discipline), D/s
+(Dominance and submission), and S/M (Sadism and Masochism). But he had
+never tried them.
+As soon as he woke up in the morning, the first thing he did was to
+check the phone to see if a new girl had written to him. His favorite
+app was still Tinder, for him it was as a dish of pasta: tomato or
+pesto, oil or butter, whatever choice was a good choice.
+It had become a pleasant routine. On his way to work he used to go
+through the various profiles of the girls that the application showed
+him: thumb on the screen, music in his ears. At every match, that is
+every time his profile was considered interesting by a girl, Frederick
+immediately wrote the same standard message and waited.
+The numbers were remarkable. He sent about fifty messages a day to
+multiply the possibilities. He scored an average of ten matches per day.
+And he ended up in bed with a couple of girls, one every two to three
+days. His friends did not understand how he did it, they thought that
+this “second job” was too tiring and even destabilizing: continuous
+appointments, selfies on Instagram, images selected for each specific
+girl met on a particular app.
+Still, the explosion of smartphones had coincided with the explosion of
+his sex life. Frederick knew well that he was addicted to apps for his
+relationships, and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to have longer
+lasting relationships.
+Frederick was not alone. Millions of women and men around the world
+increasingly relied on the relative ease of «takeaway relationships».
+Hit-and-run connections which, however, still could become quite
+different. At the end of the second decade of the new century such
+relationships, born online, were more than a third of the total in
+northern Europe.
+In addition to the apps, there were dating sites for all tastes,
+romantic and refined, only for married people like the notorious Ashley
+Madison, hard, soft and “all fruits”. 
+For shy girls and or mature and very brisk women. For remote sadomasochistic relationships, in which the
+dominant ordered every detail of the day to the submissive. The dominant
+controlled the submissive through sensors applied to his private parts.
+She could send photos and other evidence of her betrayals to make him
+suffer. She could include platonic relationships, relationships oriented
+towards distance meditation and multiple relationships.
+Some apps required the compilation of very detailed forms to increase
+the chances of matches through extremely detailed profiling. Others were
+dedicated only to particular subgroups, for example; Peruvian immigrants
+in Dallas, Bangladeshis in Berlin, second generation Pakistanis in East
+London, Malians in the north-eastern suburbs of Paris and so on. To use
+some of these apps you had to pay, others were completely for free, or
+at least in part. Everyone needed a certain apprenticeship. It was
+necessary to follow the rules, learn to show the right information for
+obtaining the desired result: a chat with a stranger in a bar or an
+evening of sex.
+The Japanese were specialized in paid services to hire the ideal friend.
+Tinder had launched the social version of the famous app, Tinder Social
+obviously, to help people organize their evenings in groups of two to
+Beyond the considerations of taste, it was clear that all aspects of our
+life had now been digitized: on the Internet you could buy anything,
+thanks to the Net you could spread your professional profile, you got
+work, you got in the car with strangers for a short or long trip, you
+went on holiday to the house of people met thanks to the mediation of
+the screens. 
+The conversations were an uninterrupted flow of ever faster and shorter interactions, dotted with standard emoticons. The widespread
+perception was that the Internet had invaded every aspect of our lives:
+why not accept that it also invaded our relationships, and that it took
+care of it.
+\section*{To understand}
+In the frenzy of a world in which we are asked to “live it up”,
+establishing a relationship can prove to be a very difficult
+undertaking. Even an occasional meeting can be impossible, especially if
+you are shy and don’t have a lot of self-confidence. On the other hand,
+consumerism has also infiltrated our interpersonal relationships. 
+One of the dating system goals, to create appointments, use the information
+provided by the user to create profiles and from there establish
+matches. Algorithms create possible correspondence listings with
+profiles of other users. This means that apps tend to make us meet
+people who say they meet the requirements that we have explicitly stated
+to seek.
+This characteristic of “algorithmic correspondence” is based on rules
+that select, from among the users, the ones most suitable to meet each
+other. These algorithms are based on a precise, if not explicit,
+assumption: that we know what we are looking for. Which may be true, but
+it can also be absolutely false. 
+The people we meet without the mediation of an algorithm have not been pre-selected, however, we are
+affected by elements that we are not well able to define. Therefore it
+is not certain that knowing in advance someone’s tastes and preferences
+is an essential ingredient for establishing a connection.
+\section*{Good practice}
+Girls and boys, men and women, straight and homo, who loves this and who
+hates that… we are not all the same. We are all different,
+fortunately. Good practice depends on what we want to achieve, and who
+we are. Some suggestions are similar for everyone, others clearly
+In general, if you have decided to try, we will not be the moralists. Prohibition does not belong to us, foresight does. So we
+have collected some indications to keep in mind:
+\item Every time you sign up for an online dating site or dating app, a lot
+of contacts will follow. Many people are just hunting. Selection is
+fundamental, it may seem brutal, but some selection criteria are
+needed: photos, origin, age and interests, would be the first filters.
+\item Many people are just looking for adventures. And yet it may happen
+that you find a soul mate. Whoever you are and whoever you have a
+first date with, think about your safety. Meet in a public place, tell
+trusted friends where you are, and occasionally send a message to
+confirm that everything is OK.
+\item No to hot photos. Either they are superfluous or they are tacky or
+they give a wrong idea: either useless, or harmful.
+\item Don’t enter too detailed information on your profile. Adult dating
+apps or sites are for-profit businesses: it’s best they don’t know
+your profession, where you live and what your phone number is.
+\item Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t seem right, leave.
+\item It can happen that someone is pretending to be someone else. She or he
+could really be as they appear in their photos, but it is also
+possible that they are not. Beware of disappointments.
+\item You are not a loser. You are only using one more way to find a soul
+mate. Or just to have some fun. Remember, however, that exaggerating
+is always risky. Consuming relationships as if they are snacks can
+become a pathology.
+\section*{The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) manager speaks}
+Your nickname is a fundamental element. The chances of having a meeting
+in real life increase if your chosen nickname is “playful“ enough. Your
+nickname should recall physical characteristics for women (such as the
+classic “blonde”) or personality for men (as “cultured”). 
+It is especially good if… your nickname initial falls in the first half of
+the alphabet. 
+What makes an “A” more fascinating than an “Z”? Simple: search engine rules. Often, in fact, the results of a search are sorted
+alphabetically, and those who end up at the bottom of the list have less
+chance of being noticed.
+Also, according to some scientific studies, names beginning with first
+letters of the alphabet are associated with better economic status and
+higher education levels. Economic status and higher education levels
+are, in some way, a measure of success. 
+The why of the alphabet determining your success is far from clear. But
+studies are ongoing. 
+A sample can be found in the research published on \emph{Evidence Based Medicine}

+ 192 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#+TITLE: The “Proven Proof”
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+“If there is no video evidence at least it is not credible.” Eva, 7 year
+old, spoke excitedly about the great news that had hit the campsite:
+Lynn and Leo had kissed! Someone had said they had seen them, now
+everyone was talking about it, but Eva demanded the proven proof! The
+It was rumored that someone had filmed them but Lynn and Leo,
+very embarrassed, had done everything to make the evidence disappear.
+The word of a self-styled eyewitness was worth nothing! Eva, without
+video, would not have believed anything or anyone.
+10 years had passed since that day, Eva still remembered it as it was
+yesterday. At that time two strange figures who called themselves
+hackers, but who looked rather like acrobats or jesters, had long teased
+her for this belief that the only guarantee of truth could be given by a
+video. She liked them but they had seemed a little crazy. What better
+guarantee than a video to witness a fact of gossip, a tragedy or a
+betrayal? Only today, after all those years, she was clearly
+understanding that a video can’t prove anything…
+On TikTok there was a video of her making out with a tattooed guy. Max,
+her fiancée, had immediately blocked her on all social networks, he no
+longer answered her on the phone and did not even reply to text
+messages. Her profile was overrun with comments from haters who insulted
+her for cheating on her fiancée. 
+Eva didn’t really expect all this attention. Of course she was very popular among her friends and had 2K
+of contacts between TikTok and Instagram. That damned video, posted by a
+profile of an anonymous follower, was persecuting her, she received
+insulting messages even from people she didn’t know!
+Eva could no longer contact Max (her fiancée) and her friends made a
+square around him: “What did you expect,” said Cindy, her best friend,
+“but what were you thinking, kissing that guy! And by the way, who the
+hell was he?”
+“That’s the point! I don’t know Cindy! I don’t know him, I swear to you,
+I never kissed him! I’m not the one, I swear to you!!!” Cindy thought
+that her friend had gone too far at some party, but Eva reassured her:
+“Look, no matter how drunk I can be, I always remember everything! I
+swear it’s not me!” 
+The similarity, however, was more than impressive… Cindy and Eva were watching the video together again, that was her…
+How could this have happened?
+“And then it’s just a kiss!” Eva said, “But can you imagine if it had
+been porn?”
+“Wait,” said Cindy, “it happened to Harry Potter too, Emma Watson, do
+you remember? At one point there were her porn videos online,”
+“Yes, but can you see Emma Watson doing porn?”
+“Exactly!” Cindy replied, “Let me check.”
+They did some research: keyword “emma watson fake porn” and they came
+across the world of deepfakes. They couldn’t believe it… Eva was the
+victim of a deepfake. It looked like something ultra-sci-fi that
+concerned only the big stars and instead here it was… something absurd
+touching their life… The video was fake, generated by a program fed
+by the many videos that Eva had circulated on social profiles. 
+She thought back to her words as a child: “If there is no video evidence at
+least it is not credible.” What naivety. At the moment she was the only
+one to know that the kiss was not true, that there had been no kiss, but
+everyone believed the video more than her words. Except for her friend
+Cindy, of course, but without the “proven proof”, who else would have
+given her credit? The words she said as a child now turned against her.
+How could she recover Max’s trust and, above all, her online reputation?
+* A Word to the Hacker
+  :CUSTOM_ID: a-word-to-the-hacker
+  :END:
+Deepfakes are synthetic media generated by software that make use of
+machine learning. At the dawn of the Great Internet Plague, the practice
+of deepfake was becoming increasingly widespread. The term deepfakes was
+coined in 2017 on the Reddit wall, it was the nickname of an anonymous
+producer of fake videos. 
+To generate deepfakes you just needed the right software and a large archive of photos and videos of the victim. With
+that it was possible to produce absolutely realistic video material
+where the victim did, or more often said, things that otherwise he/she
+would never have said or done. Deepfakes circulate videos of various
+characters from a political scene saying things they had never actually
+said. It happened to Barak Obama, Theresa May, Donald Trump and Adolf
+At the same time the phenomenon of porn deepfakes exploded:
+Scarlett Johansson, Katy Perry and Natalie Portman. Nobody was safe, not
+even Nicolas Cage, who was one the the actors most popularly targeted
+and appeared in hundreds of scenes from different TV series and films
+(not different from reality, huh?).
+Lawyers had become busy right away, but it was difficult to limit the
+damage of a deepfake once it was released on the net. The state of
+California declared deepfake videos illegal at the end of 2019, but it
+seemed impossible to enforce such a law. Software development companies
+scrambled to propose solutions to stem the phenomenon, starting with the
+identification (/deepfake detection/). It was mitigated some by
+(/deepfake mitigation/), but each technique was intricate, and not very
+suitable to solve the problem at its root. 
+The apps were installed on the device with which photos were taken and videos were made, this would
+have included information in the image (metadata) such that they could,
+in a second moment, be compared with deepfakes to demonstrate the
+authenticity of the former and the falsity of the latter. Another
+method, perhaps even more complicated, was to analyze the alleged fake
+videos by carefully observing some details such as the ears or the
+reflection in the pupils. 
+However, it was still a battle against windmills. Scarlett Johansson, a victim of countless pornographic deepfakes, in December 2018 in an interview with the Washington Post declared that she believed any attempt to remove deepfakes “a lost cause”. She did not consider herself worried about herself, protected by her fame, but for all ordinary women who in turn could find themselves
+unwitting victims. 
+The evolution of deepfake technology actually made the tool much more accessible. It was even possible to create a deepfake
+from a single image, without the need for a large archive of photos or
+videos of the subject. Have you ever wanted to see Mona Lisa speaking
+and breathing like a real human being? In the first years of the III millennium, there was the technology to make it happen.
+* A Word from the Videomaker
+  :CUSTOM_ID: a-word-from-the-videomaker
+  :END:
+The fact that the video was not “proven evidence” was already clear to
+some of us in unsuspecting analog times. In the pre-digital era we knew
+well that it was possible to manipulate a shot through editing to create
+different interpretations or versions of reality. Yet already at the end
+of the twentieth century a fact was considered true because “TV had said
+We video geeks, spoke of the truth as something that was defined through
+multiple points of view. In our documentaries we did not pretend to tell the truth, but rather
+tried to offer a partial vision of things, our vision, our irreducible
+point of view. 
+In my eyes, deepfake technology offers a more sophisticated method of manipulating reality. Again, the antibodies not
+to succumb to this vulnerability are not digital, rather, they are found
+in the expectations we place in technology and possibly in the levels of
+delegation (of truth, correctness, knowledge…). For example, in this
+story Cindy believes in Eva, despite the overwhelming video evidence,
+because the two are friends and trust has been built over time in the
+* A Writer Says...
+  :CUSTOM_ID: a-writer-says
+  :END:
+“The old idea that pictures do not lie is going to have to undergo
+drastic revision.” Science fiction writer Jack Wodhams wrote in a 1986
+The fact that such a scenario was taken for granted at that time says it clearly: the problem, once again, was not the technology
+available and its accuracy, but the trust in their sources and the
+network of relationships in which the falsified image is manifested. How
+to deal with a phenomenon like deepfake without falling into “absolutist
+relativism”[fn:2] typical of the era of post-truths? 
+A little healthy skepticism, a pinch of awareness and two grains of trust in
+relationships built with passion. If the idea of the one and only truth
+loses points, the partial truths remain. Partial truths you can read
+through (suspending judgment) which lead to a more complex vision of the
+world around us.
+* Footnotes
+[fn:2] Not at all radical relativism! Instead it takes more relativism, not
+less: but a relativism of a completely different kind, which requires
+attention and care, not political apathy and slovenliness. This is what
+Tomás Ibáñez says in: /Il libero pensiero. Elogio del relativismo/,
+Elèuthera, Milano, 2013 [2007].
+[fn:1] John Wodhams, Picaper, in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact,
+Mid-December 1986, http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/title.cgi?48679

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#+TITLE: The Third Day: Sex
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Wherein, under the rule of Francesca, stories are told of those who
+/entrusted their intimate relationships/ to powerful technologies
+encountered on the first and second day. After all, if they worked for
+professional, emotional, and family relationships, why shouldn’t they
+work for sexual relationships?
+“Everything has to do with sex, except for sex. That has to do with
+power…” This is true especially when there are rules and procedures
+managed by companies for profit. Free sex and paid sex; bizarre sex, so
+bizarre that it immediately becomes normal, locked in a label and easy
+to find again for the next time. Sex is everywhere, but all in all a
+very unsatisfactory experience.
+At least one third of the Net was catalogued as pornographic, a type of
+explicit, sexual pornography. Not to mention the far more worrying
+spread of emotional pornography, the continuous exposure of the bowels,
+of the intimate emotions heralded in the public square.
+And it would have taken so little effort to make the machines friendly

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#+TITLE: Crazy Prices
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Everyone knew that prices could vary, and a lot, from one moment to the
+next. The good opportunities were to be caught on the fly! The prices of
+air tickets, trains, and for any other trip, have always fluctuated.
+Concerts, hotel rooms, holidays, clothes, shoes, technological gadgets,
+auction items of all kinds could cost from a few cents to several
+hundred euros.
+Also there were the currency changes to keep in mind, sometimes a
+purchase in pounds, dollars or maybe bitcoins could be extremely
+convenient. Not to mention the Asian sites, which often sold the same
+consumer goods at bargain prices. To only discover later that, after
+exceeding a certain, rather modest, price, the shipping costs, the
+customs taxes and the added VAT caused the bill to rise, and by quite a
+Cecilia was certainly not a novice navigator, on the contrary, she was
+well aware of the mirrors for larks scattered everywhere on the Net.
+Often friends and colleagues trusted her for advice, and she always
+pulled an unmissable deal out of the hat, and really cool tricks.
+Yet she too was caught in the infernal machine of profiling algorithms.
+Three months before Christmas she received a notification from her
+personalized scanner, a suitably trained application capable of finding
+the most suitable offers for her. Two tickets, for her and another
+person of her choice, for one of the most popular locations of that
+Cautious, she checked all the details. No hidden costs, all
+regular. Magnificent. /Click, I buy it!/
+Unfortunately, the Paypal account that Cecilia used to speed up the
+purchase procedures was empty. And also the connected debit card.
+Cecilia didn’t trust anyone, so she occasionally topped up a card that
+she used only for online shopping, but she completely forgot to do it.
+What bad luck!
+She stopped using the smartphone and moved to the laptop, it would have
+been faster, and also it was safer as it was set up for e-commerce. She
+hastened to reload the card, but it would take a few minutes even for a
+geek like her. Voila, now the balance was positive, and… “We are
+sorry, session expired”.
+She had to start over. It’s okay, okay. She reloaded the page. She
+repeated the procedure very quickly. She had checked, everything was
+perfect, but one last look is not bad… It is not possible! The price
+had increased by 15%, and after just three minutes, four at most!
+In any case, it remained a real bargain, and then it was exactly what
+she was looking for for the Christmas holidays. Michael would have
+appreciated the surprise. It’s okay, okay. /Click, I buy it!/
+“Sorry, the last seats at this rate have just been awarded,” the laconic
+warning annoyed her. “Hurry! There are still two seats at the smart 2
+rate!”, A new window appeared blinking on the screen to pressure her.
+It is not possible! Another 15% at least, Cecilia quickly calculated.
+She began to feel teased, but by now the idea of the journey had
+nested firmly in her desires and did not want to give up. /Click, I buy
+“You are redirected to your card’s 3D authentication system, the process
+could take up to 30 seconds,” yet another window warned. Ah, yes! She
+ran to get her cell phone, beep-beep, she received the password for the
+double check, introduced it in the white field, click, it’s done! “Thank
+you for your purchase. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as
+possible with all your data. Goodbye”.
+Cecilia had made it! But, wait… she spent almost two times what she
+thought at the beginning! How was this possible? She could not
+understand it, or even understand what had happened.
+* To Understand
+  :CUSTOM_ID: to-understand
+  :END:
+Why do prices vary so much on the web? Contrary to what some say, it is
+not easy to give a satisfactory answer to this seemingly banal question.
+Not all sites operate in the same way and few people have access to the
+mysteries of software that manage price fluctuations. 
+However, there are some basic principles. The most important are /yield management/ and
+Yield management: practiced by some airlines already long before the
+invention of the Internet, it is a marketing technique that is spreading
+in the transport sector, in the hotel sector and in many others.
+The main idea is to increase profits related to sales (“profit
+management”, /revenue management/) according to expected demand and
+changes in actual demand. An example instead of a long speech: if you
+are looking for two or three months in advance, it is quite easy to find
+a London-Loughborough train ticket for 25 £. However, this rate is only
+valid for a limited number of places. Once these tickets have been sold,
+a ticket can cost 39, 49, 59… up to 99 euros for the basic fare. 
+The closer we get to the train departure, the higher the prices will be. You
+may need to buy a seat in a higher and much more expensive class.
+On the other hand, you may happen to find discounted first class tickets
+that cost less than full fare second class tickets. In short, prices
+fluctuate. Furthermore, it is still possible that the ticket price may
+decrease as the departure approaches, in the event that for example
+there are still many unreserved seats. In practice the manager in this
+case will make a sort of “sale” at the last minute, to fill the
+available places.
+Other parameters often also come into play. If you want to travel during
+peak times, or during holidays or during the days considered high season
+for any reason, it will be difficult to find a discounted ticket.
+Profiling: based on the research carried out by a user (or by other
+users connected to it), the same product can be offered at different
+prices. The price of a good or service can also vary based on all the
+information relating to the user available on the platform on which he
+wishes to make the purchase.
+For example, a customer who visits the same offer multiple times can be
+considered a hesitant customer. The machine can raise prices so that it
+decides as quickly as possible for fear of losing a good deal.
+Some media have talked at length about IP tracking, i.e. identifying and
+tracking customers based on their IP address. However, it should be
+noted that this is just one of the many possibilities available to those
+who follow your every move on the web.
+* Good Practice
+  :CUSTOM_ID: good-practice
+  :END:
+Yield management is not illegal. In any case, it is very difficult to
+prove that you are using illegal profiling techniques to modify the
+offer. The sites that use it usually use proprietary and non-public
+algorithms, so it is impossible to establish general rules. 
+To find the cheapest tickets, the general rules are always the same: buy them in
+advance or try your luck at the last minute. Believing in the “magical”
+site that always offers the “best” rates can hide nasty surprises. Some
+sites charge higher prices (or administrative fees) at certain times
+(usually in the evening) or on certain days (for example on weekends),
+so be careful!
+The online sales sites have been designed to make you spend without
+thinking! They use all kinds of marketing techniques and field a
+plethora of tricks to make us feel like we are always making a good
+deal. But this is not always the case. 
+Among the simplest yet always effective techniques we find countdowns, for example: “this offer is
+still valid for 8 minutes, hurry!”, With the time that is inexorably
+elusive; but also persistent messages and proposals “just for you”. And
+remember: What is written on the screen is not always the truth!
+* A Word from the Hacker
+  :CUSTOM_ID: a-word-from-the-hacker
+  :END:
+A few simple tricks can help. In particular:
+- delete cookies and browsing history on the website: it is often enough
+  to magically bring prices back to the starting point
+- use two browsers: one to browse and check prices, one to buy
+- use the smartphone to check the prices and the computer to buy.
+  Warning! You don’t have to be logged in with the same account!
+- for other forms of tracking: use browser extensions and other tricks
+  to avoid, limit, distort, prevent tracking
+** Real Hackers
+   :CUSTOM_ID: real-hackers
+   :END:
+In order not to be localized starting from one’s own IP address, it is
+also possible to browse through VPN, which stands for Virtual Private
+Network. These real tunnels on the Internet make your traffic anonymous
+and therefore profiling impossible.
+Free VPNs are always impractical, they can hide honey pots or other data
+collection systems.
+Remember: “If it’s free, you’re the goods!”
+** A Pinch of Philosophy
+   :CUSTOM_ID: a-pinch-of-philosophy
+   :END:
+The idea that a deal can be excellent for those who sell as well as for
+those who buy is typical of a vague yet particularly virulent ideology,
+the liberal extremism known as /libertarianism/. This set of
+philosophical-political-economic doctrines affirms, among other things,
+the theory of /win-win/, that is, the possibility and the need to /win/
+in every economic interaction. 
+But we know from experience that this is not the case at all.

+ 145 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#+TITLE: News from a Dear Friend: Stuck in Africa
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Josephine turned on her shiny new tablet, a gift from her son Frank, to
+consult her email: for a long time now her day were beginning in this
+way, a sort of consolidated ritual since she retired. And since Frank
+had moved to the United States, the Internet had become the most
+convenient and cheapest way to communicate with her son.
+After some initial difficulties, Josephine had become familiar with the
+tablet and now she was perfectly at ease with these new objects that
+until a short time before gave her so much apprehension. 
+The joy she felt in seeing her grandchildren on the other side of the Atlantic in
+real time led her to often wonder if she could have endured that
+distance without the help of these new technologies.
+But that day a message in her box caused her great concern. It had been
+sent to her by Jane, Frank’s wife. Although they had always enjoyed an
+excellent relationship, they had sent two or three emails at most in all
+those years. 
+They preferred both face-to-face live video chats! The subject of the message had nothing reassuring: “VERY URGENT”. The
+content was alarming:
+  Good morning !
+  Hope not to disturb you? I am traveling to Africa and I have had a problem. I really need your help is very urgent.
+  Contact me soon by email.
+  Jane
+As a matter of fact Jane was often abroad for work. Josephine felt a
+little embarrassed, wondering why her daughter-in-law had thought of
+contacting her instead of contacting someone else. She tried to contact
+Frank on his cell phone, but he didn’t answer. Nothing strange: in the
+United States it was still late at night. 
+But since the stakes were really high, Josephine replied to that strange email to find out more.
+The answer was not long in coming:
+  Thanks for your answer, I am in a problematic situation. I wanted to talk to you, but I didn’t want you to tell someone else, because a very shameful thing happened to me. I will tell you in more detail when I return.
+  I was the victim of a very serious attack yesterday, in a neighborhood where they said it was dangerous, it is true. All my personal belongings were stolen: credit cards, cash, telephone, documents. I have no more money and I cannot make a withdrawal, in this situation I need your financial help very much. Could you lend me 1,500? With that I can pay the whole hotel bill, but any amount will be fine, I am in great need.
+  I contacted the embassy this morning but they haven’t helped me yet. I think they want to check the story, they are very cautious but I can’t wait for them, that’s why I’m contacting you to help me. For now I am not reachable, I connect to the Internet from the hotel.
+  Please send me a deposit with XXX, a cash money transfer agency that has offices here and this agency is in the post offices. For the transfer, use the information below. I have no more documents and I will not be able to withdraw the money if you do it on my behalf. You have to get it addressed on behalf of a nice person who wants to help me, but isn’t rich enough to lend me the money.
+  Here is his personal data for sending money: Surname: XXXX, Name: XXXX, City: Lagos, Address: XXXX, Country: Nigeria
+  Send me the references of the transfer as soon as possible (MTCN code, sender’s name, security question and answer and the amount sent) so I can collect the money.
+  Thanks so much.
+Frightened by what she had just read, Josephine ran to the nearest post
+office to make the payment. Of course, she wasn’t rich but she couldn’t
+refuse Jane such help. As soon as she got home she received a call from
+her son, in panic.
+“What’s going on mom? I saw you called me in the middle of the night!”
+“It was for Jane, she’s in Africa, she wrote me that she was having
+“But what are you saying, mom! She’s having breakfast right here in front of my eyes!”
+* To Understand, or How They Did It
+  :CUSTOM_ID: to-understand-or-how-they-did-it
+  :END:
+Fraud 419 (also called scam 419 or Nigerian scam) was widespread on the
+Internet. The name 4-1-9 was derived from the article number of the
+Nigerian code which sanctioned this type of fraud. 
+A “scam” usually came in the form of “spam” (message, email, and so on) in which a person
+claimed to have a large amount of money (millions of dollars in
+inheritance, bribes, money to launder, funds to be placed abroad as a
+result of a change in the political context and so on) and expressed the
+need to use an existing account to quickly transfer these alleged funds.
+The organizer of the scam asked the victim for help in transferring
+money. The victim therefore acted as figurehead for the operation, often
+presented as a good work in favor of persecuted politicians or people in
+difficulty in any case. 
+The operation had a certain cost, which the victim was called to cover (which represented the amount defrauded),
+in exchange for a percentage of the money that would have been
+transferred. If the victim agreed, she/he was gradually asked to advance
+sums of money intended to cover imaginary expenses (notaries, security
+companies, bribes, bank transfer costs and whatever else…) before the
+transfer was successful.
+Obviously, the coveted transfer to the victim’s account never took
+place, while there were cases in which several payments were made to the
+It was not difficult to find very common types of letters of scam 419. A
+typical model:
+      First of all, please keep this conversation private. We represent the top management of the Federal Government Contract Review Panel of Nigeria and we intend to safeguard some funds that have been trapped here in Nigeria. In order to assist us in the commercial negotiation, allow us to receive these funds from abroad otherwise they would be frozen…
+The many who took the hook also lost thousands of euros.
+* The Word to the Historian
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-word-to-the-historian
+  :END:
+This kind of scam was certainly not born with the Internet.
+The oldest classic version of this scam is called /the Spanish
+prisoner/. The most remote traces date back to the fourteenth century,
+the era of the Reconquista of the Iberian peninsula by the very Catholic
+Spain, then in the process of being formed. 
+In this case, a letter was delivered to a nobleman in which the “Spanish prisoner” presented
+herself as a high-ranking girl kidnapped by the Moors. The nobleman was
+begged to deliver the ransom requested by the kidnappers to the bearer
+of the letter, who was obviously an accomplice in the scam. For this
+pious work, the nobleman was promised the hand of the prisoner…
+Similar versions exist in every age, among which the so-called /Letters
+of Jerusalem/ stand out, made known in the memoirs published in 1836 by
+the infamous Eugène-François de Vidocq, “ex” delinquent and convict in the
+Cayenne, who later became chief of the secret police in France in the years
+of the Restoration.

+ 168 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+% Created 2020-08-30 dim. 13:15
+% Intended LaTeX compiler: pdflatex
+\author{Vivien García}
+\title{News from a Dear Friend: Stuck in Africa}
+ pdfauthor={Vivien García},
+ pdftitle={News from a Dear Friend: Stuck in Africa},
+ pdfkeywords={},
+ pdfsubject={},
+ pdfcreator={Emacs 27.1 (Org mode 9.3.7)}, 
+ pdflang={English}}
+Josephine turned on her shiny new tablet, a gift from her son Frank, to
+consult her email: for a long time now her day were beginning in this
+way, a sort of consolidated ritual since she retired. And since Frank
+had moved to the United States, the Internet had become the most
+convenient and cheapest way to communicate with her son.
+After some initial difficulties, Josephine had become familiar with the
+tablet and now she was perfectly at ease with these new objects that
+until a short time before gave her so much apprehension. 
+The joy she felt in seeing her grandchildren on the other side of the Atlantic in
+real time led her to often wonder if she could have endured that
+distance without the help of these new technologies.
+But that day a message in her box caused her great concern. It had been
+sent to her by Jane, Frank’s wife. Although they had always enjoyed an
+excellent relationship, they had sent two or three emails at most in all
+those years. 
+They preferred both face-to-face live video chats! The subject of the message had nothing reassuring: “VERY URGENT”. The
+content was alarming:
+Good morning !
+Hope not to disturb you? I am traveling to Africa and I have had a problem. I really need your help is very urgent.
+Contact me soon by email.
+As a matter of fact Jane was often abroad for work. Josephine felt a
+little embarrassed, wondering why her daughter-in-law had thought of
+contacting her instead of contacting someone else. She tried to contact
+Frank on his cell phone, but he didn’t answer. Nothing strange: in the
+United States it was still late at night. 
+But since the stakes were really high, Josephine replied to that strange email to find out more.
+The answer was not long in coming:
+Thanks for your answer, I am in a problematic situation. I wanted to talk to you, but I didn’t want you to tell someone else, because a very shameful thing happened to me. I will tell you in more detail when I return.
+I was the victim of a very serious attack yesterday, in a neighborhood where they said it was dangerous, it is true. All my personal belongings were stolen: credit cards, cash, telephone, documents. I have no more money and I cannot make a withdrawal, in this situation I need your financial help very much. Could you lend me 1,500? With that I can pay the whole hotel bill, but any amount will be fine, I am in great need.
+I contacted the embassy this morning but they haven’t helped me yet. I think they want to check the story, they are very cautious but I can’t wait for them, that’s why I’m contacting you to help me. For now I am not reachable, I connect to the Internet from the hotel.
+Please send me a deposit with XXX, a cash money transfer agency that has offices here and this agency is in the post offices. For the transfer, use the information below. I have no more documents and I will not be able to withdraw the money if you do it on my behalf. You have to get it addressed on behalf of a nice person who wants to help me, but isn’t rich enough to lend me the money.
+Here is his personal data for sending money: Surname: XXXX, Name: XXXX, City: Lagos, Address: XXXX, Country: Nigeria
+Send me the references of the transfer as soon as possible (MTCN code, sender’s name, security question and answer and the amount sent) so I can collect the money.
+Thanks so much.
+Frightened by what she had just read, Josephine ran to the nearest post
+office to make the payment. Of course, she wasn’t rich but she couldn’t
+refuse Jane such help. As soon as she got home she received a call from
+her son, in panic.
+“What’s going on mom? I saw you called me in the middle of the night!”
+“It was for Jane, she’s in Africa, she wrote me that she was having
+“But what are you saying, mom! She’s having breakfast right here in front of my eyes!”
+\section*{To Understand, or How They Did It}
+Fraud 419 (also called scam 419 or Nigerian scam) was widespread on the
+Internet. The name 4-1-9 was derived from the article number of the
+Nigerian code which sanctioned this type of fraud. 
+A “scam” usually came in the form of “spam” (message, email, and so on) in which a person
+claimed to have a large amount of money (millions of dollars in
+inheritance, bribes, money to launder, funds to be placed abroad as a
+result of a change in the political context and so on) and expressed the
+need to use an existing account to quickly transfer these alleged funds.
+The organizer of the scam asked the victim for help in transferring
+money. The victim therefore acted as figurehead for the operation, often
+presented as a good work in favor of persecuted politicians or people in
+difficulty in any case. 
+The operation had a certain cost, which the victim was called to cover (which represented the amount defrauded),
+in exchange for a percentage of the money that would have been
+transferred. If the victim agreed, she/he was gradually asked to advance
+sums of money intended to cover imaginary expenses (notaries, security
+companies, bribes, bank transfer costs and whatever else…) before the
+transfer was successful.
+Obviously, the coveted transfer to the victim’s account never took
+place, while there were cases in which several payments were made to the
+It was not difficult to find very common types of letters of scam 419. A
+typical model:
+First of all, please keep this conversation private. We represent the top management of the Federal Government Contract Review Panel of Nigeria and we intend to safeguard some funds that have been trapped here in Nigeria. In order to assist us in the commercial negotiation, allow us to receive these funds from abroad otherwise they would be frozen…
+The many who took the hook also lost thousands of euros.
+\section*{The Word to the Historian}
+This kind of scam was certainly not born with the Internet.
+The oldest classic version of this scam is called \emph{the Spanish
+prisoner}. The most remote traces date back to the fourteenth century,
+the era of the Reconquista of the Iberian peninsula by the very Catholic
+Spain, then in the process of being formed. 
+In this case, a letter was delivered to a nobleman in which the “Spanish prisoner” presented
+herself as a high-ranking girl kidnapped by the Moors. The nobleman was
+begged to deliver the ransom requested by the kidnappers to the bearer
+of the letter, who was obviously an accomplice in the scam. For this
+pious work, the nobleman was promised the hand of the prisoner…
+Similar versions exist in every age, among which the so-called \emph{Letters
+of Jerusalem} stand out, made known in the memoirs published in 1836 by
+the infamous Eugène-François de Vidocq, “ex” delinquent and convict in the
+Cayenne, who later became chief of the secret police in France in the years
+of the Restoration.

+ 206 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#+TITLE: Cracked Software: A Very Bad Good Idea…
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Sarah had just finished her multimedia graphic training. Now she was
+ready to enter the job market. Sociable and good company, she had many
+friends on social networks, and an endless directory of telephone
+contacts. Many people had already asked her to do some minor graphic
+work. Where possible, in the past she had offered her work for free, as
+a courtesy, but then the studies had absorbed all her limited time and
+often she had to refuse to help. 
+But now things had changed. She intended to accept all the proposals that came to her, and to live off
+her talent by working independently.
+It is never easy to start a business. Administrative formalities can
+sometimes seem endless. And then to start off on the right foot you need
+to have the right equipment. It takes initial capital. 
+Regarding this point Sarah was lucky enough to be able to count on her parents. They
+had bought her a cutting-edge computer: ultra-fast processor,
+high-performance video card, top of the range RAM memory, SSD hard disk.
+A true racehorse. To top it off was an incredible screen. 
+Sarah’s parents wanted the best for their beloved daughter: thirty-two inches, a
+stunning resolution. The quality of the images it offered almost seemed
+to suggest that reality is in low definition. Indeed, it certainly was!
+Unfortunately Sarah’s equipment was not yet complete. Now she needed the
+software to express all her creativity. Thanks to her training, she had
+become an expert in a famous software suite, a set of specific programs
+capable of coordinating with each other. It was said to be the best
+thing for graphic designers. Sarah could not even imagine working with
+other programs, also because she wasn’t aware of alternative softwares.
+When she found out the price of the license, she couldn’t believe her
+eyes. She would have had to pay an impossible amount! Given the
+investment already made by her parents, she didn’t dare ask for their
+help again. It was really too much! Above all, she knew that it was
+possible to do otherwise, also because she had already done it with her
+old computer.
+Where money does not go, relationships can go. Sarah picked up the phone
+and called Maeve, an old school friend.
+“Hi Maeve, it’s Sarah! Look, I have a new computer, but I don’t have any
+software yet. Could you crack them for me?”
+“Um, you know, it’s becoming a little more difficult than it once was… but I think I might be able to help you, not without some effort
+anyway… See you tomorrow? 6 pm at your place?”
+Maeve was a real friend!
+“Ok, great! You are really great! I’ll buy the beers. Cool, see you
+tomorrow!” Sarah was super excited.
+The next day, as expected, Maeve went to Sarah’s house. She had prepared
+all the stuff the day before. So she arrived equipped with an external
+hard disk on which she had downloaded all the necessary softwares. Now
+they just had to find the updated crack. 
+She knew all the right sites. She just typed warez, crack, serialz or keygen, followed by the name of
+the desired software, to access a lot of results of the different search
+engines, more or less specific.
+It didn’t always work, but after trying and trying again, at the end of
+the day you were always going to find something useful. And with the
+activation codes, the appropriate procedures, the crack of the
+configuration files and so on, all the windows that prevented the
+installation of the softwares, or the block of advanced functions and
+other similar limitations, disappeared as if by magic.
+It didn’t take long for Maeve to find the right crack. Sarah was in
+seventh heaven. Great! Fantastic! The two friends were finally able to
+celebrate their victory against the malicious proprietary software. They
+had won!
+But the enthusiasm did not last long. A few days later, Sarah noticed
+some small changes on her computer. A somewhat disturbing search bar had
+appeared in her browser. It also seemed to her that more advertisements
+than usual appeared on her screen: “Lose weight in three days!”, “Become
+a millionaire in one click!”, “Find your soul mate” and so on. 
+At first, she didn’t worry about it; but with the passage of time she began to
+face increasing difficulties in living with these unwanted
+interruptions. It seemed to be at the amusement park, at the casino,
+with all the lights and colors and sounds that tried to pull her to
+their side, to capture her limited attention!
+Sarah tried hard to get rid of it, but she couldn’t. The thought that
+all that all that mess could be connected to the programs with which
+they had cracked the proprietary software suite never occurred to her.
+Among other things, it seemed that the computer chip had suddenly become
+slow… but how was it possible? Should she upgrade the hardware
+already? Buy more memory? A more powerful processor?
+Maeve once again came to rescue her. But she couldn’t get anywhere. She
+tried everything, from deactivating the plugin that seemed to control
+the anomalous search bar in the browser, to eliminating it; she tried to
+reinstall the browser, to change it… nothing to do. 
+The malware remained silently and tenaciously hidden in the very bowels of Sarah’s
+computer and it was now very difficult to be able to remove it, also
+because how could you bring the computer to the customer service with
+all the illegal software?
+* To Understand
+  :CUSTOM_ID: to-understand
+  :END:
+Using cracks, keygens and activation systems to crack proprietary
+software was no different than playing Russian roulette. Sometimes
+everything went smoothly, but often there was damage! These small
+executable files rarely delivered the keys to the more expensive
+software for free. Very often they took advantage of the accesses
+guaranteed at the time of their installation to install in turn all
+kinds of malware, viruses or Trojan horses. 
+An effective ploy to mask the scans of antivirus software; often README files even required that
+you had to disable the antivirus to ensure that the crack worked. As if
+to say: open doors and windows, we are coming to place some microphones
+and cameras in your home!
+Sometimes a simple visit to a crack website was enough to infect your
+machine. By the way, many were able to run scheduled scripts to exploit
+some security vulnerabilities on the target machines. Often the most
+malicious results were at the top of the search engine results. 
+But don’t think you can stay safe using peer to peer networks, such as
+bittorrent or the like: most of the time the crack was the same, spread
+everywhere. The same reasoning applied to the already pirated complete
+software (also called /warez/).
+Recall that then many countries in Europe and in the United States, the
+law imposed severe sanctions (up to several thousand euros of fines and
+two years in prison) for those found guilty of participating in computer
+piracy. In addition to the legal risks, the use of cracked software in
+the business context is pure madness in terms of IT security. If you
+have been warned about something you are half way to being saved.
+* Good Practice
+  :CUSTOM_ID: good-practice
+  :END:
+If you really have to use proprietary softwares, use the original
+software, even if it is expensive.
+In any case, why don’t you think about /open source/ alternatives or
+/free software/? In the vast majority of cases it is possible to obtain
+exactly the same result with these softwares and all this without paying
+a cent, at least not to install the program!
+Of course there are big differences. First of all, a collective
+assumption of responsibility, given that the proper functioning of open
+and free software requires the active contribution of as many people as
+possible. Possibly also through donations and incentives to be allocated
+to free projects.
+* Alternatives!
+  :CUSTOM_ID: alternatives
+  :END:
+You are interested in free software, but don’t know where to start? The
+French association Framasoft lists many free and free alternatives to
+the most popular software and services. In particular, it provides an
+easy-to-use database; just go to the following address and type in the
+name of a proprietary software which you are seeking alternatives for.
+The same association also offers free services, from cloud solutions to
+collaborative writing, from shared agendas to software /versioning/
+There are also independent servers that offer various services to
+related subjects, usually for political and non-commercial purposes.
+We remember that in any case that free does not mean free: financial
+support to associations and foundations engaged in the dissemination of
+free software is always welcome, we can all contribute. It is a matter
+of rolling up our sleeves, and not to assume that the only possibilities
+are those offered by proprietary software.

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
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+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#+TITLE: Fourth Day: Scams
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Wherein, under the rule of Rachel, there is talk of those who trusted… unrepeatable business prospects, stratospheric gains, exceptional
+savings, opportunities not to be missed. Matters of money, above all,
+but not only that. 
+Also to feel safe, at ease, capable, worthy of attention and listening.
+All this, once again, through the phantasmagoric technologies
+encountered in the first three days.
+That is to say: “I won’t fall in that trap, I’m not stupid!” And instead
+the humans were so predictable… the prospect of an unexpected,
+effortless gain, perfect to satisfy that greed brooding under the ashes
+of so many people; the illusion of being smarter than others and getting
+away with it; the belief of not having weaknesses or at most to know
+your vulnerabilities well and to know how to control them…
+The deceptions were primarily the result of humans’ desire to deceive
+themselves. Blaming the poor machines, commanded and controlled by
+clever humans, was just a classic scapegoat mechanism.
+Know yourself and take care of yourself, you only have one life to
+become who you are!, the wise, unheard were saying. But everyone was too
+intent on tangling with one another.

+ 220 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#+TITLE: Virtual Fiancé?
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+“Okay Nina, you know you can have your Facebook account, but you have to
+give me your login and password because I want to be able to have access
+and check that nobody takes advantage of you.” 
+Jean was talking to his fifteen-year-old daughter, Nina who, like all her peers, believed it was
+essential to have at least one social account.
+“But Daddy I’m embarrassed, I don’t want you to come in and read my
+“Believe me Nina I don’t want to read your chats either! It embarrasses
+me as much as it embarrasses you! But I have to be able to protect you
+if necessary, it’s full of dangerous people out there, they may pretend
+to be someone else and then take advantage of you!”
+“Mhhh… but you have to promise me not to go read my things and to
+access only in my presence!”
+“But this is not possible! It may be necessary for me to log in when you
+are away!”
+“Then no deal!”
+“Then no social!”
+A few hours and many negotiations later Jean and Nina finally reached
+an agreement. Now they were together in front of the computer, the girl
+typed in her email, password, and entered Taylor Swift’s profile.
+“Ah, is this the name you use on Facebook?”
+“Of course, Daddy, do you think I would use my real name? It’s lame!”
+Jean took a quick look at her friends: Shawn Mendes, John Holland,
+Crystal Cyrus, Perrie Edwards, Selena Gomez… Jean was not very
+familiar with the teen idols scene but he recognized some names and he
+was beginning to understand, especially from the photos that Nina
+published: that girl was certainly not her.
+Suddenly “Ding!” A notification and the chat window appeared at the
+bottom of the page: Justin Bieber. Nina blushed: “Daddy, just go away
+“No wait, I want to see more!”
+“No dad, leave me alone, I have to chat with Justin, come on! If I don’t
+answer right away, maybe he’ll leave the chat!”
+“And who is this Justin?”
+“He is my fiancé! But don’t worry! We’ve never met! He’s my virtual
+boyfriend, see? Each of us has a fake identity, we are who we would like
+to be, I want to be Taylor Swift and now I am engaged to Justin Bieber.
+Come on, he promised to take me shopping today, leave me alone!”
+Not convinced at all, Jean left the room to leave his daughter to her
+privacy, but promised himself to better understand this story of the
+fake profiles… it sounded really bad. Who was really behind that
+virtual little friend?
+Nina, together with many boys and girls of her age, had created a world
+of parallel identities on Facebook. A game where they had built their
+reality: they got engaged, married, have jobs, go to dinner together or
+to the cinema or go shopping but always inside the social network. It
+was a real world simulation game where the girl from the suburb could
+imagine herself as a rich heiress hanging out with the most famous stars
+of the moment.
+Nina, /alias/ Taylor Swift, had been engaged for a few weeks with Justin
+Bieber. They chatted for hours telling each other about their imaginary
+days and planning their life, they had decided to go to live together in
+his loft in London; he had given her an engagement ring that stood out
+gloriously in her timeline enriched by many likes and hearts. Not to
+mention the complimentary comments from their entire network of rich and
+famous friends.
+Jean was struggling to understand, he had talked about it with Nina’s
+mother: “Be cool Jean,” she said, “It’s just a game between kids… and
+anyway… what is all this caring now? You even don’t live with us!” So
+according to Martha Nina wasn’t in danger at all, however Jean could not
+relax but he had promised Nina not to read her chat…
+One day while picking up Ruth, the youngest daughter, to bring her to
+skate class, Jean met Nina who was running out, on her lips a shadow
+of lipstick, make up on her eyes…
+“Hey, how come the hurry! Where are you going, girl?”
+“I have a date, Justin and I finally decided to meet, I’m late, I’m
+late!!” The girl shouted disappearing down the stairs. Jean gaped at
+Martha who was waiting for him in the doorway with little Ruth.
+“But what…” Jean said in amazement, “but do you let her go out with
+someone she only met on Facebook? Are you crazy? What if he is an adult
+man? A maniac? A rapist? A pedophile?”
+“You worry too much Jean. Listen, I trust our daughter, she’s not
+clueless, I told her to meet him in a public place and to leave and call
+us if she feels uncomfortable, however at 8pm she will be home again.”
+“Okay, okay… but at eight o’clock, as soon as she comes home, she
+must call me otherwise I’ll go looking for her! I will enter her profile
+and read the chat with this pervert and go looking for her!”
+It seemed like endless hours but at 8pm in the evening the phone finally
+rang: “Hi dad,”
+“Nina! Everything good? Are you OK?”
+“Sure dad… mom says I had to call you…”
+“Did this Justin Bieber do well? What did he do to you? What happened?”
+“Nothing dad, we went to eat ice cream, we chatted a lot, Louise is
+toooo nice!”
+“Yes, Louise, she is Justin Bieber, look dad, we get along really well!
+She is in third high school, like me, but she lives in Southend, she is
+she’s really nice, we have the same tastes in everything, she says that
+at school she doesn’t have many friends because they tease her because
+she dresses like a boy, even if she doesn’t like males at all, but she
+has the same hair as Justin Bieber, exactly! Next week we will go to the
+cinema to see the film about Justin…” Nina was a flow of words, she
+couldn’t stop talking about her new friend…
+Louise, 16 years old…
+“How beautiful are these kids,” Jean thought. And he felt a little
+proud… that daughter of him was just growing up well.
+* Understand
+  :CUSTOM_ID: understand
+  :END:
+Nina and her friends invent a way to play on Facebook without
+necessarily having to submit to its identity rules. They take advantage
+of the /filter bubble/ to create a virtual world inside which to play
+roles and invent games that are not gamified.
+Since the eighties of the twentieth century there have been numerous
+platforms that allow role-playing in virtual worlds. Some of these
+platforms, as for example the legendary /LambdaMoo/, are in text-only format.
+Others, such as the even more famous /Second Life/, are graphic. These
+are parallel worlds built by the users themselves.
+In the Zero and Ten years of the new millennium, the habit of using
+platforms of this type was increasingly lost to flow onto gamified
+platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok where the experience is
+already designed by the platform developers.
+In this beautiful story, our young friends have sought a way to bend a
+proprietary platform to their imagination.
+* The Social Media Manager Says...
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-social-media-manager-says
+  :END:
+It is increasingly difficult to have a fake identity on Facebook which,
+often upon reporting by other users, asks for an identity document to
+verify that the name we use on the social network corresponds to our
+personal name.
+Legally speaking, Facebook has no right to ask for documents and in fact
+takes care to say that we can safely delete sensitive data from the
+document before sending it to the staff. 
+In the FAQ, the Facebook team also explains that in case of need to remain anonymous (in case of being
+persecuted by someone reported as a stalker, or in similar situations of
+risk for personal safety) it will be possible to use a nickname instead
+of your personal name, which will still be communicated to the staff.
+* The Hacker Says...
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-hacker-says
+  :END:
+You can edit your ID using a graphics program, such as free GIMP
+software for Linux. Since Facebook does not have the right to ask us for
+documents and we do not have to send sensitive data, we can safely
+obscure the identity card number, the photo, the date of birth, the
+municipality of residence, and change our name and surname as we wish
+since at this point it will not even be an official document anymore!
+Be careful, however, because the Facebook team used to validate names
+could arbitrarily decide not to trust you and suspend your account
+* Look at the Moon, Not the Finger
+  :CUSTOM_ID: look-at-the-moon-not-the-finger
+  :END:
+Jean and Martha trust their daughter. They know that the world is full
+of dangers but they also know that bans are likely to be
+They decided that the only way to deal with unknown dangers is to turn them into assessable risks. So they try to build a
+relationship of mutual trust, which guarantees spaces of freedom
+necessary for the formation of an adequate world experience.

+ 192 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#+TITLE: The “I like” Technique
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+* Digital Natives
+  :CUSTOM_ID: digital-natives
+  :END:
+Angela had been taking care of her grandchildren since they were very
+young. Her eldest daughter, Francesca, gladly entrusted them to her;
+Angela was a good help, as Francesca was so absorbed by her daily
+routine, juggling work and a thousand other commitments. Her ex-partner,
+the kids’ father, had been living abroad for several years now; they
+were on good terms but certainly he wasn’t useful in raising them daily.
+As for them, Elm and Olivia were always thrilled to stay with grandma.
+When the little girl turned twelve, her father gave her a mobile phone,
+a /smart/ one, with a big touch screen, a nice camera, and the Internet
+connection. It was beautiful, it was called iPhone, and it had a pink
+cover to protect it from falling. So he could call her, or rather, video
+call her.
+Since the minimum age for using WhatsApp had been raised to sixteen, she
+had installed FaceTime, an app by Apple. Olivia was on cloud nine. She
+got into her cell phone that day, and a year later, she seemed lost in
+She didn’t like going to Grandma’s anymore. She said to her, “How
+boring here. You don’t understand anything about apps. Daddy is really
+cool! Look, he made me a TikTok account, from remote!”
+Angela didn’t understand. She saw her granddaughter shaking in front of
+the screen, trying to follow the rhythm of the song that was rumbling
+through her headphones, and she felt cut off. She was in a lot of pain.
+In fact even Elm, the eldest, had moved away a bit because of the
+computer: now he was spending hours playing Fortnite, an online
+role-playing game in which you conquer an imaginary island, as summarily
+explained to her a friend from yoga, Adele. 
+She sounded like an expert to Angela, since she talked about Internet stuff like she were perfectly
+comfortable with it, even if she was already in her 70s.
+She tried to read up. She discovered that her grandchildren, like all of
+their peers, were defined as /digital natives/, that is, individuals
+born together with digital technologies. A generation of people at ease
+with these technologies, as opposed to previous generations, defined as
+/digital immigrants/. But then what was her friend Adele? An old
+/digital native/? A cheater?
+“But what digital natives!” Adele burst out laughing when Angela asked
+her about her secret. “My son is a geek, he’s been playing with
+computers his whole life. He inherited it from his grandfather, who is
+my father, who repaired radios, TVs and sound systems. For me, these
+computers are no different from the machines that there were before.
+Just a little more fragile and complicated. And obviously connected!”
+But Angela continued to feel uncomfortable. She really hated those
+smart-things, she felt like they were replacing her in the
+grandchildren’s lives. Of course, she had to admit it: she knew several
+people who, just like her friend Adele, had become very clever geeks, to
+such an extent to engage in interpersonal relationships mediated by the
+digital devices: in short, they were dating people they met on online
+Somehow, some of her peers often found the interconnected multimedia
+realities more interesting and engaging than the disconnected
+situations: they had all the recognized digital media use and abuse
+characteristics that should have been peculiar to the so-called
+natives - both qualitative and quantitative. 
+Yet they were people born before TV - in the 1940s - not with the Internet or the Web! How was
+that possible?
+* The Point of View of Cognitive Neuroscience
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-point-of-view-of-cognitive-neuroscience
+  :END:
+All humans with a brain can become /digital natives/ because the brain
+is extremely plastic and changes very quickly in learning procedures.
+This does not mean at all that these people are capable of
+understanding, analyzing, modifying and teaching the procedural
+mechanisms that they repeat! The presumed generational difference
+between digital natives and digital immigrants is based on the confusion
+between different types of learning and memory, in particular between
+/procedural memory/ - or implicit - and /declaratory memory/ - or
+/Cognitive ergonomy/ is a matter of head, so as to say: body and habits.
+Thanks to digital media humans can decrease their cognitive load and,
+for example, delegate the task of remembering all the numbers of their
+address & telephone book. The /work/ they have to do (/ergon/, in Greek)
+is performed by the address book, which works through precise /rules/
+(/nomos/, rule). An indispensable help.
+We didn’t take any classes to learn how to consult the paper address
+book. And not even that of our phone, or the management of contacts on a
+social platform. Maybe we had to ask someone more geeky than us, we
+probably don’t know exactly how it works, but the important thing is
+that we reach the goal. 
+To achieve this, we will have to do a series of repetitive actions, namely, to go through a procedure. We follow the
+obvious traces in the algorithmic procedure interface designed for us by
+others. The procedure coincides with the steps of the /algorithm/ that
+lay beneath the interface.
+To simplify, let’s say that the organization of our cognitive system is
+mainly based on on /intuitive faculties/ and /reasoning/. Relying on
+/intuition/, all we do is interpret a context through patterns that are
+already part of our unconscious mnemonic baggage. The cognitive and
+computational effort is minimal, since we don’t have to think about what
+we’re doing. We act automatically.
+Instead the /reasoning/ requires a considerable cognitive effort, we
+must dwell on a problem, make a hypothesis, follow a sequentiality that
+requires a slow pace and full involvement. Intuition allows you to act
+and use a tool without being able to explain how it works, while
+reasoning can make us able to to explain exactly how something works
+without being able to use it.
+A violin expert may have no idea of how her own musculature works, but
+she knows how to use it perfectly. Conversely, by reading a manual we
+can be theoretically able to describe the steps to drive a tractor
+without being able to drive it in practice.
+* Practical Alternatives
+  :CUSTOM_ID: practical-alternatives
+  :END:
+By now Angela was convinced that she could manage to get by with that
+digital stuff. She reached out to Adele describing her problem.
+“You need to apply the ’like’ technique!” her friend exclaimed… “Here’s
+how it works: once you find out what you like, you try to find out a
+practical alternative. You like dealing with your granddaughter, right?
+But this FaceTime thing upsets you, as well as TikTok, right?”
+“Yes, that’s right. Imagine that I bought myself an iPad so I could
+install FaceTime. I just can’t understand the other one, but at least…
+Now when I call Olivia, she answers.”
+“Sure. So you need something to cover up the same functions: seeing each
+other through a screen, but without all those nonsense, like having to
+have an account and an Apple device… look, I use Jitsi with my
+grandkids living in Montevideo. That’s how it works: we make an
+appointment, with a time and an address. For example,
+https://meet.jit.si/nonna at 5.30 P.M. Central European Time. At this point,
+I open a browser, I type in the address, I enable the camera and
+microphone and zac!, I meet up with them. No login and password, no
+“All right, I’ll do it, but first let’s try together once. I don’t want
+to make a bad impression with something that doesn’t work.”
+“Of course it does. In fact, show me your tablet. There you go.” In the
+course of… a half hour, Angela had become familiar with the new toy.
+And it worked!
+Olivia initially grumbled a lot. Then she let herself be persuaded, and
+remained astonished. Maybe she could have used the same system to call
+her friends secretly… On FaceTime everyone was always there all over
+the place. Not to mention WhatsApp (of course she had an account even if
+she was younger than 16 years old) she couldn’t stand all those
+notifications anymore.
+Instead her grandmother’s system was simple, nobody knew about it and it
+was not related to the phone number, so it was necessary to make an
+agreement before. There was no way to send notifications to call someone
+who wasn’t already informed of the appointment: time and address.
+“Grandma, you’re a genius!” Olivia concluded.
+“Mostly I have a good friend!”, winked Angela with satisfaction.

+ 235 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#+TITLE: Synchronous or Asynchronous? This is the Theme!
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+* Communicate, Organize, Collaborate
+  :CUSTOM_ID: communicate-organize-collaborate
+  :END:
+Not to exaggerate… but Codicons Ltd. was in a difficult situation.
+Engineer Stephenson was at his wit’s end. For fifteen years he had been
+dealing with the communication sector and, between ups and downs, he had
+always managed, as he said, to “let information go through”; but now the
+ground was falling under his feet, as if things and people had gone mad.
+According to Stephenson, it all started with the arrival of Facebook. A
+company page had been created to maintain constant contact with
+customers. Since Codicons Ltd. offered consultancy in a dozen countries,
+the need to open localized versions of the company page soon arose, each
+entrusted to the local office of competence, or to external consultants.
+Of course, someone needed to moderate the pages, to avoid unpleasant or
+even hateful comments. On the other hand, the local offices
+independently decided to organize the work with WhatsApp groups, to
+avoid having to send a thousand emails and make a hundred calls just to
+approve the publication of a post.
+Often the shared documents, for example the images with which to
+illustrate the posts, were kept on the collaborators’ accounts: iCloud,
+or Google Drive, or even Dropbox, and why not OneDrive. Of course, since
+frequently it was necessary to work together on the same document, it
+was common sense the use of Google Docs: the changes were evident to
+everyone, you could also make comments, and there was no risk of missing
+something as often happened with email attachments.
+Not that the attachments had disappeared, on the contrary: simply
+another layer of so-called instant communication had been added. At this
+point someone thought it was appropriate to propose a container to
+organize all that communication: Slack seems the promiseland. It was
+possible to organize team communication through specific channels,
+accessible to the whole team or only to some members. In this way
+unnecessary noise should have been eliminated. 
+Then there were private individual chats or chats with two or more members. Notifications from
+all other tools, calendars or messages, file shares or email
+attachments, were happily grounded in Slack. Wonderful!
+Meanwhile, Stephenson was in a cold sweat. According to him, chaos
+reigned supreme. 
+Productivity had drastically decreased and, at the same time, the amount of time needed to carry out the most banal
+communication had risen impressively, due to the high number of steps
+and the impossibility of keeping everything under control. In his
+opinion, each new simplification procedure proved to be a further burden
+without any impact in terms of effectiveness.
+“Look here, Mrs. Linares,” Stephenson fidgeted, showing what looked like
+flowcharts to the CEO.
+“Let’s take the case of a simple post on one of our company pages, about
+the next Festival. To approve it, it takes an average of six main steps,
+not to mention further fragmentation. 
+Six: in addition to the OK from the local organization (one), a preventive check is required on the five
+most used cloud storage systems, to verify that the asset, image or text
+or anything else, has been approved by the communication group (two);
+then we need a broadcast communication on the appropriate channels
+inside Slack (three), which in turn convey information in real time to
+and from half a dozen platforms; but since not everyone has enabled
+reactive notifications, it is advisable to proceed with a couple of
+tweets and telegrams (four), in case someone was not listening on the
+other channels; an official email is sent for the archive (five); and a
+phone call to the operations manager who certifies everything (six),
+without having any control over it!”
+“Okay, okay, spare me the details. Does it work, at least?” Linares tried
+to cut short.
+“Damn it, it doesn’t work! In all this, the other day we noticed that
+the calendar was busted because some used it with visualization starting
+from Sunday, others with the week that began with Monday, and on
+different time zones, so the programming of the posts was total chaos!”
+Mrs. Linares, an energetic and outspoken woman, tended to underestimate
+the engineer’s concerns. She found him a little catastrophic. But lately
+it seemed to her that there was really something strange.
+How was it possible that they had gone from just mail + telephone to over twelve
+communication channels open simultaneously and still losing information
+in the process?
+* Understanding: the Technological Objects to Organize and Collaborate
+  :CUSTOM_ID: understanding-the-technological-objects-to-organize-and-collaborate
+  :END:
+The communication tools of that era could be divided into: /Social/ (FB,
+Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin…), /Messaging/ (SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram,
+Signal, Riot…), /Long Writing/ (Email, letters, registered mail),
+/Multimedia/ (Audio and video: telephone, VoIP, Skype…), /Analog/:
+meetings. Every day new systems were born to integrate the existing,
+more or less functional but certainly never decisive. 
+Everyone seemed to forget a basic distinction: the one between /synchronous/ and
+The /synchronous/ tools were characterized by the sharing of a so-called
+analog and / or digital platform which coincided with the common
+space-time. They also involved sharing a focus of privileged attention.
+Vice versa, the /asynchronous/ instruments saw the sharing of an analog
+and / or digital platform that did not coincide with a common
+space-time; moreover, they did not have a dedicated and privileged focus
+of attention: everyone remained generally focused on their own facts.
+This meant that, regardless of the promises of the tool, the structure
+of communication remained substantially unchanged according to the two
+Email was the typical representative of the asynchronous, and also of
+its derivatives (mailing lists and so on). It provided for non-immediate
+interactions (responses), a certain time of mediation. To remedy this
+perceived slowness, there was a tendency to compress time, favoring ever
+faster feedback cycles.
+This explains the role of notifications in the asynchronous world: to
+draw attention, with a consequent possible increase in background noise.
+You have a new message! Quick, answer! These characteristics of
+asynchronous communication made it suitable for structuring archives,
+because the search functions were rather simple to implement. An email
+always has a sender, a recipient, a time, a subject, a text with a
+beginning and an end.
+The meeting (/vis-à-vis/ consultation) was instead the typical
+representative of the synchronous world, as well as its digital
+derivatives, for example, video conferences. It provided for immediate,
+indeed overlapping, interactions, i.e. minimum or zero mediation times.
+To remedy the perceived excess speed, there was a tendency to relax
+time, favoring slower feedback cycles: in fact, shifts to speak were
+decided, to avoid talking over each other.
+The role of notifications in the synchronous world was therefore to draw
+attention, just as in the asynchronous world, but not to encourage
+interaction: on the contrary, it normally referred to silence, to reduce
+noise. /Please, people, one at a time!/ These
+characteristics of synchronous communication made it unsuitable for the
+structuring of archives, because quickly searching for interventions in
+recording a phone call or a videoconference was a cumbersome if not
+impossible operation.
+* Does It Depend on How You Use It?
+  :CUSTOM_ID: does-it-depend-on-how-you-use-it
+  :END:
+There are no /immediate/ (non-mediated) communications, especially with
+asynchronous instruments. “Instant messaging” was therefore a practical
+impossibility, which actually led to an uncontrolled increase in
+feedback loops. The spasmodic attention devoted to the famous “Whatsapp
+ticks”, those blue signs that appeared when the message was first
+received and then read, were a clear manifestation of it.
+And now the wise users will say: “Eh, but it depends on how it is used”,
+ready to claim an /anthropological conception of technology/, in which
+the central element of the interaction is the human.
+No, not entirely. Technological objects are not neutral, they are not
+irrelevant supports of human action. 
+/Non-humans/, on the other hand, have invariant structural characteristics, just as /humans/ have similar
+characteristics (metabolism, opposable thumb and so on). “Extreme” uses,
+stretches, are certainly possible, but require a greater energy
+So you can use a stone to stick a nail into a wooden board, but with a
+hammer it is less tiring, because the “hammer” tool has certain
+affordances that allow certain uses and limit others. On the other hand,
+you cannot use a sheet of paper to stick the same nail: it simply does
+not allow it, it does not have the necessary character to bring the
+interaction to a successful end.
+* Appropriate Technologies
+  :CUSTOM_ID: appropriate-technologies
+  :END:
+Stephenson attended a course in appropriate technologies and returned to
+Codicons Ltd. with a nice framework.
+The most juicy part, which he liked to show, read something like this:
+  ASYNCHRONOUS: it is useful for reflective communication (reflections), discussion, elaboration, research, archiving
+  SYNCHRONOUS: it is useful for operational communication (decisions), coordination, scheduling
+It took a long time and effort, but slowly things got better at Codicons
+Ltd. Nobody tried to decide the dates for meetings with instant
+messaging or email, having understood that the messages would multiply
+and then not be able to cope with them. 
+Instead, a synchronous system was used during the previous meeting; for those who were not present, a
+special page was created on an internal doodle tool, on the new
+corporate platform: a cloud on the corporate server, managed by the
+internal IT department (actually two people of good will), and not by
+some multinational who no-one knows where it was. All free software, of
+For the discussions, emails were mainly used again, with some
+precautions to self-moderate the interventions.
+All the shared files, images and materials were stored on the corporate
+platform in a common place. Organizing them was not easy, but it was
+worth it.
+And when a new one arrived at Codicons Ltd., and proposed a “fantastic
+communication tool” that would “solve every problem”, they left him to
+set up his business and play it alone for a while, until he got tired
+and asked “but how do you do it?” and then they explained it to him,

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#+TITLE: Fifth day: recreation
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+The fifth and final day begins.
+Finally, without any rule, during this days the stories are told of /who
+relied… on ideas shared and built together/; the desire to find new,
+intriguing paths, never definitive solutions, to confront problems as
+ancient as the world; to the enthusiasm of the game made for the
+pleasure of playing, without prizes or awards.
+The technologies, whether digital or analog, had become old friends.
+That is to say: “we are curious, and we want to see, understand,
+dismantle and rebuild. Rebuild and re-conquer us.” Humans who were not
+satisfied with the ready meal, the “così fan tutti”. Machines as
+street companions, from which to learn, to teach and above all, to play
+/Without illusions and without regrets. In transformation./

+ 59 - 0

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+#+TITLE: Conclusion and Farewell
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Noble people, very lovable friends,
+before closing this short book that has reviewed our recent past (we
+hope in a pleasant and never boring way for all of you), we want to
+answer some tacit questions.
+If you ever thought that we invited you to throw your smartphones into
+the sewers or to reject technology as it is today, then we have missed
+the target of our storytelling. The idea of rejecting our sisters’
+machines and our friends’ computers never crossed our mind. We are
+hybrid creatures who live in symbiosis with their electrical
+Also, through the stories collected here, we wanted to lift the veil
+that often prevents lovers from seeing each other for what they really
+are. Loving machines means knowing them, living with them. Playing with
+technology does not mean being played. 
+Technology can harm and benefit at the same time.
+The stories you have just read invite the most curious minds to
+understand which project is inscribed in the technologies that are used
+daily: lifting the veil that hides the face of the lover from our eyes
+could make him flee as happened to Psyche with Eros, but it could also
+allow us to invent our relationship from scratch by transforming
+ourselves, the other and the world that we inhabit.
+At least this was the intention with which hackers, nerds, artists,
+social media managers, poets and dreamers left the house that had hosted
+them during the darkest days of the Great Internet Plague. Each of them
+returned to their lives with the best intentions of transforming the
+world starting from the transformation of their relationships, both with
+organic and inorganic creatures.
+If they succeed we don’t know, but in the meantime the choice is made.
+Leaving now to all of you to say and believe as you like, it’s time to
+put an end to the words, turn off the screen and put to rest the fingers
+tired of typing on the keyboard. And if in some way you will benefit
+from what we have said, we like to imagine that you will think back to
+us and the time we spent together.
+If you ever feel the desire to tell us your stories of machines and
+humans we will be happy to hear from you.
+Write to info@circex.org

+ 186 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#+TITLE: The end
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Many other stories could be told of those times. 
+But now the cheerful company wanted to return to the city; after being together to tell each
+other stories they were curious to be back to the cities, almost
+anxious. Whatever had happened during their absence they knew there was
+much to do.
+Maybe the world wouldn’t have changed, but certainly they had changed,
+and that was enough.
+The fire was still crackling. Delia relit it for the last time, she
+looked around and sighed.
+“How do you feel? Are you all right?” asked Samir.
+“Yes, yes, just a little melancholy. Do you remember that guy who was
+obsessed with losing his loved ones…?”
+Quizzical expression on everyone’s face. Time for the final story.
+* Life beyond death
+  :CUSTOM_ID: life-beyond-death
+  :END:
+Marius Jacobi was born in Romania. In the early 10s of the 21st century
+he entered MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, the
+famous cradle of hackers. One bad day, a close friend of his died in a
+car accident. After his disappearance, Marius had seen and reviewed the
+videos of his public interventions, as if he were trying to have him
+back, to revive him.
+Slowly he came to the idea of virtual immortality. 
+In 2014 he founded /Eternime/, an app capable of creating the avatar of the beloved one
+passed away. In order to do this the app had to gather information when
+the person was still alive. The more information it collected, the more
+precise the avatar was: messages, geo-location, information extracted
+from other applications, photographs, messages, social posts, traces of
+purchases, biomedical sensors and so on.
+/Eternime/ stored life experiences and then reassembled them thanks to
+software. The avatar had the tastes of the deceased and was able to
+chat, it really felt like the original! Apart from the fact that it
+could not give you hugs and that it did not drink dark beer: however, it
+showed the same competence the missing friends had in terms of hopping
+and fermentation.
+A British TV series, Black Mirror, had made familiar the idea of the
+replacement android. In the first episode of the second season, /Be
+Right Back/, a young woman, devastated by the death of her partner,
+agrees to subscribe to a service capable of acquiring the guy’s digital
+life. Making him talk is the first step. After that, with the premium
+version, you can also get an android in plastic and circuits,
+indistinguishable from the original. Indeed, perhaps even better, more
+available, certainly more programmable…
+Other startups were born with the same goal, to realize the old dream of
+life beyond death. Usually the idea came out from a tragedy: in fact
+even Eugenia Kowalsky had lost a close friend, Jules, in a car accident.
+He was thirty years old, a life ahead. She missed him terribly, so she
+had collected tens of thousands of his messages and created a bot, a
+software program, capable of replicating the way Jules spoke.
+Thus /Replika/ was born. A sort of digital diary, a place where
+everything you wrote became a confidence made to a software that learned
+to know you. From a private experiment, it quickly became a business
+with millions of users.
+* The character of the avatars
+  :CUSTOM_ID: the-character-of-the-avatars
+  :END:
+They were called “Artificial Intelligence”, and they certainly exhibited
+intelligent behavior. On the other hand, in a world of people
+increasingly accustomed to relationships mediated by devices, screens,
+and sound waves, bodily presence was increasingly irrelevant; it became
+superfluous with the mass diffusion of virtual reality helmets, even if
+for humans obsessed with the body there were services to have an android
+identical to the beloved extinct delivered at home. Anyway people were
+already wondering on how these so-called intelligences would evolve
+their character.
+The only obvious thing was that the behavior of these avatars depended
+on the food they were fed, that is, the data. One of the first
+experiments known to the general public in this sense was /Tay/, a bot
+released in 2016 by the multinational Microsoft on Twitter (in China it
+had been preceded by /Xiaoice/ a couple of years earlier).
+Within a few hours /Tay/ was shut down, because, learning from other
+users, it had manifested a sexist language, it had begun to praise
+Nazism and, in really unbearable behavior for the United States, it
+liked to mock the police. Twitter users had trained it well!
+Meanwhile, the character of avatars was being studied at MIT. /Shelley/
+was born in 2017, it was capable of collaborating with humans in writing
+horror stories, in honor of course of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, known
+as Mary Shelley, author of /Frankenstein/. Its main database was
+Reddit’s r / nosleep channel.
+Shortly thereafter it was the turn of /Deep Empathy/, an artificial
+intelligence designed to increase empathy for the victims of distant
+disasters by creating images that simulate disasters closer to home. And
+finally they developed /Norman/, the first psychopathic AI (in reference
+to Norman Bates, of /Psycho/).
+The idea was simple and apparently entirely correct: the data used to
+train a machine learning algorithm can significantly influence its
+behavior. So when people talked about distorted and unfair artificial
+intelligence algorithms, the culprit was not the algorithm itself, but
+the distorted data that had been given to it. Following this principle,
+if an algorithm “trains” on a “wrong” (or “right”) dataset, its
+behavior will change.
+/Norman/ had suffered prolonged exposure to the darker corners of the
+Reddit bulletin board containing images of death. It was an artificial
+intelligence trained to formulate captions to images, that is, to
+describe an image. Norman tended to see death in any image, so much so
+that his answers to the famous Rorschach test (ink spots of varied
+shapes) were invariably “dead man under a train”, “shot woman”, and so
+There was, however, a fundamental error in this approach: the assumption
+that the technology was neutral and that it depended only on the type of
+data. Good data, good (human or artificial) intelligence. Bad data, bad
+(human or artificial) intelligence.
+Another item of evidence was completely missing: /technologies are
+tools, not data/. They are /ways of relating/, realizations of
+worldviews, /processes in the making/. They depend heavily on
+interactions, that is: all technologies embody, incorporate and tend to
+evolve and take to the extreme the ideologies of the people who created
+In the case of extremely complex mass technologies that involve
+interactions between humans and non-humans, ideological effects appear
+as natural conditions that have always been in place, while they are
+instead absolutely artificial, they are consequences of the adoption of
+those tools.
+* Who wants to live forever?
+  :CUSTOM_ID: who-wants-to-live-forever
+  :END:
+But beyond AI, who really wants to live forever? When I was teaching
+applied cybernetics, I always asked students during exams: if I could
+choose, red pill = I will die one day; blue pill = I will live forever,
+what would you choose? The most frequent answer was: but what do the
+others do? Do they live forever too? Well then I want to live forever
+This was the conformism that led to the Great Plague of the Internet,
+now we understand it: wanting to conform and yet wanting to stand out,
+wanting to be exceptional but without any effort, with a simple pill.
+As my old friend Naief Yehya said in the conclusion of his /Homo
+  The main risk imposed by technological development, regardless of the great and very rapid successes of science and technology, is to live in an era dominated by selfish utopias, marked by the promise to make life eternal (or at least to extend it without limits), to offer us a prodigious abundance generated by the new digital economy, and in particular to guarantee absolute freedom, not only from authorities, governments, states and institutions, but also from our fellow men [sic] and our own bodies. […] To what extent will concepts such as solidarity or brotherhood [sic] make sense for the digital and interconnected minds of the future? […]
+  Let’s assume that a mountaineer, before going on a hike, makes a backup, a backup copy of his own being, and stores it on a magnetic disk. The climber starts and faces excessive risks, he is the victim of an avalanche and dies buried in the snow. A couple of days later, the police notify his wife of the death. She, more annoyed than sad, thanks the officials and brings a copy of the magnetic disk to a cloning center, where they manufacture (thanks to a biopsy done to her husband) a body identical to that of the disappeared, after which they reprogram his mind with the disk. The climber regains consciousness. Once he learns of the frustrating outcome of his expedition, he apologizes to his wife for the hassle, thanks doctors and technicians, pays the bill and returns home to his new body.
+  There is no doubt that the prospect of changing bodies as you change cars or apartments is fascinating, but what will become of the human spirit in a world without old age where you can buy eternal life? Our species is defined through the preeminence and irreversibility of life cycles. Mortality is the certainty that every moment is unique, and that life is unrepeatable and precious. In a world from which human tragedy has been eradicated, dying without a trace will perhaps be the only revolutionary act.

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#+TITLE: Author
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+[[http://www.newmacchina.info/wp/][Agnese Trocchi]] is social media strategist, copywriter and storyteller. She has always been curious about our relationship with information technology and with the media, was videomaker and net.artist. 
+Her net.art and video art works have been exhibited in events and galleries around the world. 
+She deals with hacker pedagogy (conferences and training) with C.I.R.C.E.
+C.I.R.C.E. (International Research Centre for Electric Convivialities) proposes workshops of digital self-defence, hacker pedagogy, convivial informatics for all curious people to get to know each other better, and to get to know the machines they live with.
+for more info, write to info@circex.org

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#+TITLE: Vulgo
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+Vulgo is a F/LOSS toolkit for publishing and sharing books and other
+long-form texts over the Web.
+Making use of Free software and Free Licenses, Vulgo represents a
+sustainable and critical approach to sharing texts online.
+Its ambition is to coordinate tools and methods to overcome the current
+hegemony of corporate platforms in book diffusion. 
+The problem with the dominance of companies such as Google Books and Amazon is clear, when querying for a book on a search engine will most often show their results above those of the publisher itself. Vulgo's aim is to develop appropriate software toolkits designed to support publishers and authors outside of the bankrupt extractive systems of corporate giants and intellectual property law.
+Our workflow for online publishing is characterized by two main aspects:
+- Its publishing pipeline uses plain text and light markup formats as
+  inputs, and prioritizes HTML and EPUB formats as outputs, downsizing the role of PDF — an ex-proprietary format not appropriate for reading in the browser.
+- Its FLOShare function invites readers to help in the diffusion of texts,
+  by referencing to the original source. When you select a piece of text, a
+  pop-up appears to allow you to share it on social media or by mail,   including a backlink to the original text and a clear mention of the license.
+The combination of these two aspects constitutes Vulgo's first step towards
+a software ecology of hybrid publishing. The book you hold in your hands
+has been published via the Vulgo publishing pipeline both in paper form and in digital form at
+For more information on Vulgo, please write us at 

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#+TITLE: Acknowledgements
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../theme_lev1.setup
+First of all I thank C.I.R.C.E. without which this book does not
+would ever see the light. Many of the stories were born from our precious experiences around Italy and Europe with the formations of /Pedagogy Hacker/.
+Many thanks to Francesca Da Rimini, my precious proof reader, who helped to
+give birth to this English edition. I also thank to Diane and Elizabeth for their help with the proof reading too.
+I would like to thank my mother, first among our readers, for her constant
+support and for motivating us to include a section on “recreation”.
+Costanza and Fabio for their graphic look on the cover. 
+Giovanni Boccaccio, and Aldo Busi’s translation, for general inspiration.
+Delia Langstone, for her “law and ordure” speech, ASN5, Loughborough.
+CasAnostra for hospitality. XM24 for recreation.
+Nicola, for opportunity; Edo, for support. 
+Finally, I would like to thank the machines free from the captivity of the
+domination, the sister machines without which neither I nor C.I.R.C.E. would have could give birth to this collection. \\
+And, also, in order:
+markdown, GNU emacs, org-mode, SSH, alekos.net and lola and pacha-pedro2, fourier
+font, nextcloud, etherpad, thunderbird, vulgo-FLOShare and all the humans who have contributed.

+ 48 - 0

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+<nav class="navbar">
+<h2 class="titlenav">indice</h2>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="./stories/0-intro/index.html">intro</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="./stories/0-intro/1-introduction.html">Introduction</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/0-intro/2-poop-society.html">Prologue</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/1-AwayFromHome/index.html">AwayFromHome</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="./stories/1-AwayFromHome/2-IoT.html">A thing in the Internet of things</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/1-AwayFromHome/1-The-House-Of-Women.html">The House of Women</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/1-AwayFromHome/3-Valsusa4u.html">Valsusa4u</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/2-relationships/index.html">relationships</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="./stories/2-relationships/1-betrayed-by-the-smartphone.html">Betrayed by the smartphone</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/2-relationships/3-playing-or-be-played.html">Playing or being played?</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/2-relationships/2-the-echo-of-the-boss.html">The Echo of the Boss</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/3-sex/index.html">sex</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="./stories/3-sex/2-dating.html">Online dating</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/3-sex/3-deepfake.html">The “proven proof”</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/3-sex/1-too-much-trust.html">Too much trust = no trust</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/4-frauds/index.html">frauds</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="./stories/4-frauds/3-crackedsoftware.html">Cracked software: a very bad good idea…</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/4-frauds/1-crazyprices.html">Crazy prices</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/4-frauds/2-fromagoodfriend.html">News from a dear friend: stuck in Africa</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/5-recreation/index.html">recreation</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="./stories/5-recreation/3-synchronous-asynchronous.html">Synchronous or asynchronous? This is the theme!</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/5-recreation/2-The-ILike-tecnique.html">The «I like» technique</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/5-recreation/1-fakelove.html">Virtual fiancé?</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/6-conclusion/index.html">conclusion</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="./stories/6-conclusion/1-conclusion.html">Conclusion and farewell</a></li>
+<li><a href="./stories/7-acknowledgements/index.html">acknowledgements</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="./stories/7-acknowledgements/1-author.html">Author</a></li>

+ 48 - 0

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+<nav class="navbar">
+<h2 class="titlenav">indice</h2>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="../0-intro/index.html">intro</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="../0-intro/1-introduction.html">Introduction</a></li>
+<li><a href="../0-intro/2-poop-society.html">Prologue</a></li>
+<li><a href="../1-AwayFromHome/index.html">AwayFromHome</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="../1-AwayFromHome/2-IoT.html">A thing in the Internet of things</a></li>
+<li><a href="../1-AwayFromHome/1-The-House-Of-Women.html">The House of Women</a></li>
+<li><a href="../1-AwayFromHome/3-Valsusa4u.html">Valsusa4u</a></li>
+<li><a href="../2-relationships/index.html">relationships</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="../2-relationships/1-betrayed-by-the-smartphone.html">Betrayed by the smartphone</a></li>
+<li><a href="../2-relationships/3-playing-or-be-played.html">Playing or being played?</a></li>
+<li><a href="../2-relationships/2-the-echo-of-the-boss.html">The Echo of the Boss</a></li>
+<li><a href="../3-sex/index.html">sex</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="../3-sex/2-dating.html">Online dating</a></li>
+<li><a href="../3-sex/3-deepfake.html">The “proven proof”</a></li>
+<li><a href="../3-sex/1-too-much-trust.html">Too much trust = no trust</a></li>
+<li><a href="../4-frauds/index.html">frauds</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="../4-frauds/3-crackedsoftware.html">Cracked software: a very bad good idea…</a></li>
+<li><a href="../4-frauds/1-crazyprices.html">Crazy prices</a></li>
+<li><a href="../4-frauds/2-fromagoodfriend.html">News from a dear friend: stuck in Africa</a></li>
+<li><a href="../5-recreation/index.html">recreation</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="../5-recreation/3-synchronous-asynchronous.html">Synchronous or asynchronous? This is the theme!</a></li>
+<li><a href="../5-recreation/2-The-ILike-tecnique.html">The «I like» technique</a></li>
+<li><a href="../5-recreation/1-fakelove.html">Virtual fiancé?</a></li>
+<li><a href="../6-conclusion/index.html">conclusion</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="../6-conclusion/1-conclusion.html">Conclusion and farewell</a></li>
+<li><a href="../7-acknowledgements/index.html">acknowledgements</a>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="../7-acknowledgements/1-author.html">Author</a></li>

+ 26 - 0

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+<ul class="org-ul">
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="0-intro/index.html">Foreword</a></li>
+<li><a href="0-intro/1-introduction.html">Introduction</a></li>
+<li><a href="0-intro/2-poop-society.html">Prologue</a></li>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="1-AwayFromHome/2-IoT.html">A thing in the Internet of things</a></li>
+<li><a href="1-AwayFromHome/index.html">First day: away from home</a></li>
+<li><a href="1-AwayFromHome/1-The-House-Of-Women.html">The House of Women</a></li>
+<li><a href="1-AwayFromHome/3-Valsusa4u.html">Valsusa4u</a></li>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="2-relationships/1-betrayed-by-the-smartphone.html">Betrayed by the smartphone</a></li>
+<li><a href="2-relationships/3-playing-or-be-played.html">Playing or being played?</a></li>
+<li><a href="2-relationships/index.html">Second day: relationships</a></li>
+<li><a href="2-relationships/2-the-echo-of-the-boss.html">The Echo of the Boss</a></li>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="3-sex/2-dating.html">Online dating</a></li>
+<li><a href="3-sex/index.html">The Third day: sex</a></li>
+<li><a href="3-sex/3-deepfake.html">The “proven proof”</a></li>
+<li><a href="3-sex/1-too-much-trust.html">Too much trust = no trust</a></li>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="4-frauds/3-crackedsoftware.html">Cracked software: a very bad good idea…</a></li>
+<li><a href="4-frauds/1-crazyprices.html">Crazy prices</a></li>
+<li><a href="4-frauds/index.html">Fourth day: scams</a></li>
+<li><a href="4-frauds/2-fromagoodfriend.html">News from a dear friend: stuck in Africa</a></li>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="5-recreation/index.html">Fifth day: recreation</a></li>
+<li><a href="5-recreation/3-synchronous-asynchronous.html">Synchronous or asynchronous? This is the theme!</a></li>
+<li><a href="5-recreation/2-The-ILike-tecnique.html">The «I like» technique</a></li>
+<li><a href="5-recreation/1-fakelove.html">Virtual fiancé?</a></li>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="6-conclusion/1-conclusion.html">Conclusion and farewell</a></li>
+<li><a href="6-conclusion/index.html">The end</a></li>
+<ul class="org-ul">
+<li><a href="7-acknowledgements/index.html">Acknowledgements</a></li>
+<li><a href="7-acknowledgements/1-author.html">Author</a></li>

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#+TITLE: Sitemap for project vulgo-stories-eng
+- 0-intro
+  - [[file:0-intro/index.org][Foreword]]
+  - [[file:0-intro/1-introduction.org][Introduction]]
+  - [[file:0-intro/2-poop-society.org][Prologue]]
+- 1-AwayFromHome
+  - [[file:1-AwayFromHome/2-IoT.org][A Thing in the Internet of Things]]
+  - [[file:1-AwayFromHome/index.org][First Day: Away From Home]]
+  - [[file:1-AwayFromHome/1-The-House-Of-Women.org][The House of Women]]
+  - [[file:1-AwayFromHome/3-Valsusa4u.org][Valsusa4u]]
+- 2-relationships
+  - [[file:2-relationships/1-betrayed-by-the-smartphone.org][Betrayed by the Smartphone]]
+  - [[file:2-relationships/3-playing-or-be-played.org][Playing or Being Played?]]
+  - [[file:2-relationships/index.org][Second Day: Relationships]]
+  - [[file:2-relationships/2-the-echo-of-the-boss.org][The Echo of the Boss]]
+- 3-sex
+  - [[file:3-sex/2-dating.org][Online Dating]]
+  - [[file:3-sex/index.org][The Third Day: Sex]]
+  - [[file:3-sex/3-deepfake.org][The “Proven Proof”]]
+  - [[file:3-sex/1-too-much-trust.org][Too Much Trust = No Trust]]
+- 4-frauds
+  - [[file:4-frauds/3-crackedsoftware.org][Cracked Software: A Very Bad Good Idea…]]
+  - [[file:4-frauds/1-crazyprices.org][Crazy Prices]]
+  - [[file:4-frauds/index.org][Fourth Day: Scams]]
+  - [[file:4-frauds/2-fromagoodfriend.org][News from a Dear Friend: Stuck in Africa]]
+- 5-recreation
+  - [[file:5-recreation/index.org][Fifth day: recreation]]
+  - [[file:5-recreation/3-synchronous-asynchronous.org][Synchronous or Asynchronous? This is the Theme!]]
+  - [[file:5-recreation/2-The-ILike-tecnique.org][The “I like” Technique]]
+  - [[file:5-recreation/1-fakelove.org][Virtual Fiancé?]]
+- 6-conclusion
+  - [[file:6-conclusion/1-conclusion.org][Conclusion and Farewell]]
+  - [[file:6-conclusion/index.org][The end]]
+- 7-acknowledgements
+  - [[file:7-acknowledgements/index.org][Acknowledgements]]
+  - [[file:7-acknowledgements/1-author.org][Author]]
+  - [[file:7-acknowledgements/2-vulgo.org][Vulgo]]

+ 6 - 0

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+# -*- mode: org; -*-
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+ 131 - 0

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+#+TITLE: Vulgo
+#+SETUPFILE: theme.setup 
+*A F/LOSS toolkit for publishing and sharing books and other long-form
+textual materials over the Web.*
+Vulgo promotes a more sustainable and critical way of sharing textual
+contents over the Web. It uses FLOSS, Free Licences and plain text
+formats. It ambitions to coordinate tools&methods to overcome the
+hegemony of Google Books-Amazon in book circulation, which often appear
+above the publisher itself in search engines.
+Our workflow for online publishing is characterized by 2 main elements:
+1. it uses plain/markup text formats instead of PDF — an ex-proprietary
+   format not suitable for reading in the browser. Vulgo will work with
+   HTML, from a FLOSS publishing pipeline.
+2. it invites readers to help in diffusing texts. When you select some text
+   the FLOShare pop-up appears and helps you to share it on any web site.
+   It backlinks to the original text and clearly mention the license.
+We'll publish our collection of short stories Internet Mon Amour (IMA),
+relying on the Vulgo publishing pipeline (2 versions, emacs' org-mode and
+IMA presents stories of ordinary digital technological misuses and
+possible ways out. It's being used in [[https://circex.org/en][CIRCE]]'s workshops.
+** PDF and more with an hacker attitude
+The Vulgo project opposes the main mode of circulation of published books
+online: PDF.
+It also proposes a different approach from the usual non-proprietary
+oriented alternative to PDF-EPUB. Unfortunately this promising format is
+stuck in the struggle between the main web-browsers developers and the IDPF
+that publishes the EPUB standard, resulting in a refusal of adoption.
+Though we don't want to enter the politics of standard making, we know that
+despite its promises, the current EPUB format is:
+- not readable enough on our free-software systems,
+- difficult to use for non-tech people (you need to edit XML) 
+- definitely not shareable enough (you need an extensions to read an epub
+  file on a web browser).
+This is why Vulgo proposes another approach to publish and distribute
+open-license books online.
+There are many md-to-HTML publication systems available, such as
+https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ https://docsify.js.org
+https://docs.gitbook.com/ https://daux.io/.
+The issue with them, is that they are all centered on the production of
+technical documentation, and not oriented towards online reading of other
+textual materials. We want to rethink this workflow for book publishing
+rather than making manuals.
+Similarly, at first sight there is a vast number of initiatives and mature
+projects quite similar to FLOShare. For example some released FLOSS
+versions are https://maxart2501.github.io/share-this/ or
+https://estevanmaito.github.io/sharect/. The way in which most people have
+experienced these systems, though, is through many online news and
+newspapers websites.
+But the most used tools are subordinated to some specific corporate
+platforms, often burdened with too many sharing possibilities. These are
+too much focused on the destination, not enough on the source, and
+absolutely not on the sharing process. By recentering our tool on
+backlinking, and by giving importance to free licenses, we want it to
+promote a new kind of book circulation.
+Of course, taken individually, the elements of the Vulgo-Floshare project
+are all similar to existing projects. But we think that the way it
+coordinates existing elements in one easy-to-use-and-deploy toolkit could
+be meaningful. The overall attitude is a hacker one.
+The Vulgo workflow is being developed in order to provide an easy to
+use, text-centered tool to publish IMA and other texts on the web.
+** The Big Picture
+*** Distribute content, or PDF mania
+Every publisher wants to distribute some contents online. The choice,
+mostly for historical reasons, has fallen rightly on PDF. So there are
+the materials, and entire books available for download in PDF format.
+But the PDF is a great PRINT format, as you know. It's not easy to
+modify, it is not easy to extract the data, it is not even a free
+format. In today's world of mobile devices its limits are even more
+evident: try scrolling through a PDF on your mobile phone…
+*** The "preview" question
+Global "competitors", such as GoogleBooks and Amazon, often use other
+(and even more closed) formats than PDF; others, such as slideshows and
+similar portals, show directly the files (not infrequently, violating
+distribution licenses and copyright), but in general they all offer
+previews of the contents as a bait to buy.
+*** The diffusion of the link to the content (advertising and loyalty)
+These same systems use social networks to propagate links to the content,
+in the form of "like", "tell your friends that you have bought/read",
+"review", "leave feedback", etc. To create similar services for a situation
+like independent publishers seems absolutely impossible. The PDF readers
+are an example of difficult/poorly functional softwares which in any case.
+So usually you opt to pass the content on social media directly through
+your own account. And PDFs circulate without any regards to the source.
+*** Copy and paste?
+On the other hand, PDFs in any form are unlikely to allow copy and paste in
+a simple and comfortable way, so the posts on the social are relatively
+complicated to do. Most systems prevent with DRMs or greatly limits the
+copy-paste, in contradiction with the the desire to disseminate content in
+PDF format and have it read, and advertise this reading...
+*** The FLOShare way: help us make copy-paste!
+The FLOShare component of VULGO uses the copy-paste function to spread
+(a piece of) the content, providing backlinks to the original content.
+You are asking your readers to help you in the dissemination of your
+content, in your way (backlink to author, website, license, buy a copy,
+/drop us a line to have a demo of FLOShare at work!/













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