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<h1>Call For Nodes</h1>
<section id="intro">
<pre class="quote">
Hemos notado los últimos días las llamadas a derrocar el régimen lanzadas por
personas ocultas detrás de sus teclados
Les decimos que si quieren derrocar el régimen se enfrenten directamente a
nosotros en las calles, os reto a bajar a las calles, pero no vendréis, ya que
no habéis olvidado lo que paso ... Este régimen no sera derrocado por teclados y
Es parte de vuestros sueños, no vinimos de internet
¡vinimos a través de la sangre!
-- El Bechir presidente de Kasala (2013)
Anuncio en televisión al movimiento contra el golpe de estado y sus intentos de
organizarse a traves de internet
<h3>Piensa * (R)existe * Organiza</h3>
Reconocemos que ninguna infraestructura puede ser completamente autonoma, ya
que la autonomia es relativa al contexto. Discutir si las infraestructuras
autonomas, sean digitales o no, nos involucra en reconocer el contexto en el que
existen y a pensar nuestra relación con ellas. Este transhackmeeting tendrá
lugar en un contexto de resistencia donde podemos imaginar la decolonicación de
las tecnologías. Queremos abordar esta situación desde nuestra situación en
Europa y en Tarnac, tambien como desde la producción de tecnologías.
El transhackmeeting es autoorganizado, imaginamos que todas las presentes reflexionan en la práctica y producción del hacking.
<section id="propose">
<h3> Propon un nodo</h3>
<p> Para proponer un nodo para el THK puedes usar este template: </p>
<pre class="node.tmpl">
TITULO: [NODE] título corto descriptivo
AUTOR: Tu nick / identidad
DÍA: Cuando prefieres dar el nodo (opcional)
NECESIDADES: Proyector, mesa, bolis, teclados, humanos, ...
IDIOMA El idiome que quieres usar para tu nodo
TIEMPO : 1h / 2h / ...
DESCRIPCIÓN: Intenta explicar de que vas a hablar
y envianos un email a la lista de correo:
<br> <br>
<pre class="register"> thk AT autistici DOT org </pre>
te contestaremos por email con mas información sobre tu propuesta de nodo.
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">Mailing list</a>
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<h1>Appel à Noeuds</h1>
<section id="intro">
<pre class="quote">
"Nous avons remarqué ces jours passés que les appels à reverser les régimes viennent de personnes cachées derrières leurs ordinateurs.
Nous leur disons que si ielles veulent renverser le régime, il faut lui faire face dans la rue, que nous les défions de descendre dans les rues, mais vous ne viendrez pas car vous avez oublié ce qu'il s'est passé... Ce régime ne sera pas renversé par des claviers et WhatsApp
C'est dans vos rêves, nous ne sommes pas venu par Internet, nous sommes venus par le sang!"
-- El Bechir, Président du Soudan, de la vill de Kasala (2013), dans son allocution télévisée en réponse à un mouvement pour renverser le régime (un des effets non-identifiés du "printemps arabe") et sa tentative de s'organiser par Internet
<h3>Pense * Résiste * Organise</h3>
Nous reconnaissons qu'aucune infrastructure ne peut être complètement autonome, puisque l'autonomie est relative à un contexte. Parler d'infrastructures autonomes, qu'elles soient numériques ou pas, implique pour nous de reconnaitre le contexte de leur existence et de penser notre relation avec elles. Ce transhackmeeting aura lieu dans un contexte de résistance ou nous pouvons imaginer une décolonisation des technologies. Nous voulons répondre à cette situation depuis notre situation en Europe et à Tarnac, mais aussi par rapport à la production de technologies. Le transhackmeeting est auto-organisé, nous imaginons que toutes les personnes présentes réfléchissent à la pratique du hacking et sa production.
<section id="propose">
<h3> Proposer un noeud (talk)</h3>
<p> Pour proposer un noeud pour THK, vous pouvez utiliser ce template:: </p>
<pre class="node.tmpl">
AUTEUR-RICE: Votre pseudo, votre identité
JOUR: Quand vous préférez que le noeud se fasse (optionnel)
BESOINS: Projecteur, table, stylos, claviers, humains...
LANGUE Le langue fr/en/es/it/..
DURATION: 1h / 2h / ...
DESCRIPTION: Essayez de définir ce dont vous allez parler.
puis envoyez nous cet texte par email à
<br> <br>
<pre class="register"> thk AT autistici DOT org </pre>
Nous vous répondrons par email avec plus d'information sur votre proposition de noeud.
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">Mailing list</a>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<h2>August 9-13th 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
<h3>Call for Nodes</h3>
<h1>Call For Nodes</h1>
<section id="intro">
<p> We recognise that no infrastructure can be fully autonomous, since autonomy is relative to context. Discussing autonomous infrastructures would they be digital or not, engages us to acknowledge their context of existence and think our relation to it. This transhackmeeting will take place in a context of resistance where we can imagine the decolonisation of technologies. We want to address this situation both from our situation in Europe and in Tarnac, as well as from the production of technologies. The transhackmeeting is self-organized, we imagine that all person present reflects on hacking practice and production.
<b>Reaction of President El Bechir to the movement of opposition, and its attempts at getting organised through the Internet in 2013:</b>
"We noticed this last days the calls to topple the regime launched
from persons hidden behind their keyboards"
<pre class="quote">
" We tell them if you want to topple the regime face us directly in
"We heard these last days, calls to topple the regime launched
by individuals hidden behind their keyboards.
We tell them, if you want to topple the regime face us directly in
the street, I dare you to come down to the streets, but you will not
come, since you havent forgotten what happened ... This reigme will
not be toppled by keyboards and whatsapp"
come, since you have not forgotten what happened ... This regime will
not be toppled by keyboards and whatsapp...This is in your dreams, we didn't come trough the internet, we came through blood!"
" This is in your dreams, we didn't come trought the internet, we came
through blood !"
-- El Bechir announce on television.(in power since the military coup
of 1989) declared in the village of Kasala.
-- El Bechir, president of Sudan in the city of Kasala (2013), in his
speech on television in response to the movement for toppling the regime (one of the unoticed side-effects od the "arab springs") and its attempts at getting organized through the Internet...
<h3>Think * (R)esist * Organize</h3>
We recognise that no infrastructure can be fully autonomous, since autonomy is
relative to context. Discussing autonomous infrastructures would they be
digital or not, engages us to acknowledge their context of existence and think
our relation to it. This transhackmeeting will take place in a context of
resistance where we can imagine the decolonisation of technologies. We want to
address this situation both from our situation in Europe and in Tarnac, as well
as from the production of technologies. The transhackmeeting is self-organized,
we imagine that all person present reflects on hacking practice and production.
<section id="who-organizes">
<h3> WHO ORGANIZES? </h3>
<section id="propose">
<h3> Propose a node</h3>
The Transhackmeeting started with the will to bring together the Spanish and Italian annual hackmeetings. The Transhackmeeting happened twice in 2004 and 2007. This new event, 11 years later, takes pride in this filiation, and wants to gather hackers from across Europe in the central ground of Tarnac, halfway between the Southern hacklabs and the Northern hackerspaces. A group of people gathered during FOSDEM to organize the meeting, including one person from Tarnac who proposed the place. During 2017 surged the idea to reactivate the Transhackmeeting and through various gatherings and discussions in the hackmeetings and various European events emerged the plan to meet in Tarnac. Durante el año 2017 surge la idea de volver a recuperar el encuentro y tras diversas puestas en común en los hackmeetings y otros eventos europeos, se plantea un encuentro en Tarnac. Mid-May we went to Tarnac to meet the people there and study the feasability of making the event happen there. We were received like friends and found a welcoming and ready collective to harbor the resurgence of the Transhackmeeting.
<p> To propose a node for the THK you can use this template: </p>
<pre class="node.tmpl">
TITLE: [NODE] short desc title
AUTHOR: Your nick / identity
DAY: When you prefer to do the talk (optional)
NEEDS: Projector, table, pen, keyboards, humans, ...
LANGUAGE The lang you may use to speak during your talk
DURATION: 1h / 2h / ...
DESCRIPTION: Try to define what will you talk about
and send us an email to the ML:
<br> <br>
<pre class="register"> thk AT autistici DOT org </pre>
we will reply to you by email with more detail about your node proposal.
Traditionally the Transhackmeeting is self-organized, which means that you, as a participant, are part of the organization. The principal venue for THK organization is <a href="">the mailing-list</a>
By subscribing to this list, and coming to the transhackmeeting you are becoming part of the organization ;P
<section id="for-who">
<h3> FOR WHO? </h3>
<li>For the ones that develop techniques that are not meant to be.</li>
<li>For everybody that questions their relation to technologies.</li>
<li>For you that feel alien coming from Anarres to the current society.</li>
<li>For anybody that has been confronted to the problem(s) of technology on the way of getting organised aside or against the current order.</li>
<li>For those who are not confounding the vital need for techniques with the ever-expanding offer of technologies.</li>
<li>For those who would never be satisfied with having foreseen the disaster...</li>
<li>For witches, hackers, outsiders, the ghosts in the machines, ...</li>
<li>For those who question capitalist disorder and create alternate socialities.</li>
<li>For the living. For the non-conforming. For those who take sides. For our friends.</li>
<section id="why">
<h3> WHY? </h3>
<li>Because there is no technical solution to social and political problems, and because technologies are crucial to social and political transformation; this TransHackmeeting will federate our communities in resistance, in order to build a common understanding of the existing powers in place. Building from our forces we meet to share multiple singular technologies that emerge in context from our organizations.
<li>Because is more fun to talk in person than online.</li>
<li>Because we want to bridge networks, exchange between people from a non-techinical background, people critical of technology, and analog hackers (people hacking plants/ vehicles / houses/ etc.)</li>
<section id="when">
<h3> WHEN? </h3>
<li> 2-8 of August 2018 (pre-transhack) (build up) </li>
<li>9-13 of August 2018 TRANSHACKMEETING</li>
<li>14-16 of August 2018 (post-transhack) (tear down) </li>
<section id="where">
<h3>WHERE? </h3>
<p>TARNAC - <a href="" > GOUTAILLOUX </a>
<section id="practicalities">
<li> There will be food, but you need to be registered for it. </li>
<li> There will be an area for kids, so yes, you can bring your parents too. </li>
<li> Don't bring your pets with you, it's a farm with animals. </li>
<section id="finances">
<p> Free entrance - Nobody is remunerated for their activity </p>
<section id="register">
<h3> HOW CAN I REGISTER? </h3>
<p>Please register on the mailing list: <a href="">THK ML</a></p>
<section id="topics">
<h3>WHAT TOPICS?</h3>
<li>Autonomous Infrastructures (networks / servers / radio / ... )</li>
<li>Relation to people who are immersed into middle-east censorship agressions.</li>
<li>borders / refugees</li>
<li>Life embedded in technology</li>
<lI>BUGS in art history </li>
<li> Infiltration is also a creative strategy that has been used in different contexts, as effective attacks in art history and contemporary hactivism. </li>
<li>Digestion of situation and organisation of genealogies.</li>
<li>hacking is not only computers, is how you understand the world (medicinal plants, ...)</li>
<li>digital world and real world are not separated, not cybernetics way</li>
<li>question on what is autonomous infrastructures are</li>
<li>how we relate to technology</li>
<li>decolonization of technologies, don't have it as buzz word but as a question to ask, can technology be anti colonial, and how does it look</li>
<li>don't nerd it too much</li>
<li>references to <a href="">Ursula k. Leguin</a> (the peoples from Anarres?)</li>
<li>mention that we (might) want to do the reader</li>
<section id="translation">
<p> For translation, discussion have started with COATI collective from Barcelona to have all the necessary devices for direct translations, we will need voluntary translator, from/to different languages.</p>
<p> We are also looking at providing LSF / LSI translation when possible. </p>
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<h1>Call For Nodes</h1>
<section id="intro">
<pre class="quote">
"Abbiamo sentito negli ultimi giorni una chiamata per rovesciare il regime
una chiamata lanciata da individui nascosti dietro le loro tastiere
Noi rispondiamo loro, se voi volete rovesciare il regime affrontatelo
direttamente nelle strade. Vi sfido a scendere per le strade,
ma non verrete, perche' avete dimenticato che cosa e' successo..
Questo regime non verra' rovesciato da tastiere e whatsapp... Questo avviene nei vostri sogni, noi non siamo arrivati fin qui
grazie a internet, siamo arrivato qui col sangue!
-- El Bechir, presidente del Sudan nella citta di Kasala (2013), nel suo
discorso in televisione in risposta al movimento per rovesciare il regime
(uno degli eventi poco notati della "primavera araba") e del suo tentativo
di organizzarsi attraverso internet.
<h3>Pensa * (R)Esisti * Organizza</h3>
Riconosciamo che non e' possibile avere un infrastruttura completamente
autonoma, in quanto l'autonomia e' relativa al contesto. Discutere
infrastrutture autonome che siano digitali o meno, ci richiede un impegno a
riconoscere il contesto in cui esistiamo e pensiamo le nostre relazioni Questo
transhackmeeting avverra' in un contesto di resistenza dove possiamo immaginare
la decolonizzazione delle tecnologie che abbiamo intorno.
Vogliamo dare un senso a questa situazione a partire da diversi contesti, come
in Europa e come in Tarnac, cosi come vogliamo essere critici nel modo in cui
prodiciamo tecnologie. Questo transhackmeeting e' auto-organizzato. Ci
immaginiamo che tutte le persone presenti possano riflettere sulla pratica del
hacking e sulla sua creazione produzione e trasformazione.
<section id="propose">
<h3> Proponi un talk (node)</h3>
<p> Per proporre un talk puoi usare questo template: </p>
<pre class="node.tmpl">
TITLE: [NODE] piccola descrizione del talk
AUTHOR: Il tuo nick / identita'
DAY: Quando preferisci fare il talk (opzionale)
NEEDS: proiettore, tavolo, penna, creature, verdure, esseri umani..
LANGUAGE La lingua che userai durante il tuo talk
DURATION: 1h / 2h / ...
DESCRIPTION: Prova a descrivere di cosa parlerai durante il tuo talk
E invia tutto via mail a:
<br> <br>
<pre class="register"> thk AT autistici DOT org </pre>
ti risponderemo alla tua email con tutti i dettagli relativi alla tua proposta.
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
- <h2>August 9-12th 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
+ <h2>August 9-13th 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<section id="intro">
<h2>FAQ: Frequent Asked Questions</h3>
<pre class="quote">
Aquellos que construyen muros son sus propios prisioneros. Voy a cumplir mi
función apropiada en el organismo social. Voy a desmantelar muros.
-- Ursula K. Le Guin
<section id="who-organizes">
<h3> ¿QUIEN LO ORGANIZA? </h3>
El Transhackmeeting empezó con la intención de acercar los hackmeetings anuales
hispanos e italianos. El transhackmeeting sucedió dos veces en 2004 y 2007. Este
nuevo evento, 11 años mas tarde, esta orgulloso de su filiación y quiere juntar
hackers a lo largo de Europa en el espacio de Tarnac, en medio entre los
hacklabs del sur y los hackerspaces del norte. Durante el año 2017 surge la
idea de volver a recuperar el encuentro y tras diversas puestas en común en los
hackmeetings y otros eventos europeos, se plantea un encuentro en Tarnac.
A mitad de Mayo fuimos a Tarnac a conocer a la gente de allí y estudiar las
posibilidades para hacer un evento allí. Fuimos recibidas como amigas y
encontramos un colectivo acogedor y listo para acoger el resurgimiento del
oh ¡si!
Al subscribirte a esta lista, y venir al transhackmeeting, has entrado a formar
parte de la organización ;P
-- lista de correo del THK
Tradicionalmente el Transhackmeeting es auto-organizado, lo que significa que
tu, como participante, eres parte de la organización. El espacio principal para
organizar el THK es la <a href="">lista de correo.</a>
<section id="for-who">
<h3>¿PARA QUIEN?<h3>
<li>Para las que desarrollan técnicas que estaban destinadas a ser.</li>
<li>Para toda aquella que se cuestiona su relación con las tecnologías.</li>
<li><i>Para ti, que te sientes extraterreste de Anarres en la sociedad actual.</i></li>
<li>Para toda aquella que se ha encontrado con los problemas de la tecnología en el camino de organizarse fuera o en contra del orden actual.</li>
<li>Para aquellas que no confunden la necesidad vital de técnicas con la oferta imparable de tecnologías.</li>
<li>Para quienes no están satisfechas con haber predicho el desastre...</li>
<li>Para las brujas, hackers, extraños, los fantasmas de las máquinas, ...</li>
<li>Para quien se cuestiona el (des)orden capitalista y crea sociedades alternativas.</li>
<li>Para las vivas. Las inconformistas. Las que han tomado partido.</li>
<li>Para nuestros amigos las personas que amamos y sus derechos digitales</li>
<section id="why">
<h3> ¿POR QUE? </h3>
Porque no hay soluciones tecnológicas a problemas sociales y políticos, y por que las tecnologías son cruciales en la transformación social y politica; este TransHackmeeting federará nuestras comunidades en resistencia, para construir un entendimiento común de los poderes existentes. Construido por nuestras fuerzas nos encontramos para compartir multitud de tecnologías singulares que emergen del contexto de nuestras organizaciones.
<li>Por que es más divertido hablar en persona que online.</li>
<li>Por que queremos puentear redes, intercambiar entre personas de trasfondos no técnicos, gentes críticas a la tecnología, y hackers analógicos (hackers de plantas/coches/casas/etc.)</li>
<section id="when">
<h3> ¿CUANDO? </h3>
<li> <b>[PRE]</b> 2-8 Augosto 2018 (pre-transhack)</li>
<li> <b>[THK]</b> 9-13 Augosto 2018 TRANSHACKMEETING </li>
<li> <b>[PST]</b> 14-16 Augosto 2018 (post-transhack) (asamblea, desmontar y decir adios)</li>
<section id="where">
<h3>¿DONDE?? </h3>
<p align="left">
Mundo > Europa > Francia > Tarnac
<pre> You.Maps.(Latitute=45.66708,Longitude=1.94990) </pre>
<p>La estación de tren mas cercana es Bugeat, puedes buscar billetes en <a href=""></a>. Vamos a organizar lanzaderas para recoger a la gente de la estación, pero informanos por la lista de correo de cuando vas a necesitar que te recojamos para que sepamos que hay que ir a por ti.</p>
<p><a href="" >MAPS: TARNAC GOUTAILLOUX </a>
<a href=""><img src="./map.png"></a>
<iframe width="100%" height="300px" frameBorder="0"
<p><a href="">See full screen</a></p>
<section id="practicalities">
<li> Habrá comida, pero necesitas registrarte</li>
<li> Si quieres puedes ayudar en la cocina y compartir tus recetas</li>
<li> El evento es auto organizado, no un hotel, limpia tus cosas</li>
<li> Habrá un espacio para peques, así que si, ¡puedes traer a tus padres también!</li>
<li> Habrá un espacio para padres, asi que si, ¡puedes traer a tus peques también!</li>
<li> No traigas tus mascotas, es una granja con animales.</li>
<li> Es una granja, por favor respeta a las criaturas a tu alrededor.</li>
<section id="finances">
<li> La entrada es gratuita - Nadie cobra por su aportación</li>
<li> Gratuito significa que tu también puedes sentirte libre de aportar lo que tienes </li>
<li> Libertad es aprecio, no te obligamos a hacer cosas, ¡pero eres libre de ayudar!</li>
<section id="register">
<p>Te puedes inscribir en la <a
href="">wiki</a> (user: anonima pass: aminona) </p>
<p> Puedes enviar un email a: </p>
<pre class="register"> thk AT autistici DOT org </pre>
<p> y si quieres participar y recibir actualizaciones apuntate a la <a
href=""> lista de correo</a> </p>
<section id="topics">
<li>Infraestructuras autónomas (redes / servidores / radio / ... )</li>
<li>Relaciones con la gente afectada por las agresiones de censura en oriente-próximo</li>
<li>fronteras / refugiados</li>
<li>La vida embebida en la tecnología</li>
<lI>BUGS en la historia del arte</li>
<li>Infiltración es también una estrategia que ha sido usada en diferentes contextos, como ataques efectivos en la historia del arte y el activismo contemporáneo.</li>
<li>Digestión de la situación y organización de genealogías.</li>
<li>hacking no es solo ordenadores, como entendemos el mundo (plantas medicinales, ...)</li>
<li>El mundo digital y el mundo real no están separados, no de la forma cybernética</li>
<li>Preguntarse como son las infraestructuras autónomas</li>
<li>Como nos relacionamos con la tecnología</li>
<li>Descolonización de las tecnologias, no como un sello sino como una pregunta, puede la tecnología ser anti-colonial? Y a que se parece?</li>
<li>coistas que no son muy nerd pero preciosas</li>
<li>Referencias a libros anarquistas como <a href="">Ursula k. Leguin</a> (the Dispossessed)</li>
<li>Libros y frases que queremos comprarir entre nos otras, experiencias y realidad que discobrimos dentro de algun libro</li>
<section id="translation">
<h2>IDIOMAS? </h2>
<h3>¿Que idioma hablaran?</h3>
Este es un evento trans cultural, habrá diferentes idiomas mezclados entre si: el ingles será solo uno de ellos junto con el italiano, python, frances, perl, español y muchos más ...
<h3> ¿Que idiomas hablas? </h3>
Por traduciones, discusiones hemos hablado con el colectivo COATI de Barcelona
para tener todo los dispositivos necesarios para hacer una traducion simultanea
necessitamos de voluntarios y voluntiarias que quieren ayudar con la traducion en diferentes idiomas
<h3>¿Puedes traducir nodos?</h3>
Estamos mirando de proveer traduccions en lo posible.
Estamos buscando tambien una forma de hacer traduciones LSF / LSI donde posible.
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">Mailing list</a>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<section id="intro">
<h2>FAQ: Frequent Asked Questions</h3>
<pre class="quote">
Those who build walls are their own prisoners. I'm going to go fulfill my
proper function in the social organism. I'm going to unbuild walls.
-- Ursula K. Le Guin
<section id="who-organizes">
<h3> QUI ORGANISE?</h3>
Le Transhackmeeting a commencé avec la volonté de regrouper les hackmeetings
annuels italiens et espagnols. Le Transhackmeeting a eu lieu deux fois en 2004
et 2007. Ce nouvel évènement, 11 ans après, est fier de cette filliation, et
veut regrouper des hackers et hackeuses de toute l'Europe dans le lieu central
de Tarnac, à mi-chemin entre les hacklabs du sud et les hackerspaces du nord.
En 2017 a surgit l'idée de réactiver le Transhackmeeting et lors de plusieurs
rencontres et discussions dans les hackmeetings et les différents évènements
européens a émergé l'idée de se rencontrer à Tarnac.
Mi-mai, nous sommes aller à Tarnac pour rencontrer les personnes ici, et voir
la faisabilité de cet évènement. Nous avons été recus en amis et avons trouvé
un collectif accueillant et prêt à héberger une résurgence du Transhackmeeting.
Oh oui!
En s'isncrivant à cette liste et en venant au Transhackmeeting, tu deviens une partie de l'organisation
-- THK mailing list
Traditionnellement le Transhackmeeting est auto-organisé, ce qui veut dire que toi, en tant que participant, fait parti de l'organisation. Le principal lieu pour l'organisation de THK est <a href="">la
<section id="for-who">
<h3> FOR WHO? </h3>
<li> Pour celleux qui développent des technologies qui ne devraient pas être</li>
<li> Pour celleux qui questionnent leur relation à la technologie</li>
<li><i> Pour celleux qui se sentent alien venant de Anarres dans notre société actuelle</i></li>
<li> Pour n'importe qui a été confronté aux problèmes des technologies en s'organisant en dehors ou contre l'ordre actuel.</li>
<li> Pour celleux qui ne confondent pas les besoins vitaux pour des technologies avec l'offre des technologies toujours grandissante</li>
<li> Pour celleux qui ne pourront jamais se satisfaire d'avoir prévu le désastre...</li>
<li> Pour les sorcières, étrangers, les fantômes dans les machines...</li>
<li> Pour celleux qui questionnent les désordre capitaliste et créent des sociabilités alternatives</li>
<li> Pour les vivant-e-s. Pour les non-conformistes. Pour celleux qui choissisent un camp</li>
<li> Pour nos ami-e-s, les personnes que nous aimons et leur libertés numériques</li>
<section id="why">
<h3> POURQUOI? </h3>
Parce qu'il n'y a pas de solution techniques à des problèmes sociaux et politiques, et parce que les technologies sont cruciales aux transformations sociales et politiques ; ce Transhackmeeting va fédérer nos communautées en résistance afin de construire une compréhension commune de l'existance des pouvoirs en place. En partant de nos forces, nous nous réunissons pour partager les technologies multiples et singulières qui émergent dans le contexte de nos organisations
<li>Parce que c'est plus fun de discuter en personne qu'en ligne</li>
<li>Parce que nous voulons faire des ponts entre des réseaux, échanger entre personnes sans connaissances technologiques, avec une point de vue critique de la technologie, et des hackers analogiques (personnes qui hack des plantes, des véhicules, des maisons etc.)</li>
<section id="when">
<h3> QUAND?? </h3>
<li> <b>[PRE]</b> 2-8 Août 2018 (pre-transhack) (construire, partager, organiser) </li>
<li> <b>[THK]</b> 9-13 Août 2018 TRANSHACKMEETING! </li>
<li> <b>[PST]</b> 14-16 Août 2018 (post-transhack) (assembler, démonter, dire au-revoir)</li>
<section id="where">
<h3>OU?? </h3>
<p align="left">
Monde > Europe > France > Tarnac
<p align="right">
<p><a href="" >MAPS: TARNAC GOUTAILLOUX </a>
<a href=""><img src="./map.png"></a>
<iframe width="100%" height="300px" frameBorder="0"
<p><a href="">Voir en plein écran</a></p>
<section id="practicalities">
<li>Il y aura de la nourriture mais vous devez vous inscrire pour en avoir </li>
<li>Si vous voulez, vous pouvez aider à cuisiner et partager vos recettes </li>
<li>L'évènement est auto-organisé, pas d'hôtels, vous lavez vos affaires</li>
<li>Il y aura un espace pour les enfants, donc oui, vous pouvez amener vos parents aussi !</li>
<li>Il y aura un espace pour les parents, donc oui, vous pouvez amener vos enfants aussi !</li>
<li>N'amenez pas vos animaux de compagnie avec vous, c'est une ferme avec des animaux</li>
<li>C'est une ferme, donc merci de respecter les créatures autour de vous</li>
<section id="finances">
<li> Entrée gratuire - Personne n'est rémunérée pour ses activités </li>
<li> Gratuit veut aussi dire de ne pas hésiter à offrir ce que vous avez </li>
<li> La liberté c'est la participation, on ne vous force pas à faire des choses mais n'hésitez pas à aider</li>
<section id="register">
<p><a href="">wiki inscrire</a> (user: anonima pass: aminona) </p>
<p> Vous pouvez envoyer un email à </p>
<pre class="register"> thk AT autistici DOT org </pre>
<p> Pour participer et voir les nouvelles, merci de vous inscrire sur <a href=""> la mailing-list THK</a> </p>
<section id="topics">
<li>Les infrastructures autonomes (réseaux / serveurs / radios / ...)</li>
<li>Les relations avec des personnes qui sont immergées dans les réseaux censurés du Moyen-Orient</li>
<li>Frontières et réfugié-e-s</li>
<li>La vie embarquée dans la technologie</li>
<lI>Des bugs dans l'histoire de l'art</li>
<li>l'infiltration est aussi une stratégie créative qui a été utilisée dans différents contextes, comme des attaques efficaces dans l'histoire de l'art ou dans l'hacktivisme contemporain</li>
<li>Assimilation de situations et organisations de généalogies</li>
<li>Le hacking n'est pas seulement avec des organisateurs, c'est comment comprendre le monde (plantes médicinales...)</li>
<li>Le monde numérique et le monde "réel" ne sont pas séparés, pas de facon cybernétique</li>
<li>La question de ce que sont les infrastructures technologiques</li>
<li>Comment on s'identifie aux technologies</li>
<li>Décolonisation des technologies, ne pas le prendre comme un mot buzz mais comme une question à poser, est-ce que la technologie peut être anto-coloniale, et à quoi ca ressemble ?</li>
<li>ne pas trop le nerd</li>
<li>Les références à <a href="">Ursula k. Leguin</a> (the Dispossessed)</li>
<li>Mentionnez que nous voulons faire partager de nos lectures et expériences de livres</li>
<section id="translation">
<h2>LANGUES? </h2>
<h3>Quel langue parles-tu?</h3>
Ceci est un évènement trans-culturel, il y aura différentes langues mixés
ensembles : Anglais sera l'un d'eux, avec italien, python, francais, ruby
perl, espagnol et tellement d'autres...
<h3>Vas-tu traduire les présentations?</h3>
Nous sommes également à la recherche de traductions en langues des signes si possible
Pour la traduction, la discussion a commencé avec le collectif COATI de
Barcelone pour avoir tous les dispositifs nécessaires pour les traductions
directes, nous aurons besoin d'un traducteur volontaire, de / vers
différentes langues.
We are also looking at providing LSF / LSI translation when possible.
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">Mailing list</a>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<section id="intro">
<h2>FAQ: Frequent Asked Questions</h3>
<pre class="quote">
Those who build walls are their own prisoners. I'm going to go fulfill my
proper function in the social organism. I'm going to unbuild walls.
-- Ursula K. Le Guin
<section id="who-organizes">
<h3> WHO ORGANIZES? </h3>
The Transhackmeeting started with the will to bring together the Spanish
and Italian annual hackmeetings. The Transhackmeeting happened twice in
2004 and 2007. This new event, 11 years later, takes pride in this
filiation, and wants to gather hackers from across Europe in the central
ground of Tarnac, halfway between the Southern hacklabs and the Northern
During 2017 surged the idea to reactivate the Transhackmeeting and through various
gatherings and discussions in the hackmeetings and various European events
emerged the plan to meet in Tarnac.
During 2017 pop-up the idea to restore the event between different groups
and other european groups and we plan a meeting in Tarnac.
Mid-May we went to Tarnac to meet the people there and study the
feasability of making the event happen there. We were received like friends
and found a welcoming and ready collective to harbor the resurgence of the
oh yes!
subscribing to this list, and coming to the transhackmeeting you
are becoming part of the organization ;P
-- THK mailing list
Traditionally the Transhackmeeting is self-organized, which means that you,
as a participant, are part of the organization. The principal venue for THK
organization is <a href="">the
<section id="for-who">
<h3> FOR WHO? </h3>
<li>For the ones that develop techniques that are not meant to be.</li>
<li>For everybody that questions their relation with technologies.</li>
<li><i>For you that feel alien coming from Anarres to the current society.</i></li>
<li>For anybody that has been confronted to the problem(s) of technology on the way of getting organised aside or against the current order.</li>
<li>For those who are not confounding the vital need for techniques with the ever-expanding offer of technologies.</li>
<li>For those who would never be satisfied with having foreseen the disaster...</li>
<li>For witches, hackers, outsiders, the ghosts in the machines, ...</li>
<li>For those who question capitalist disorder and create alternate socialities.</li>
<li>For the living. For the non-conforming. For those who take sides.</li>
<li>For our friends the persons we love and their digital freedom</li>
<section id="why">
<h3> WHY? </h3>
<li>Because there is no technical solution to social and political problems, and because technologies are crucial to social and political transformation; this TransHackmeeting will federate our communities in resistance, in order to build a common understanding of the existing powers in place. Building from our forces we meet to share multiple singular technologies that emerge in context from our organizations.
<li>Because is more fun to talk in person than online.</li>
<li>Because we want to bridge networks, exchange between people from a non-techinical background, people critical of technology, and analog hackers (people hacking plants/ vehicles / houses/ etc.)</li>
<section id="when">
<h3> WHEN? </h3>
<li> <b>[PRE]</b> 02-08 of August 2018 - pre-transhack: build up, share, organize </li>
<li> <b>[THK]</b> 09-13 of August 2018 - TRANSHACKMEETING!</li>
<li> <b>[PST]</b> 14-16 of August 2018 - post-transhack: assembly, tear down, say godbye </li>
<section id="where">
<h3>WHERE? </h3>
<p align="left">
World > Europe > France > Tarnac
<p align="right">
[TRAIN]: France > Limoges > Bugeat
[BUS]: --> Bugeat
<p>The closest train station is Bugeat, you can search for tickets at <a href=""></a>. We'll organize shuttles to pick people up from the station, but you should tell us in the mailing list so we know that we need to go for you.</p>
<p><a href="" >MAPS: TARNAC GOUTAILLOUX </a>
<a href=""><img src="./map.png"></a>
<iframe width="100%" height="300px" frameBorder="0"
<p><a href="">See full screen</a></p>
<section id="practicalities">
<li> There will be food, but you need to be registered for it </li>
<li> If you want you can help cooking and share your recepits </li>
<li> The event is auto-organized, no hotels, you wash your stuff </li>
<li>There will be an area for kids, so yes, you can bring your parents too! </li>
<li>There will be an area for parents, so yes, you can bring your kids too! </li>
<li> Don't bring your pets with you, it's a farm with animals. </li>
<li> This is a farm, please respect all the creature around you </li>
<section id="finances">
<li> Free entrance - Nobody is remunerated for their activity </li>
<li> Free means also you can be feel free to offer what you have </li>
<li> Freedom is partecipation, we don't force you to do stuff, but you are free to help!</li>
<section id="register">
<h3> HOW CAN I REGISTER? </h3>
<p> </p>
<p>Add yourself and register in the
<a href="">wiki</a> (user: anonima pass: aminona) </p>
<p> You can send an email to: </p>
<pre class="register"> thk AT autistici DOT org </pre>
<p> and if you want to participate and see updates you can register <a href=""> on the THK ML</a> </p>
<section id="topics">
<li>Autonomous Infrastructures (networks / servers / radio / ... )</li>
<li>Relation to people who are immersed into middle-east censorship agressions.</li>
<li>Borders / refugees</li>
<li>Life embedded in technology</li>
<lI>BUGS in art history </li>
<li>Infiltration is also a creative strategy that has been used in different contexts, as effective attacks in art history and contemporary hactivism. </li>
<li>Digestion of situation and organisation of genealogies.</li>
<li>Hacking is not only computers, is how you understand the world (medicinal plants, ...)</li>
<li>Digital world and real world are not separated, not cybernetics way</li>
<li>Question on what is autonomous infrastructures are</li>
<li>How we relate to technology</li>
<li>Decolonization of technologies, don't have it as buzz word but as a question to ask, can technology be anti colonial, and how does it look</li>
<li>Don't nerd it too much</li>
<li>References to <a href="">Ursula k. Leguin</a> (the Dispossessed)</li>
<li>Mention that we want to do share from our readings and books experiences</li>
<section id="translation">
<h2>LANGUAGES? </h2>
<h3>Which language you talk?</h3>
This is a trans-cultural event, there will be different languages mixed all
together: English will be just one of them as Italian, Python, French, Ruby
Spanish and many others..
<h3>Will you translate the talks?</h3>
For translation, discussion have started with COATI collective from
Barcelona to have all the necessary devices for direct translations, we
will need voluntary translator, from/to different languages.
We are also looking at providing LSF / LSI translation when possible.
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">Mailing list</a>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<section id="intro">
<h2>FAQ: Frequent Asked Questions</h3>
<pre class="quote">
Those who build walls are their own prisoners. I'm going to go fulfill my
proper function in the social organism. I'm going to unbuild walls.
-- Ursula K. Le Guin
<section id="who-organizes">
<h3> WHO ORGANIZES? </h3>
Il Transhackmeeting e' iniziato con il desiderio di riunire insieme
l'hackmeeting spagnolo e italiano. Il Transhackmeeting e' avvenuto due volte in
passato nel 2004 e nel 2007. Questo nuovo evento, 11 anni dopo, e' orgoglioso
della sua filiazione, e vuole raccogliere hacker di tutta Europa nel cuore
della terra di Tarnac, a meta strada tra gli hacklab e gli hackerspace del nord
europa. Un gruppo di persone raccoltesi al FOSDEM per organizzare un incontro,
inclusa una persona di Tarnac che ha messo a disposizione il posto. Durante
l'hackmeeting italiano del 2017 nasce l'idea di riattivare il Transhackmeeting
e attraverso vari incontri, meeting e discussioni dentro i vari hackmeeting e
altri incontri Europei nasce il piano di incontrarsi a Tarnac. A meta' maggio
siamo andati a Tarnac per incontrare le persone e studiare la possibilita' di
fare un evento di questo tipo nel cuore della Francia. Lì siamo stati ricevuti
come amici ed abbiamo trovato un collettivo pronto per far rinascere il
oh si!
iscrivendoti alla lista e venendo al Transhackmeeting
diventi parte dell'organizzazione :P
-- THK mailing list
Tradizionalmente il Transhackmeeting e' auto-organizzato, questo significa che tu
come partecipante, sei parte dell'organizzazione. Il principale mezzo di comunicazione
che usiamo e' <a href="">la mailing-list</a>
<section id="for-who">
<h3> PER CHI? </h3>
<li>Per chi sviluppa tecniche alternative laddove nessuno ci aveva pensato</li>
<li>per chi questiona il suo rapporto con la tecnologia</li>
<li><i>Per tu che ti senti aliena, arrivando da Anarres, in mezzo a questa società</i></li>
<li>Per chiunque sia stato a confronto con la tecnologia per risolvere problemi che vanno contro l'ordine costituito</li>
<li>Per chi non confonde le tecnologiche di cui abbiamo bisogno con quelle che invece vengono offerte per solo per espanderci</li>
<li>Per chi non sara' mai soddisfatta avendo visto che cosa puo' succedere...</li>
<li>Per streghe, hackers, sciamani, outsiders, per i fantasmi nelle nostre macchine...</li>
<li>Per chi questiona il disordine capitalistico e crea socialita' e mondi alternativi</li>
<li>Per chi vive, per chi non e' conforme, Per color che stanno al nostro fianco</li>
<li>Per i nostri amici e le nostre amiche, le persone che amiamo e la loro liberta' digitale</li>
<section id="why">
<h3> PERCHÈ? </h3>
Perche non c'e' una soluzione tecnica a problemi sociali e politici e
perche le tecnologie sono cruciali alle trasformazioni sociali e
politiche; questo TransHackmeeting vuole aiutare a federare comunita'
in resistenza, cosi da costruire una comprensione comune di quelle che
sono le forze e le potenze attive in questo momento. Costruire qualcosa
partendo dalle nostre forze, conoscendoci, condividento singole e
multiple tecnologie che ci permettano di far emergere il reale contesto
politico usando la nostra sola collaborazione.
<li>Perche' e' piu' bello e facile che parlarsi solamente online </li>
<li>Perche vogliamo creare ponti e reti, scambiare e contaminarci tra persone che non abbiano lo stesso background tecnico, persone critiche con la tecnologia e hacker analogici (persone, piante hacker, veicoli, case, eccetera..) </li>
<section id="when">
<h3> QUANDO? </h3>
<li> <b>[PRE]</b> 02-08 Augusto 2018 - pre-transhack: costruire, condividere, organizzare </li>
<li> <b>[THK]</b> 09-13 Augusto 2018 - TRANSHACKMEETING!</li>
<li> <b>[PST]</b> 14-16 Augusto 2018 - post-transhack: assemblea, smontare, salutarsi </li>
<section id="where">
<h3>DOVE? </h3>
<p align="left">
Mondo > Europa > Francia > Tarnac
<p align="right">
<p><a href="" >MAPS: TARNAC GOUTAILLOUX </a>
<a href=""><img src="./map.png"></a>
<iframe width="100%" height="300px" frameBorder="0"
<p><a href="">See full screen</a></p>
<section id="practicalities">
<li> Ci sarà cibo, ma devi registrarti </li>
<li> Se vuoi puoi cucinare e condividere le tue ricette </li>
<li> L'evento e' auto-organizzato, non e' un hotel, e si, ti lavi le tue cose</li>
<li>Ci sara' un area per i bimbi, quindi si, puoi portare anche i tuoi genitori!</li>
<li>Ci sara' un area per i genitori, quindi si, puoi portare i tuoi bimbi!</li>
<li> Non portare animali domestici con te, e' una fattoria con animali </li>
<li> Saremo in una fattoria, quindi per favore: rispetta tutte le creature intorno a te</li>
<section id="finances">
<li> Entrata libera - Nessuno e' pagato per l'organizzaione dell'evento </li>
<li> Libera significa anche che sei libera di offrire quello che hai </li>
<li> Liberta' e' partecipazione, noi non ti forziamo a fare cose, ma tu sei libero di aiutare!</li>
<section id="register">
<h3> COME MI REGISTRO? </h3>
<p> </p>
<p> puoi mandare una mail a: </p>
<pre class="register"> thk AT autistici DOT org </pre>
<p> e se vuoi partecipare e vedere gli aggiornamenti puoi registrarti <a href=""> alla THK ML</a> </p>
<section id="topics">
<li>Infrastrutture autonome (reti / servers / radio / ... )</li>
<li>La situazione e le relazioni che le persone hanno immerse nei conflitti e le agressioni in medio-oriente</li>
<li>Frontiere e rifugiati</li>
<li>La vita imbevuta nella tegnologia</li>
<li>BUG nella storia dell'arte</li>
<lI>Le infiltrazioni sono anche una forma creativa e strategica che e' stata usata in diversi contesti, come attacchi efficaci nella storia dell'arte e hacktivismo contemporaneo</li>
<li>Digestione della situazione attuale, organizzazione e genealogie</li>
<li>Hcaking non e' solo per computer, e' como comprendere il mondo (piante medicinali, omeopatia, yoga, ...)</li>
<li>Il mondo digitale e reale non e' separato, non ciberneticamente</li>
<li>Questionamento su cosa sia esattamente una infrastruttura autonoma</li>
<li>Come ci relazioniamo con la tecnologia che ci sta attorno</li>
<li>Docolonizzare le tecnologie, senza avere paura di chiedere o criticare, puo' la tecnologia essere anticoloniale e come sarebbe?</li>
<li>Non nerdare troppo</li>
<li>Riferimenti a <a href="">Ursula k. Leguin</a> (the Dispossessed)</li>
<li>Citazioni che vogliamo condividere dalle nostre letture o esperienze di vita</li>
<section id="translation">
<h2>LINGUE?? </h2>
<h3>Che lingue parlerete</h3>
Questo e' un evento trans-culturale, ci saranno diverse lingue connesse e
mischiate tra loro: l'inglese sara' solo una in mezzo al italiano, il
python, il francese, ruby, spagnolo e molte altre...
<h3>Ma tradurrete i talk?</h3>
Per le traduzioni abbiamo parlato con COATI, un collettivo di Barcellona
che ha tutto il materiale necessario per fare traduzioni simultanee con
dispositivi creati autonomamente, avremo bisogno pero' di volontari e
volontarie che abbiano voglia di tradurre da/a le diverse lingue.
Stiamo anche cercando persone capaci di tradurre alcuni talk con il linguaggio dei segni laddove possibilie
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">Mailing list</a>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<h2>9-13 AGOST de 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
<section id="cfn"> <a href="call-for-nodes.html"> CALL FOR NODES </a></section>
Fa diversos anys el contacte del hacking i la política va produir trobades i
espais locals a diverses localitzacions europees amb l'objectiu d'expressar-se
i compartir idees (exemples dels quals són la hackON, Noise^2, Backbone, els
hackmeetings italians e (h)ibérics, ...).
Pensem que seria genial portar la flama comunitària i la visió crítica que
empenta aquestes experiències a un nou nivell, com per exemple fa anys a Pula
Us proposem a les que compartiu les nostres formes de fer, autogestionades i
sense institucions, que us subscriviu a la llista de correu THK. Construïm una
trobada al territori europeu al voltant del hacking i la política, per així
poder compartir experiències i idees sense estar confinades a fronteres
polítiques i/o lingüístiques.
<h3><p align="right"></p></h3>
<li><strong>Wiki:</strong><a href=""> FIKI el trans hack wiki cybersexy!</a>
<li><strong>List:</strong><a href=""> lista de correo THK</a>
Moltes gràcies a les que ens inspiren:
<li> <a href=""> Femhack </a> - blog femhackmeeting
<li> <a href=""> Hackon </a> - Esdeveniment hacker a Amsterdam
<li> <a href=""> Hackmeeting ES </a> Hackmeeting espanyol
<li> <a href=""> Hackmeeting IT </a> hackmeeting italiào
<li> <a href=""> Calafou </a> realitat utòpica post-industrial revolucionària
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">lista </a>
@ -10,10 +10,25 @@
<p align="right"><small><a href="index.html">english</a></p>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<h2>9-13 Agosto 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
<h2>9-13 Agosto 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
<section id="cfn"> <a href="call-for-nodes.html"> CALL FOR NODES </a></section>
@ -22,16 +37,20 @@ espacios locales en diversos lugares europeos donde expresarse y compartir ideas
(por ejemplo hackON, Noise^2,, Backbone, los hackmeetings italianos e ibéricos).
Pensamos que seria genial traer el espíritu comunitario y la visión critica que
empuja estas experiencias a un nivel superior, como paso hace años en Pula
Pensamos que sería genial traer el espíritu comunitario y la visión crítica que
empuja estas experiencias a un nivel superior, como pasó hace años en Pula
Os proponemos a las que compartís nuestra forma de hacer autogestionada sin
instituciones que os subscribáis a la lista de correo THK para intentar crear un
encuentro europeo al rededor del hackeo la politica. Para poder compartir
experiencias e ideas sin estar confinadas a fronteras políticas o lingüísticas.
</p> </section>
Os proponemos a l@s que compartís nuestra forma de hacer autogestionada sin
instituciones que os subscribáis a la lista de correo THK para intentar crear
un encuentro en territorio europeo alrededor del hackeo y la política para
poder compartir experiencias e ideas sin estar confinad@s a fronteras políticas
o lingüísticas.
<h3><p align="right"></p></h3>
@ -50,6 +69,6 @@ Muchas gracias a las que nos inspiran
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">lista de correo</a>
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">lista de correo</a>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<h2>9-13 Agosto 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
<section id="cfn"> <a href="call-for-nodes.html"> CALL FOR NODES</a></section>
Urteak dira hackeatze eta politikaren arteko nahasketak hainbat topaketa eta
gune lokal sortu dituela Europako toki ezberdinetan, non norberak bere burua
adierazi eta ideiak parteka ditzakeen (adibidez hackON, Noise^2, Backbone,
"hackmeeting" italiar eta iberiarrak).
Uste dugu sekulakoa izango litzakeela hona komunitate-izpiritua eta
esperientzia hauek maila altuago batera bultzatzen duen ikuspuntu kritikoa
ekartzea, duela urte batzuk Pula-n (Kroazian) gertatu zen bezala.
Gure jarrera autogestionatu eta ez-instituzionala partekatzen duzuenoi
proposatzen ari gatzaizue THK e-posta zerrendan sar zaitezten Europa
mailako hackeatze eta politikaren inguruko topaketa bat antolatzeko
asmoarekin, honela muga politiko edo linguistikoak alde batera utziz
esperientzia eta ideiak partekatu ahal izateko.
</p> </section>
<h3><p align="right"></p></h3>
<li><strong>Wiki:</strong><a href=""> FIKI el trans hack wiki cybersexy!</a>
<li><strong>List:</strong><a href=""> lista de correo THK</a>
Eskerrik asko gurekin inspiratzen dituztenentzat
<li> <a href=""> Femhack </a> - blog femhackmeeting
<li> <a href=""> Hackon </a> - Hacker gertaera Amsterdamen
<li> <a href=""> Hackmeeting España </a> hackmeeting hispano
<li> <a href=""> Hackmeeting Italy</a> Italian hackmeeting
<li> <a href=""> Calafou </a> errealitate utopiko postindustrial iraultzailea
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">lista de correo</a>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<h2>9 - 13 Aôut 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
<section id="cfn"> <a href="call-for-nodes.html"> CALL FOR NODES </a></section>
Depuis quelques années, le mélange de hack et de politique a donné lieu à de
multiples rencontres et creations d'espaces locaux dans lesquels s'exprimer et
partager des idées (par exemple HackON, Noise^2, Backbone, les hackmeetings
italiens et ibériques).
Nous pensons qu'il serait intéressant/génial d'élever cet esprit
communautaire ainsi que la vision critique qui motivent ces expériences à
un niveau supérieur, comme il en a été le cas il y a quelques années à
Pula, en Croatie.
Nous vous proposons, à vous qui vous reconnaissez dans notre approche
auto-gestionnaire et non-institutionnalisée, de vous inscrire à la mail
list THK pour tenter de créer une rencontre dans le territoire européen
autour du hack et de la politique, afin de pouvoir partager des expériences
et des idées au delà de nos frontières politiques ou linguistiques.
<h3><p align="right"></p></h3>
<li><strong>Wiki:</strong><a href=""> FIKI trans hack wiki cybersexy!</a>
<li><strong>List:</strong><a href=""> THK liste de diffusion</a>
Merci beaucoup à ceux qui nous inspirent
<li> <a href=""> Femhack </a> - blog femhackmeeting
<li> <a href=""> Hackon </a> - Amsterdam hacker événement
<li> <a href=""> </a> Hackmeeting Espagne
<li> <a href=""> </a> Hackmeeting Italie
<li> <a href=""> Calafou </a> réalité utopique révolutionnaire post-industrielle
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">liste de diffusion</a>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<h2>August 9-13th 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<h2>August 9-13th 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
<section id="cfn"> <a href="call-for-nodes.html"> CALL FOR NODES </a></section>
Since many years in several European countries the mix of hacking
@ -23,23 +42,29 @@ esxpres contents and share ideas (ex. hackON, Noise^2, Backbone,
Italian and Iberian hackmeeting)
We think it would be great to
bring the grassroots spirit and the critical view that drives these
experience to a furthe level, as it happen years ago in Pula
<p>We are proposing to whoever shares our self-managed
non-institutional grassroots approach to subscribe to the
THK mailing-list to make an attempt to create an European gathering on hacking and politics in
order to share experiences and ideas without being forced within political
or linguistic borders.</p>
We think it would be great to
bring the grassroots spirit and the critical view that drives these
experience to a furthe level, as it happen years ago in Pula (Croatia).
We are proposing to whoever shares our self-managed
non-institutional grassroots approach to subscribe to the
THK mailing-list to make an attempt to create an European gathering on hacking and politics in
order to share experiences and ideas without being forced within political
or linguistic borders.
<h3><p align="right"></p></h3>
<li><strong>Wiki:</strong><a href=""> FIKI the cybersexy trans hack wiki!</a>
<li><strong>List:</strong><a href=""> THK mailinglist</a>
<li><strong>Wiki: </strong><a href="">FIKI the cybersexy trans hack wiki!</a>
<li><strong>List: </strong><a href="">THK mailinglist</a>
<li>Telephone contact: +33 605672060</li>
A big thanks to those who inspire us
@ -50,7 +75,8 @@ A big thanks to those who inspire us
<li> <a href=""> Calafou </a> post-industrial revolutionary utopian reality
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">Mailing list</a>
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">Mailing list</a>
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<h1>Trans Hackmeeting</h1>
<h2>9-13 Agosto 2018 @ Le Goutailloux, Tarnac (FR)</h2>
<section id="cfn"> <a href="call-for-nodes.html"> CALL FOR NODES </a></section>
Da molti anni in diversi paesi europei il mix di hacking e politica ha creato
diversi incontri e spazi locali dove esprimerci e condividere le idee (ad esempio:
Hackit e l'hackmeeting iberico, il Backbone, l'hackON e Nois^2,...)
Pensiamo che sia fantastico portare l'autorganizzazione dal basso e la
visione critica che guida questi eventi ad un livello più alto, come è
successo qualche anno fa a Pula (Croatia).
Stiamo proponendo a chi condivide la nostra forma di organizzarsi, non
istituzionale, diretta, e dal basso, di partecipare alla lista THK
mailing-list per provare a creare questo Trans-Incontro per condividere
esperienze ed idee senza essere rinchiusi nei confini politici e nazionali
a cui non crediamo.
<h3><p align="right"></p></h3>
<li><strong>Wiki:</strong><a href=""> FIKI il cybersexy Trans Hack Wiki!</a>
<li><strong>List:</strong><a href=""> Mailinglist THK</a>
Ringraziamo chi ci ha ispirato:
<li> <a href=""> Femhack </a> - Il blog del femhackmeeting
<li> <a href=""> Hackon </a> - Evento hacker in Amsterdam
<li> <a href=""> Hackmeeting Spagna </a> hackmeeting hispano
<li> <a href=""> Hackmeeting Italia</a> hackmeeting italiano
<li> <a href=""> Calafou </a> Realtà Utópica Rivoluzionaria Post-Industriale
<a href=""></a> | <span class="copyleft">©</span> transhackmeeting 2018 | <a href="">lista email</a>
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